SITN :: 11

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"mommy hong, do you want something to eat? im going to cook." i asked mommy hong while wiggling my both brows.

"come on seoks, mom and i knows you're not good at cooking!" jisoo hyung argued while shaking his head.

i snorted. "huwag kang epal! im trying my best to be formal! mommy hong dont want that."

"you dont need to he formal, plus for sure mom wouldn't like anything you cook."

konti nalang talaga nababanatan ko na tong joshua na to!

"heh! tsaka bat ba sabat ka nang sabat ha? you're not the one im asking here! im asking your mother." and i jerked my head to mommy hong and smiled at her. shes just watching us. "so mommy hong. . do you want something to eat?" i had to ask her again since jisoo hyung blocked it earlier.

"she dont want!" he argued again.

kinuha ko yung throw pillow sa gilid and i smash jisoo hyung with that then she laughed. mommy hong was just watching us arguing like a kid though we're both college now, and take note that jisoo hyung was older than me in two years! i hit him hard on his biceps for the last time before i rolled my eyes on him and jerked it again to mommy hong who's laughing.

she shook her head. "oh minnie, if only you knew that this is one of the reason why jisoo had to force me to agree about him transferring." then she laughed.

my brows furrowed. "what reason, tita?" i dont get it.

"mom dont tell him!"

"he really wants to be with yoㅡ"


i shook my head. these two person in front of me also looked like a kid. maybe, jisoo hyung inherited his moms being childish. i had to asked mommy hong again what was she like to eat, but instead of letting me cook something for the three of us, she ordered instead. she also knows what i almost did back then on our mansions kitchen. we're really that close and to tell you, mas parang anak pa ko ni tita kesa kay jisoo hyung.

it took almost thirty minutes before mommy hongs ordered take outs came. we ate at the dinning while talking some school stuffs mostly about my course. and what the university had to offer. ayaw din kasi ni tita na mawala lang lahat nung pinaghirapan ni jisoo hyung. pursuing law needs a university that has a high accreditation. good thing that pledis has that enough so jisoo hyung wouldn't worry.

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