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I think this is his way of claiming me. "Ryder..." I giggle.

"Stop it." His mouth won't leave my body. There are so many people. If his mouth isn't at my neck it's on my mouth if it's not on my mouth it's at my jaw.

If it's not at my jaw it's somehow kissing my stomach.

"Nope you're too addictive," he says. My skin is probably covered with hickeys. I know my neck has the noticeable ones. I Hope Dad won't get too mad.

We're in his car. "C'mon you can literally do this at your place but I gotta go see Candy," I say pushing his mouth away.

I want his lips on my lower ones. If ya know what I mean. He pulls back from leaning over.

Once we get out of the car we make our way towards his place, I'll be leaving to go to Candy's in about an hour. "Hey why don't we go on a date tomorrow?" he suggests.

"Yeah but where?" I ask. "Hm the park we can have a picnic," he says.

"Aww that's so cute," I say. "The park has a wharf there," he says. "I know maybe we could swim after the picnic," I say.

"Mhm," he smirks I know what he's thinking. "Seeing you in swimmers." he licks his lips.

I giggle. "Oh you," I say. I seriously want this guy so bad. I'm bored let's silently seduce him. I walk up to him.

I get right in his face on my tippy toes. I give him the look ya know the look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks. "Do I make you nervous?" I ask placing a smirk on my face.

"What? No..." he says. I place my hand on his chest. "Then why is your heart beating so fast?" I ask.

He doesn't answer his face is red. I giggle then walk away. He follows.

He swoops me off my feet picking me up. He walks us to his bedroom. Oh, what are we gonna do? Will, what I've been dreaming of finally happen?

"I'm gonna fight you," he says.

"Yeah I'll kick your ass," I say. "Put me down so I can beat the shit out of you," I add and reach down to smack his butt.

I giggle when he squeezes my thighs then he pulls me up and puts me down.

"Fight me," I say in a fighting stance.


My gosh, I haven't seen this house since I moved schools. I missed her so much I can't wait to see her.

I walk into her house, helping myself like I used to. I instantly see her father.

"Jesus haven't seen you in a while, you basically lived here, rarely see you," he says leaning against the counter with a beer.

"Yeah well I moved schools so Candy and I barely stay in contact anymore, I've missed her so much though."

"I'm sure she can't wait to see you, remember shoes off before stepping on the carpet," he says pointing to my shoes.

"Oop. Almost forgot, gimme a second," I say and walk outside to place my shoes next to the pile of other shoes.

I walk back inside. "What's that smell?" I ask. "Barbeque for dinner got some streak and that," he says.

"Candy has been driving me nuts, plays loud music at two in the morning and is just extremely loud, like usual, she stays up until six in the morning and sleeps until four in the afternoon, have no idea how she does it."

"Sounds like her alright, it's the energy drinks and her phone," I say.

"Yeah that sounds about right, you staying for dinner there is plenty here?" he asks.

"Yeah sure, smells great I'm actually starving my asshole off, can't wait to eat. It's good to see you, Mr. Lavigne," I say and start walking up the stairs.

"It's nice seeing my daughter isn't a loner," he says as I reach the top of the stairs.

I walk down the hall hearing the floors creak even in the places I don't stand on.

When I reach her room I slam the door open and instead of being happy to see her, I am in utter shock.

My mouth falls open.

She gasped and shoved the boy off of her. "You are ten minutes early," She pants. I look at the guy and my heart drops to my stomach.


I watch as he puts his dick back into his pants and Candy closes her legs.

Ge has a smug look on his face as he watches my face go from red to pale. My best friend is fucking the dude I can't seem to get over.

"Jaxon?" I rasp why am I panting? I'm stopping myself from crying that's why.

Candy sits up and covers herself. "Apologies... I couldn't help myself she's as sweet as candy," he says with a smug look on his face.

I grit my teeth.

"Get the fuck away from her," I say. "What... Why what's going on?" She asks removing herself from the bed to get changed.

"He's my ex, he cheated and is a walking douchebag," I say glaring at him.

She got to know what he felt like. I hate that I still want him I fucking hate it.

She gasps... Sounds fake. "I didn't know he was your ex, he hit me up first," She says fixing a dress over her body.

She points to the door. "I thought you were cute but it's a no, now, get out," She says to him.

"See you at school baby," he mocks at me patting my side.

"You wanna kill him?" she asks folding her arms over her chest glaring at his backside as he walks down the hall.

Devil's Son |✓ (Book one Of the Van Dyk series)Where stories live. Discover now