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I can barely stand i'm that drunk. I'm laughing on the floor in the middle of the hall but i'm on my own because I ditched Amara when Candy went to the bathroom.

The floor is comforting though. I hear footsteps. "Candy help me up," I whine.

I get rolled over and see Jaxon, my eyes widen. "You don't look like Candy," I sigh and close my eyes.

"It's four in the morning and you are laying on the floor laughing to yourself, say cheese," he says putting a camera near my face.


"I hope you don't mind but, Candy is in my room currently sleeping, I just fucked her for two hours that's how long you've been on the floor, Amara is also asleep."

"And since you are drunk I want you to come with me real quick," he says.

"I'm tired," I whine. "Carry me to bed, I want sleep," I pout.

I move my arms up and wrap them around his neck. He sighs and helps me up. He keeps me held up and I wrap my limbs around him.

"I miss you, soooooo fucking much," I say. "I want you to fuck me too Jaxon why just her I wanna feel your dick," I say.

"Shoosh," he says and walks me into Amara's room, wait, this isn't Amara's room but it isn't his either I notice when he turns the light on.

Oh great. "Amaras room dummy not Harleys."

"Harley I got you a present, wake your ass up," Jaxon says.

I hear a sleepy hum. Then Jaxon's hand gets smacked away. "Piss off i'm trying to sleep," he says.

Jaxon sighs. Jaxon starts putting me down but when he puts me on the bed i'm laying on a lump.

"Be careful she's drunk and has small panties on," he says.

"Hey... You perv," I say tiredly. "You were laying on the floor with your ass out you do remember you are in an s-" Shut the fuck up Jaxon your voice is fucking irritating," Harley says annoyed.

"Get off of me Bella," he says. "Harley is too tired to be angry," Jaxon pouts. Harley sits up instantly which makes me roll off of him. Harley's bed smells nice.

He gets off of his bed. "Get the fuck away from me before I punch your head in," He says and Jaxon has a cocky look on his face.

"Okay I'll take her back to Amara's room," Jaxon says and starts walking toward me, I shut my eyes and pretend to sleep.

"For fuck sake stop trying to touch her every chance you get, I don't believe you can carry a girl safely somewhere without copping a feel learn some fucking respect." Ah... Was that Jaxon's dad?

"It's four in the fucking morning you two have training in an hour and you two are in here fucking around with a girl," he says.

Yeah, I took a peek it's Jaxon's dad.

And here I thought he despised me.

"I've been good friends with her father for years I've warned him about you kids I told him she's someone that shouldn't be around you guys, you treat her like garbage, if I see any of you alone with her again I'll send you to the police myself."

He leans down and picks me up bridal style. "And what makes things worse is that she's drunk so she's extra helpless."

"Lights out right now or I'll blow your heads off."

I've never heard Harley and Jaxon be completely silent before.

"You lost one," He says when he enters the room. "There's another one missing have no clue where she went," Amara yawns moving the blanket to help lay me down.

"She's in Jaxon's room," I whisper. Amara sighs. "What she say?" he whispers.

"She said Candy's in Jaxon's room," she says. When he leaves she lets me cuddle her because she's warm.

"Harley didn't do anything to you did he?" She asks. "Hm?" I hum.

"Jaxon put me in there..." I yawn. "Harley didn't do anything to me even when Jaxon placed me on him."

"Usually when Harley is tired he can't be fucked to be angry," she says.

"I'm no expert but I don't think these things would be comfortable to sleep in," David says coming in gesturing to the fishnet stockings.

He lays her beside me, she's out cold. "I don't think Jaxon did anything to her but sex, they can be assholes but I don't think they'd rape, i'm hoping they haven't," he says.

"I'll help get her out of the stockings thank you," I say.

"There wasn't more was there? Just these two?" He asks Amara. She nods sleepily.

I pull Candy's stockings off while keeping her covered. "So many people up at four in the morning," I yawn as I lay down.

"Uncle Dave wakes up this early."

"I could never, I stay up this late but never wake up this early," I giggle.

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now