Ninety seven

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"Are you coming to my surgery today?" Meredith greeted Erin in the hallway a few days later.

"Of course I am," Erin said.

"Isn't that baby one more interesting for you?" Meredith raised her eyebrows.

"Well, no," Erin shrugged. "You're my sister. Your surgery is more interesting to me," she said.

"You're a really bad liar. You can go to the baby one if you want to," Meredith said.

"I don't want to. I want to go to your sheep surgery. I'm in surgery until like, an hour before. Providing there are no complications, I should be there right on time," Erin said.

Her pager beeped and she looked down, seeing it was Arizona for the pit.

"Okay, depending on what this is, I should be there right on time," Erin smiled at Meredith, kissing her cheek before darting down the hallway.

"What is it?" Erin said.

"We have a car crash vic and I figured you'd rather do that than go to April's shower. I wanted to give you the choice," Arizona whispered, motioning over her shoulder to where three red haired women were watching everything with wide eyes. "April's sisters. I walk really good, apparently, and their three legged cat reminds them of how much strength I have," she whispered.

Erin slowly looked over at them and then back at Arizona.

"You sure you don't want to go and I'll deal with the sisters?" Erin said.

"No, I can deal with them. And, anyway, you're gonna be taking a while off if we have a baby so I'll give you cool surgeries to make up for it," Arizona said.

"I love you," Erin kissed her and headed over to the bed where the patient was, gloving up straight away. "Okay, we need a CT and MRI, stat. What resident do I have?" she asked.

"Wilson, but she's with Alex's dad," Arizona said quietly.

"Oh, shit, okay. Uh, is Alex out of surgery?" Erin said.

"No," Arizona said.

"If I need you to assist, I'm gonna page. Be ready," Erin said.

"I will," Arizona nodded.

"My sheep just died," Meredith said into the speaker while Erin was in surgery. "And Cristina's consuit didn't go to plan," she said.

"Are you okay?" Erin said, clamping the bleeder.

"Yeah. It's all a part of progress," Meredith shrugged. "But Ross is an absolute dick. I swear, he's aggressive and mean and when I asked Cristina, she said I was blaming her for him trying to be more like her and I didn't say that at all," Meredith said.

"He has been quite snappy lately. I've been keeping him far away from peds in case he scares the kids," Erin said. "Lap pads, please," she said. "Thank you," she said.

"You're gonna be late for Kepner's shower," Meredith said.

"I'll be five minutes," Erin said.

"I'll save you a seat," Meredith said.

"Thanks," Erin said.

"This one is from your sisters," Arizona handed April a present.

"Oh, no, not that one," one of the sisters said. Erin had no idea which one was which because they all kind of scared her and not in a good way, either.

"We wanted to save that one, Duckie, to open in private," another said.

"Oh, my god. You guys, you-you actually remembered? You remembered how much I wanna wear mom's veil?" April asked, pulling the box open.

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