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I smack his arm, not the sore one the other one i'm not that much of a bitch. "Wipe that look off of your face before I slap it off," I say. The smirk only widens.

"Go on, hit me," he says.

I remove the bottle from between my legs and place it on the floor beside the bedpost and I stand up in front of him.

"I'll even lean down for your short ass to hit me."

I lift my hand and then I remember I literally watch this boy get shot in the leg and he didn't move a muscle.

I sigh and put my hand down. "It's not gonna hurt you is it?" I ask.

"You are the one that's gonna find that out," he says getting his face close and it makes me shy away and turn my head.

Mine and Harley's eyes squint when a light is flashed into our eyes.

"Ah damn I got caught because the stupid flash was on," She whines.

"Why are you taking photos anyway?" Harley snatches her phone from her with a glare. "Hey give that back," she frowns and starts reaching for the phone.

He drops it on the floor and puts his foot over it.

"No, no, no please that is my pride and joy please don't I just got it for my b'day," She wails.

Harley smacks his foot down. Her mouth gapes. "You are buying me a new one you asshole."

"Harley, why did you do that?" I ask.

"I don't like photos," He says. "Harley you can't do that to people's things, that phone was like eight hundred dollars," I say.

He moves his hand into his pocket and when he pulls his hand out something smacks against Candy's head.

I look at her and she has a wad of cash in her hand.

"You wanna spread my legs?" She asks him. "Not necessarily," he replies with a disgusted look.

She huffs. "And hey I didn't tell you to turn back around," I say.

"Well sorry I thought you were gonna kiss because I saw his face get close to yours in the corner of my eyeballs," she says.

"He can keep dreaming if he thinks he's ever gonna get those lips on mine," I say.

"I don't wanna try it either, stay dreaming darling," he tells me and my face goes rosy as fuck.

Gosh, his accent with the word Darling.

"Don't speak Harley you'll make our panties disintegrate," Candy says.

She's right I'm currently holding onto them for dear life.


"Shut up Candy and turn around!" I shout. When she does I start unwrapping his arm. I get his arm completely unwrapped and toss it into the bin beside my dresser.

"SHE'S ALIVE!" Candy says about the phone. "I'm keeping the money still!"

She didn't turn around so I don't care.

"Does it hurt?" I ask poking one of the cuts. He shakes his head. Just staring at me.

"Probably should clean it again with some water because some blood has spread and dried on your arm," I say.

He follows behind me as I exit my room and walk down the hall to the bathroom.

I grab a face washer and wet it with warm water to clean his cuts.

He just looks at me while I do it... And it makes me nervous. Not a bad way nervous. Why isn't it a bad way nervous!

My heart is gonna explode.

I take a deep breath. Man, this boy's stare is powerful and could put any woman on their knees to suck his dick.

Oh god this is my first time ever imagining doing something like that to Harley.

But that seems like a good idea. I bet it's big- Jesus Christ Bella for the love of God stop it! "There. All done, do you want me to bandage it back up?" I ask him.

He looks at me for a moment. "If... It needs it..."

"It doesn't," I say. He pulls his arm from my hold. "I'll... Be going now," he says and walks out of the bathroom.

Candy stands in front of the door. "The tension I felt in here was so strong, my gosh I need to stand in front of a fan," She says fanning herself.

"Jesus pretty sure that man has a boner, why wouldn't ya, you are hot," she adds and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up, if you want him so bad go and chase after him," I say.

"Oh, honey it isn't my legs he's wanting to spread."

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now