SITN :: 67

242 12 72


i pushed our mansions main door with much force because it was locked and the way it had been closed was so tight. i was really wondering why the mansions main door was close and there's no helpers around to open the door for me, nor the guards didnt helped me either and no one was around in our balcony. it seemed too weird that there was no one around.

and what made me confuse more was there was a white adventure car parked on our front yard then my mom's. . does it the one mom told me her surprise for me? oh yeah, mom messaged me last night and she told me that she has something for me and someone was wanting or waiting to see me here. . i have no idea who is that person.

after i had opened the door, an eerie living room of the salas greeted me. even inside, there was no one around. honestly, anong meron? it wasnt my birthday nor wala namang okasyon sa bahay para maging ganito yung awra nang mansion. my mom was really unpredictable. i closed the door as i roamed my eyes around, trying to spot some helpers from the kitchen.

"mom?! your minnie is home na!"

it took almost five minutes before i heard footsteps from the upstairs and my nostrils flinched upon smelling that familiar perfume from a man. my heart pumped faster in nervousness as the widen in my eyes crept. it may be almost a decade since the last time i smelled that kind of perfume, but the way it smelled made me traumatize from what happened in the past. . from a man i never wanted to meet anymore, a man i never imagine to be in the same place as mine, a man i had already forgotten to.

i swallowed hard and tried so hard to maintain my facade now that i was hearing them. . going downstairs already and after a seconds, my heart along with my jaw dropped as my eyes landed on the man i blamed everything for. my mom may be covering him from her back, but i had already saw him.

"good morning, minnie ko! i told you i have something for you and someone wants to see you, right?" her voice was so cheerful like as if there was nothing worst happened in the past. . like as if it was all nothing! like as if she didnt gone through worst because of the man she was hiding from her back!

this is insane! my mom was hiding that man who betrayed us! who betrayed his own family because he was so devoted with his job! that man. . that man who turned his back to his own family just to save his client! that criminal client of his!

"m-mom. ."

my mom smiled at me, wholeheartedly. "your father, wants to meet you. surprise minnie!"

and right after that interpretation, that man from behind her stepped in front as our both eyes met. . and the moment our eyes made contact with each other, the memories of the past ricochet in my head along with those echoes of the voices from those accusations and how their vulgar words affect me echoed in my ears in no time making my heart shrink as tears started to cascade through my cheeks.

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