One hundred and thirty

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"I'm here, Warren. What's happening?" Erin hurried into the patient room Ben had paged her 911 to, pulling her gloves on as she went.

"Mommy, I'm scared," a ginger boy cried on the bed.

"His pressure's dropped. Getting central access," Ben said.

"Alright, get me an art line kit," Erin said.

"What's happening?" Bailey hurried into the room.

"It'll be okay, honey," the kid's mom said, smoothing his hair back.

"Mrs. Thompson, please, step back," Ben said.

"I'm sorry. He doesn't know you guys. He needs Dr. Karev. Where's Dr. Karev?" the woman said.

"Yes, uh, can we find out where Dr. Karev is, please?" Bailey said loudly.

"Mrs. Thompson, I'm Dr. Grey. I'm Dr. Karev's co chief of peds and I'm gonna take care of your little guy while we wait for Dr. Karev, okay? He's in good hands and I need you to trust me," Erin said, grabbing the kit from the nurse.

Mrs. Thompson stared at Erin for a few seconds before nodding, stepping back.

"Hey, little dude, I'm Dr. Grey, but you can call me Erin. This is gonna hurt a little bit and I know you're really scared, but you're gonna be okay," Erin said to the little boy.

"I'm Zach," he cried.

"Hey, Zach," Erin said. "You're gonna be okay, okay?" she said.

"Okay," he cried.

"I got your page," Alex hurried into the OR where Erin, Bailey and Warren were operating on Zach.

"Took you long enough," Bailey snapped.

"What happened?" Alex said.

"His appendix ruptured. He's septic," Erin said.

"Alright, uh, gown and gloves," Alex said.

"Uh, no need. Dr. Karev will not be scrubbing in. You're not touching this boy," Bailey said.

"Bailey, this is my patient," Alex said.

"Not anymore. You're off this case. Stapler," Bailey snapped.

A nurse handed Bailey the stapler and she stapled down, Erin carefully moving around her as they worked to save the boy's life.

Alex stared at them for a few seconds before storming out of the OR. Erin took a deep breath, hands shaking for a second before she pulled herself together.

"Grey?" Bailey said. "Are you capable of-"

"I'm fine. I'm fine," Erin said, voice tight.

"You don't look-" Ben started.

"Alex made a mistake by not checking on this kid and he will feel so guilty if this kid dies. I will feel guilty if this kid dies. So, stop asking me about my feelings and help me save this boy's life so that I know everything will be okay and I can breathe for a minute, okay?" Erin said.

"Okay," Bailey nodded.

Erin returned working, shaking her head when she looked at the condition of the boy's body.

"If he survives this, he's going to lose his kidney," Erin said.

"Possibly," Bailey said. "But I have a feeling you're going to work your Erin Grey magic and find a way to fix this," she said.

Erin frowned under her mask, nodding despite the ache in her chest.

She'd sealed her own fate by pushing the boundaries of surgery. Her reputation was going to destroy her and run her into the ground. And, the worst thing about the whole thing?

Baby Grey (Grey's Anatomy) ABANDONEDWhere stories live. Discover now