One hundred and thirty five

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"Here we go," Dr. Lewis stopped outside the ICU door of Erin's room.

Arizona, Amelia, Maggie and Meredith looked at the door for a few seconds before Arizona stepped forward and opened it, leading the way into the room.

Erin was laying on the bed hooked up to a vent, the tube down her throat so she could breathe properly. Her heart monitor was steady and her vitals were stable. She had a few cuts across her face and arms they could see and they all knew the scars on her chest and abdomen from surgery would be way worse than the lacerations.

Arizona gently took Erin's hand into her own, tangling their fingers together. Erin's hand didn't move in her own, but Arizona knew she was experiencing severe trauma and recovery right now, so she didn't expect a response.

Amelia had talked about neuro cases enough for Arizona to know that patients who come out of trauma surgeries with brain bleeds often took a few hours for the anesthesia to wear off before they could do things like hold other people's hands.

Arizona sank down onto the seat beside Erin, staring blankly at her wife's face.

Amelia and Maggie moved to Erin's side, then. Meredith stayed by the door, just staring at Erin. Amelia kissed Erin's forehead, then moved aside to stand by Arizona while Maggie did the same routine of kissing her forehead and moving.

"Mer," Arizona whispered.

Meredith moved towards Erin, movements stiff. She stared down at her little sister in the hospital bed, guilt coursing through her veins.

If she hadn't had opened her mouth on the drive to the airport, Erin never would've gotten a cab on her way back from the airport, and she never would've been in that accident.

Meredith took Erin's free hand in her own, squeezing her hand three times.

The four women stayed there for a few minutes before Dr. Lewis came back. She didn't have to say anything to get the four women to stand up and leave the ICU room. Arizona stared through the glass at her wife, letting Maggie lead her away to the elevator again.

"Visiting hours are ten until four," Dr. Lewis said. "We're planning on running tests from around eight, so she has a few hours to recover. It's almost two, now. If you guys want to come here at about nine, I can get you in early so we can start talking about the next steps," Dr. Lewis said.

"That'd be great. Thank you," Maggie said.

"Of course," she said.

She nodded goodbye as they got on the elevator. Maggie pressed the button for the ground floor, the doors closing over on the ICU ward.

They stepped out into the waiting room a minute later, walking over to where Richard, Addison, Jo, Owen and Alex were waiting for them.

"How is she?" Alex asked, rubbing his face tiredly.

"Hooked up to a vent, but stable. No physical response to being touched, yet, but that's normal while the anesthesia is wearing off after two back to back surgeries like that," Maggie said.

The others nodded.

"We're coming back tomorrow at about nine. They're running tests from eight and Dr. Lewis said we'd talk through any changes. We should probably go home and figure out the plan for the morning," Amelia said, wiping her wet cheeks.

The others nodded again, all of them heading towards the exit to go home.

"Wilson still isn't back," Bailey muttered, pacing through the kitchen as Jackson and Steph watched her. "It's been an hour. Something has happened."

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