One hundred and thirty two

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Erin woke up the next morning in her hotel room, phone vibrating on the bed beside her.

After her panic attack, she'd composed herself and spent an hour at the after party before lying that she had an early flight and needed to leave, heading back to the hotel and raiding the minifridge before falling asleep.

She'd not even looked at anybody's texts or answered their calls, planning on using the excuse she was drunk if they asked why she disappeared. She didn't want to worry anyone with news of her panic attack, not when she was supposed to be feeling on top of the world right now with her Harper Avery.

Erin groaned, grabbing her phone and blinking a few times as her eyes adjusted to the bright screen. She scrolled through the many notifications before clicking on Arizona's missed call, a new call going out to her. She put her phone to her ear, closing her eyes and burying her face in her pillow again.

"Baby! I'm so fucking proud of you!"

"Oh my god, why are you yelling?" Erin mumbled, pulling the phone slightly away from her ear.

"I'm talking at my regular volume," Arizona chuckled. "Are you hungover?"

"Clearly," Erin sighed. "I'm so tired. What time even is it?" Erin mumbled.

"It's, like, nine thirty. Your flight isn't until two this afternoon, so you've got time to sleep for a bit longer. You should get there at twelve, though. Maybe eleven. Did you get through everything quickly on the way there?"

"Yeah, only took me half an hour," Erin said.

"You'll be good to get there for twelve, then. And Mer is picking you up?" Arizona said.

"She's supposed to be," Erin said.

"She was in a mood all day yesterday. Amelia mentioned you two had a bit of an argument," Arizona said.

"She was projecting her Derek issues onto me for saying I was coming home to you," Erin said.

"Well, that's rude. Couldn't she have waited until after this weekend was over so she didn't upset you before you went on a plane... I mean, what did she say? Are you okay? Do you want me to pick you up? I can find-"

"I'm okay, and you don't have to pick me up. Actually, tell her I'll get a taxi home. I do not need  her being fake nice to me over this award when we're arguing," Erin said.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Arizona said.

"Not really. And it's not because I don't want to tell you. I do, but I know you'll probably get mad at her and go and shout at her and that'll make things worse, so I want to tell you in person, about fifty feet away from Meredith," Erin said. Arizona chuckled. "How are the kids?"

"They're pretty tired from staying up to watch you, but they're good. I sent you the video of their reactions, but Archie basically cried, and so did Zola, and Rueben just kept asking if this meant we got to have cake, and that got the twins, Bailey and Ellis really excited for cake. So, April baked a cake for us this morning that we get to have when you get home," Arizona said.

Erin laughed quietly.

"Sounds like my kids," Erin mumbled. "Archie, emotional as usual, Rue, focusing on his stomach as usual, and the twins, following in Rue's footsteps," she said.

"They're great kids. All I've heard out of Archie since he woke up is when will mama be home so I can give her a hug? It's adorable," Arizona chuckled.

"I can't wait to give them a squeeze. And you," Erin said.

"I can't wait to see you, either," Arizona said. "You sure you don't want to talk about Mer?"

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