One hundred and twenty three

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"So, I need to talk to you," Erin met Maggie, Meredith and Amelia at the coffee cart the next day.

"Sure," Maggie nodded. "Everything okay?" she asked.

"Did you fall on your hip?" Amelia said.

"No, I did not fall on my hip," Erin said.

"So, that bang last night was you..." Meredith smirked.

"That was me falling onto my ass when Arizona dropped the shampoo bottle and told me to get it," Erin said.

"No sex?" Maggie said.

"Not in the shower," Erin shook her head.

"Right. So, what do you need to talk to us about?" Meredith said.

"Arizona and I were talking last night, and we kind of got onto the topic of babies and why she wanted another, but I said no, 'cause there's loads of shit that says it isn't the right time and four kids is a lot of kids to have pushed out of my vagina. I can't have five kids, right? And, let's face it, the universe hates me and I'll probably get slammed with triplets, next, so that's seven babies I've brought into this world. Eight if you include my dead daughter," Erin rambled.

The three sisters stared at her for a few seconds.

"And we're involved in this how?" Meredith said slowly.

"There's barely any room in the house. We were thinking of getting an extension. Two of them. One above the garage to add another room onto our floor, and another extension at the back that gives us like, two more rooms upstairs and another in the attic. It'll be way better for the kids growing up," Erin said.

"I'm down. Call a contractor and tell me how much," Meredith said.

"I'm down, too," Maggie nodded. "If that's okay?" she said.

"You live there, you get votes. It's like the wall thing," Meredith waved her hand. "Amelia?" she said.

"I'm down," Amelia shrugged. "But I am not doing any of the work," she said.

"Wouldn't ask you to," Erin grinned. "I'll call tomorrow," she said.

"Sounds good," Meredith smiled. "But, if we get this extension, you know she's gonna keep asking for this baby, right?" she said.

"I know, but it's not happening. Not now, anyway. Four babies is so many babies already. And we have your three in the house. Eight kids isn't a good idea with four adults," Erin said.

"Well, two kids per adult. It works," Amelia said.

"You're not helping," Erin pointed at either of them. "Maggie, be on my side, 'cause these two aren't, and I need some support," she said.

"Well-" Maggie started.

"Nope. No more babies. All done," Erin shook her head. "My vagina is done," she said.

"You could do a c-section-" Meredith started.

"Goodbye!" Erin laughed, walking away from her sisters to get back to work.

"You didn't even get your coffee!" Amelia yelled after her.

"I'll get it somewhere without the baby talk!" Erin smirked, waving as she disappeared around a corner.

"Callie's moving to New York with Penny," Arizona greeted Erin, Meredith, Amelia and Maggie at dinner the next evening. "And taking Sofia, obviously," she said.

"Oh," they said.

"Why?" Erin asked.

"Penny got the Preminger Grant," Meredith said.

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