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It's been another week, spending time with Candy today, haven't seen her in what feels like forever. I'm still upset that David is gone. Maybe I should have taken up on that offer and let him fuck me.

But I probably would have gotten attached to him and been in more pain when he died.

I'm at my house though, with Candy, dad is at work, and Skyler is at her house my siblings no longer live here so we are home alone.

We have alcohol and pot but yeah anywho.

"Cheers," We say as we clink glasses but... We clinked too hard and our glasses shattered which left us screaming while running away from the glass so it didn't touch up

She helps me clean it off of my bed and we dump the doona on the floor because it's wet.

We sit back on the bed and laugh at how stupid we are. "I'm glad to be over here, Dad is an asshat like usual," She says.

"Pfft, he seems nice to me but I barely see him, I try to be a parent pleaser," I say.

"I think my dad has a thing for you," she laughs. "Ugh! I don't want no bald man!" I exclaim.

"Who do you want? You dodge every hot guy, so who is it you want!" She shouts.

"I dunno..." I sigh. "I just have serious trust issues because of Jaxon and Ryder my two relationships busted."

"There is a guy out there that will only love you, he's there just don't know where," she says.

"I know, and maybe by then I have gained trust," I say.

"Anyway in the end, if another boy fucks us over we will marry," she says. "To us future wife and wife," I say to her and we take the length of a shot out of the bottle.

"I'm gonna miss the Van Dyks, they're moving, I won't get to see them ever again," I say.

"Why are they moving!" She exclaims.

"Because, I dunno maybe they are sick of living here but they apparently have a house four states over and that's where they are gonna live," I say.

"Noooo remember what David said... He said one of his boys is gonna be your forever," she says.

"He didn't say it like that, but yeah I know, but no," I say.

"You sure?" she asks and I see a slight smirk. "Yes I am sure, they are either too old for me or assholes," I say.

"Oh... Um speaking of assholes that asshole is at your window, why is that asshole at your window, he's gonna attack us isn't he?" She says gesturing to my window.

I turn my head and I see Harley standing in front of my window.

"Then again he's quite sexy with a bit of alcohol in ya," She adds.

"Come here sexy man- unless you are gonna hit me then back away son," She says. "Shut up Candy," I say.

"Why are you here?" I ask him as softly as possible.

"Ah... I..." I think he's drunk.

"You want some?" I offer, raising the drink. "The devil is coming closer," Candy says. "Shut up for fuck sake," I tell her.

He grabs the drink from me.

I'm currently thinking about one of the first things Candy said about Harley and it was quite dirty but now I understand...

"Making me wanna finger myself just lookin' at him."

I cried over Jaxon and this dude right in front of me was here all along. "You didn't um... Hear our conversation did you?" I ask.

"That you were gonna miss me? No, I didn't hear anything," he says taking a sip.

Is this Harley joking?

"I didn't say I was gonna miss you exactly I said I was gonna miss the Van Dyk's," I say. "He's a Van Dyk," Candy adds.

"Shut the fuck up Candy!" I exclaim.

"You are red," she says. "I am red because of the alcohol," I frown.

"Well if you don't mind I'll borrow your dad's room to take this boy with me," Candy says and is about to grab Harley but he backs away...

"I'm gonna start off the nice way... No offense but..." Harley starts.

"You are more irritating than Bella."

"You have a squeaky voice that sounds like a chipmunk," he says.

He takes another sip of his drink and I notice the bandage is still on his arm when his sleeve rolls down a bit.

"Candy turn your ass away," I say. "Why!" She asks. "Turn the fuck around," I say. She huffs, frowns them snaps her head around. "How's your arm?" I whisper. He shrugs.

I take the bottle from him and take a sip then I put the bottle between my legs and gently grab his arm.

It's been a week why does he still have it on and why still the same one?

"This can dirty wounds if you leave it on long enough, it can cause an infection if the bandage isn't clean," I say.

"Well you fucking clean it," he frowns.

"I will fucking clean it if you be fucking nice you fucking asshole," I say and scowl back at him.

His face changes.


Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now