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I'm not ready for school, I'm not ready to face them. I really thought Jaxon and I were something but I was just a joke to him. I was just a toy he wanted to use.

I really liked him too.

No, I loved him and I hate that I still do, I feel so lonely at night.

I'm on the bus, I just wanna hide and cry in a corner, i'm not ready to see them.

I'm not ready to face them.

Everyone always says 'face your demons' but i'm too fucking scared to, I don't want to even see them.

I know Harley isn't gonna give me a break either, he's probably still gonna graze my knees and leave me with bruises.

I hate this so much.

My thighs hurt so much too.

I didn't mean to, I swear I was at my desk doing homework, and I looked at my sharpener that didn't have a blade so I searched for one.

The only thing that comforted me last night was that blade I found from a razor.

They hurt more than they usually do after I cut them.

It never usually hurts at all, I wasn't completely numb last night either.

Maybe that's what did it. I felt every single bit of pain I caused myself but I enjoyed it so much.

I'm wearing bell bottom pants because if I wore any other color someone would see blood.

I wanted to test my wrists last night as well but I am too scared to die, I was gonna cut straight down my arm deep to just end it but I thought about my siblings.

And the look on my dad's face when he finds me dead.

I ended up being stuck crying myself to sleep once again.

I woke up this morning needing a shower because there was dry blood everywhere, I didn't even notice I fell asleep on the blade until I felt it digging into me at three in the morning.

"You look like hell."

I snap my head towards the voice. Oh no. That asshole is right next to me.

Not Jaxon his fucked up cousin.

Why is he right next to me and since when does he catch my bus? "Please just go away, i'll do anything for you to leave me alone," I say in almost a whine.

He raises a brow and stops himself from chuckling. "No, this seat is comfortable," he says and relaxes into the seat.

I gulp and decide that facing the window will just help me ignore him.

His legs are man spread and it's taking up most of the seat so i'm basically stuck in a corner.

I shuffle closer to the wall.

I go with music, so I plug in my earphones and use my still smashed phone to play a song.

Not even a few minutes pass and I see Harley pull out a pair of scissors I get confused until they are quickly in my direction and my earphones are cut.

I pull the now broken cords out.

"You dick," I say with my voice croaking. I wanted it to come out stronger but i'm just getting sick of this.

I look back out the window. Those were my only pair too.

A tear rushed down my face and I slightly panic as I wipe it away. When the bus stops I pray that Harley hurries up and gets off but he doesn't move.

"Can you um, move?"

He sighs. "You are gonna have to step over me Darl."

I tilt my head slightly. Darl, Jaxon said that to me when we first met- wait a second, no, he didn't another guy was holding me before Jaxon took over but I didn't see who it was and that person called me Darl.

That person sounds like Harley.

"Don't call me that," I frown. "And no, you can move your lazy ass," I say.

"Well, i'm not moving princess," He says. I grit my teeth. I really just wanna push him out of the way but I'm weak to Jaxon so I would definitely be weak to Harley.

Even weaker actually.

"Oh calm your tits you look like you just laid in boiling water, step over me or the chair for fuck sake are you dumb? I'm not getting off here," he says with a frown.

"Why do I need to move when there is plenty of room for you to push past me?"

"God, I can't express how much I hate your family," I say and shuffle past him. His hand touches my thigh on my way past and I turn back to face him.

"Don't touch me you perv."

He raises his brow again. He pulls his long sleeves up and I see scars. Not just any scars but the ones that are on my thighs.

"I'd offer you my jumper to wrap around your legs but I'd don't think you'd like that."

"What do you mean? Why would I need a jumper?" I ask.

"I can see them through your pants."

I gulp.

You are kidding? My life can't get any worse. "You are right I don't want anything from you, I'll just go to the lost and found."

I don't even wanna thank him.

How can he see them through my pants! God this is gonna scare me all day today. I watch as my little siblings get off and I follow behind them.

Life really fucking sucks.

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now