One hundred and ten

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The boys are fine after the earthquake, how's surgery going?xx


glad you're all okay, surgery is good, grab u later x

Erin and Arizona lay on a bed in an on-call room, Maggie on the bunk above them. Alex was sat at the end of their bed, head on Erin's thighs as he slept. They should've gone to other rooms to actually get some good sleep, but they were all so tired so they didn't care.

The door opened and Meredith stepped in, holding her phone tightly in her hand.

"I called Derek," Meredith sat on the bottom bunk beside Erin's head. She groaned and moved back so she was pushing Arizona into the wall.

"Why are we all on my bed? Get on the other one," Erin muttered.

"Because I called Derek. A woman answered his phone," Meredith said. Erin opened her eyes and she felt Arizona do the same, lifting her head to rest on Erin's so she could see Meredith.

"A woman answered his phone?" Maggie rolled over, poking her head into view over the top bunk.

"Whose phone?" Alex groaned, opening his eyes.

"Derek's phone," Meredith said.

"What kind of woman?" Arizona asked.

"Doesn't matter," Alex said.

"It matters," Erin, Arizona and Maggie chorused.

"She was perky, and she sounded happy and tall, with a lot of great hair," Meredith said.

"Hold. You saw her? How did you see her?" Alex asked.

"I didn't. I heard her voice, her perky, happy, tall voice," Meredith said.

"I hate voices like that," Maggie scowled.

"They're the worst voices," Arizona agreed.

"You can tell by the voice?" Alex asked.

"Duh," Erin rolled her eyes.

"What did Derek say?" Maggie asked.

"I didn't talk to him. Now I keep going to voice-mail. My short, twisty, mad voice keeps going to voice-mail. He's not cheating on me, right?" Meredith asked, looking at them all.

"He's not cheating on you," the four of them chorused. Meredith's pager beeped and she sighed.

"Trauma," she said.

Arizona's pager beeped and she groaned.

"Me, too," she said. She kissed Erin and climbed over her and Alex, following Meredith out of the room.

"I swear to god, if he's cheating on her, I will accidentally stab him in the heart with a scalpel," Erin muttered, closing her eyes again.

"And I will accidentally fail to save his life," Maggie sighed. "But only for Mer. I'd do it for you, Erin, but Arizona's not gonna cheat on you," she said.

"Derek isn't cheating on Meredith. He can't be," Alex said.

"Yeah, well, Richard cheated on Adele with my mom and we never thought he'd do that," Erin sighed. "Men and women can be separated by two ways of thinking. Us women use our brains, while men think with their penises. Everything is penis orientated. I'm so glad I married a woman," Erin yawned.

"Shut up," Alex yawned, moving to lie with his head on the pillow with her.

"You shut up," Erin mumbled.

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