One hundred and thirty eight

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Archie sat on the sofa in Bailey's office, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. Bailey herself was sat at her desk, having given her surgeries to Richard or postponed them so she could stay with Archie and wait for Arizona's call about whether or not Archie could visit his mama today.

"How long has it been since they got to mama?" Archie asked.

Bailey checked her watch.

"Well, they got there for nine, so, half an hour?" Bailey asked.

"How long will it be before they know anything?" Archie said.

"I'm sure it won't be long," Bailey said.

Archie nodded. Bailey sighed, opening one of her desk drawers and grabbing a file. She closed the door and walked over to the sofa, sitting beside Archie and holding the file out.

"What is it?" Archie asked, taking the heavy file.

"That is a copy of your mama's first ever surgery that she invented, the Quinn method for fetal heart surgery," Bailey said.

"I've never read the files about it, before," Archie whispered, opening the first page. "Mama made this with aunt Addison, didn't she? When she was upset because of a bad man?"

"She did," Bailey nodded. "Made it in about two weeks, as well. She performed it shortly after becoming a resident with Addison, Alex and a few other surgeons. The patient and her child survived. There's other cases that have used the method in there, too. I've been keeping tabs on the success," she said.

"Mama was robbed of the Harper Avery that year," Archie said, looking down at the words on the page eagerly.

"She was," Bailey chuckled fondly.

"She's had no losses with the method, either, has she?" Archie said.

"Your mama made three different surgical plans for one method so that there was less of a risk at death for all parties involved. And it's worked well. Nobody has ever died with this method because of the three different ways to do it. The first way is for less severe cases, and the other two are plans for any complications that may arise. Your mama is somewhat of a genius," Bailey said.

Archie smiled, looking up at Bailey with pure pride on his face.

"She's the best mama and surgeon I know, and I know a lot of them. I wanna be just as good as mama when I grow up," Archie said.

"You'll have to work very hard, but I think you could do it. You're just as smart as your mama was at this age, I imagine. Richard always mentions how much you're like Erin as a kid. And Meredith says it a lot, too," Bailey said.

"What was mama like? When you met her?" Archie asked.

"She was... a disaster," Bailey chuckled. "Meredith pushed her into a wall on her first day, by accident, and I had to give your mama some stitches. I knew she was going to be my favourite intern from that moment. And she proved me right. She went above and beyond in every case. She was a good surgeon, an even better friend to everybody around her. I was so proud when she passed her intern exam with full marks. She's Tuck's godmother because of how much I adore her, and how much she adores me. And I made the right choice. Tuck loves her so much, and so do I," Bailey said.

"Everyone always says mom is like sunshine. And she is. She's always so happy. But mama is like sunshine, too. She always makes other people happy. She's my best friend. I don't want mama to go. I'm not ready to grow up without her," Archie whispered.

Bailey pulled him into her side, kissing his forehead and rocking him gently from side to side. Archie closed his eyes, clinging to Bailey tightly.

"I'm not ready for your mama to go, yet, either. We're going to do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen. Your moms, both of them, are sunshine, and everybody needs sunshine," Bailey whispered.

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