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Amara is looking at us suspiciously as Decklan and I eat our breakfast. "Why are you both flushed? Did something happen that I need to know?" She asks.


"All I did was squish his face against my boobs," I say.

"Mhm," She hums like she doesn't believe. Does she actually think I'd have sex with Decklan?

"We didn't do anything," I say. "Mhm."

Harley comes over and flips my bowl off the table. "You ass," I say. He walks past and acts like he didn't do anything.

"You should get a new bed, you always wake up on the wrong side of the one you've got now," Decklan says to him as Harley leaves the dining table.

"Or maybe you just need to get laid," he adds.

Harley walks back in. "You are the one that gets no bitches," Harley says then walks back away.

"I think Harley is a virgin," Amara says. Harley comes back in.

"Slut," He says. "Don't call me a fucking slut you prick," she scowls.

"You open your legs for any guy and girl that wants to spread them and yet hate being called a slut, don't act like one and I won't call you one," he frowns.

"You are just sad because my parents actually love me unlike yours," she says.

"Whoa Amara, stop it," Decklan says.

"No, the prick needs to start respecting people," She says. "Sit the fuck down, Amara," Jaxon's dad says walking in.

"Harley," he says and Harley stands up straight. "Get the fuck upstairs into your room," he scowls.

Harley's teeth grit and he walks in the direction of the stairs.

"Amara what have I told you?" He asks. "Not to rile them up, because they are little pussys and get angry so easily," she pouts and he points in the direction of the stairs.

"Go before I lose my shit," he says. She stands and walks up the stairs.

"Has... Jaxon actually had sex with my mum?" Decklan asks and I facepalm. "No, I would immediately kick her out for being intimate with a child," he says.

"Hey uh not be too rude or anything but why do the boys have cameras outside their rooms?" I ask.

He sighs. "Decklan, get out of here," he says. He stands and leaves then moves to the seat beside me.

"I'll explain to you why but I'll start off with when I adopted them. But obviously, I need to give you a bit of backstory onto that first."

"They are from a family... A very dangerous one where only the strong will survive it, they were raised to treat women like pets or simply... Like shit, if you are weak they'll make sure you know you are on a lower level than them."

"Harley's bio parents wanted nothing to do with him, abandoned him when he was eight years old, the boy got into quite a lot of trouble after that."

"He'd steal and fight for survival, he was eight and already learned about the true world."

"Jaxon, he was different, he was a good kid at first but once you get to know him he changes, his bio parents died in a car accident along with his biological siblings."

"But he was already thrown out before they died, they didn't need him apparently because they had already had their eldest son."

"I looked more into the family, they were quite strange yet are way too powerful to deal with, it explained how a second son would be utterly useless unless the eldest was dead."

"Amara is my daughter they just prefer to call each other cousins, she barely got used to having them around, she and Harley got close as a friendship, she tries to get people to understand him."

"She sometimes has brain snaps at them when she is in a mood she got that attitude from her mother."

"I almost thought Harley and Amara would become like a couple or something, I was kinda alright if that happened since I'm only his guardian and they aren't related, I wouldn't be able to stop them anyway, but no, funny thing is that they just take care of each other and I've already seen even on the cameras that, they are just like family toward each other."

"I mostly let them do whatever they want, but I don't allow girls in their bedrooms alone with them unless they are fond of the girl and actually show kindness toward a girl."

"Haven't had that luck yet."

"What is training?" I ask.

"Those scars on their backs are not my doing, I freaked out, absolutely lost my shit when I noticed the state of these boys when I first brought them home."

"I wanted to search for their family and do what they did to those poor boys."

"Harley is emotionally closed off, he's depressed and harms himself, usually when he's angry he goes off to do that but I always have to do something to calm him down and Jaxon."

"How do you calm them down?" I ask.

"Jaxon harms himself mentally and he can't control his anger just like Harley can't, so it really depends how angry they are, there has been sometimes where I felt like they just needed to hit something."

"So I placed the boys in the basement put gear on them and they'd fight each other, or if they were by themselves, they would almost knock a punching bag off of the chain."

"I think the both of them don't mind your presence just don't want to show it, I know they have both hurt you mentally and physically, I see every movement they make."

"When Harley just hit high school he beat up three students and left a teacher in tears, I tried anger management classes but they ended terribly."

"These boys just need help, I don't actually know if I can help them."

"The both of them are from England, should be obvious," he chuckles. "The accents."

"They like their bagels and tea, the rain, they prefer stormy nights."

"The cameras are so they don't sneak out to cause trouble then I noticed that Jaxon had been jumping out of the window when he was with you."

"Now, I didn't expect you two to be in the shower together but I was just checking to see that he wasn't hurting you."

"I'm trying to change them from how they were raised before I adopted them."

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now