SITN :: 73

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"we'll be meeting our families close friends tomorrow, just for once joshua be friendly and interact with their son."

i just stared at my mom while trying to explain everything that i needed to do tomorrow and once she was done talking, i just nod at her as an agreement and also to show that i understand her fully.  . honestly, i do understand it, but the problem was, how could i do it?

i was born with only my babysitter and some trusted maids inside our huge mansion in LA. my parents mostly my mom was very busy regarding to her profession which was a lawyer and dad was also busy with his. . other family. yeah, hindi lang ako yung anak nya. . actually, i was the one whom an illegitimate child of him. oh well, it didnt bother me that much, my mom alone could raise me by herself. . and because i grew up only with some maids and babysitter. . that made me hard to socialized.

since then, i never had the chance to play with other kids inside our neighborhood. never got to share my expensive toys. never got to tell them how much my mom was so strong like a hero by raising a guy like me. never got to laughed and shared foods with them. and even never got to play with the snow during winter with other kids.  . and even on my academy, i never had the chance to share my knowledge and learn other things from them.

it wasn't my mom's intention to made me like that, it just, it happens that she never taught me how to socialized and befriend other kids.

my whole life. . i was caged like a bird inside our mansion. my life was so down and dark like no other lights could lift me up. and i thought i would grew up alone, not being able to befriend even just one kid. . but those changed, when i met this sunshine. . a sunshine who overshadowed my darkness and the one who lift me up, in northern.

"smile joshua. you need to smile."

i forced myself to smile right at the moment mom and i unload the car at someones balcony and to my surprise, mom and i was greeted by a fine lady in her fitted red dress and a man with his dark blue polo and a black skinny jeans. they both looked formal so i pressume that they are moms co-worker or the family she always told me about. they greeted me but i just gave them a smile.

"oh dont worry joshua, you will never get bored. . kristina, can you call seokmin upstairs?" i eyed the way a girl with her maid unifrom rushed upstairs to call that seokmin, and right after seconds, she went down again saying that that seokmin was already ready.

ive got curious about that kid they called from the upstairs that's why i stayed my eyes on the staircase, waiting for that seokmin to come out from wherever it came from. . and it took only a matter of seconds when i almost jumped in surprise when a guy with almost the same age as mine screamed so loud while making his way down the staircase with his unicorn stuff toys as he cheerfully greeted his parents and even my mom. . with those wide, bright, clear, and full of hope smiles.

after he greet his parents and my mom, i saw how those smiling eyes of him landed on mine and once i had seen him fully, i knew right at that moment in my life. . i was astaunded. the way his lashes flickered in slow motion as those wide smiles that reached his eyes was so contagious that made my lips slowly formed a smile. he walked closer to me still wearing those smiles

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