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Seeing him laying on the ground like that, I feel no sympathy for anyone that cared about him. I'm now staring down at his body not giving one fuck that he looks fucked up.

I'm not even scared that he's dead.

I was at first but I was just shocked to see it. I wished death on him.

But who would be brave enough to do this? Even I wanna know. I wanna know who killed him so I can fucking high-five them and possibly make out with them.

Fucking hell I'd even let them be the first to fuck me.

Thank you so much for ruining my life all because you wanted to get between my legs...

I hope Satan wants to play Russian roulette with you but you actually get the bullet in your head.

I hope you feel the pain of your head getting chopped off every time you get it put back together.

Because in hell you are immortal but feel every bit of pain caused to you.

"Bella, c'mon, you've been death staring him for forty minutes, we know he caused you a lot of pain but death has already hit him even if you wish for it again there is no reviving him," David says.

"I hate him, but I didn't kill him, do I wish? Yes, one hundred percent."

"How did he escape?" I ask.

"The person he was taken to is quite shit so he easily escaped or whoever killed him could have taken him," he says.

His hand on my back feels nice, I wonder if he'd fuck me on his dead body-

Bella that is gross. One: that's gross. Two: David is like fifty.

"How old are you?" I ask him. "Weird question to ask while looking at a dead person but, I'm forty," he says.

"Huh? But that doesn't make sense because Antonio is twenty-five," I say.

"Katherine got pregnant at fourteen I was fifteen, scariest moment of my life," he says.

"Jesus, that's young," I say. "Yeah, she works me hard though, bitch," he says. Was he referring to sex?

"Anyway, we are getting a divorce, she's been talking with this dude from Spain, think his name is Lorenzo," He says.

"Aw, sorry Love comes again," I say.

"Yeah it does, I lost feeling for her a while back, I didn't wanna hurt the kids so I waited until she eventually wanted to leave," he says. "Oh..."

"That's why I was fine fucking around with other women, I haven't felt much for Kath since we were in our twenties."

"Uh, you want help cleaning that up?" I ask. "No it's fine your dad is already on his way, he's gonna want to party after this one, he may be a Detective but man he sure hates this guy."

"I understand though, I hate him too for what he put you through, hate is a strong word, but the right one, no other word can explain the bitterness your father feels towards him and obviously the anger you feel towards him."

He stands from crouching down.

"Anyways, happy birthday kid," he says ruffling my hair.

"Goddamit! I wanted to see if everyone would forget it! My dad thought I went over to the house for no reason yesterday but no, he forgot!"

He chuckles. "I don't forget birthdays."

I follow behind him up the stairs. Man has a fine ass.

No, I mean realllllllllyyyyy fine ass, I'm having the urges to slap it.

"Wait so why would someone bring Henry here to kill him?" I ask.

"A lot of people have died here Bella," he says. "Still haven't found who has done them." He looks behind at me with an arrogant look.

"Was it you?" I ask. "No, but I have a small feeling on who it could be," he says.

"Well, you can't just say that and not tell me," I say. "It could be the innocent boy of mine... Jacob, or Decklan maybe even Jaxon, one of them since they are the ones I see are fond of you."

"Jaxon doesn't act on it but ya know..." he shrugs.

When we exit the basement he closes the door and we walk up the rest of the stairs. I don't think I've ever seen my dad step foot inside this house before.

"Go and get some lunch, Camile has probably made something since she's here," he says.

"Oh... And I will have a word with you later, in my office," he says then walks away.

You all actually thought it was someone important 💀🤚 be smart yall

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now