SITN :: 72

344 13 105


"hyung?" i pursed my lips right after i felt those vibrations from the way he hummed as a response. the way those vibrations sents different things inside of me including that famous butterflies in my stomach are enough for me to stifle my smile. "another term is coming in the next two weeks. ano pala yung plano mo?. . about what happened?"

i was saying it slowly as i was trying to control my mouth not to slip any unwanted words and be straight to the point. i know i shouldn't asked him about that, but i was so worried regarding to that. jisoo hyung is intellegent, smart and hardworking enough at alam kong masasayang lang yun kung hindi nya gagawan nang paraan just to solved that problem.

from the very start, i saw his decitations of being a lawyer, being an attorney thats why i was asking him that. . because i dont want him to lose that one dream he was dreaming.

he didnt respond for the following seconds and i thought he wouldn't answer me again, but after those silence he finally spoke up. "i-i dont know?" i could feel that he shrugged his shoulders. "my mom was mad at me and of course, disappointed. i dont know how to face her because i didnt just made her disappointed. . but i also shouted at her the way i did to you back then."

"hindi ko alam kung paano, seoks. i dont really know what to do."

i lift my upper body enough for our eyes to met on the way. oh, we were on the couch pala and we were huggiㅡcuddling each other. i was in between his legs, hugging his upper body for my support while his back was leaned against the armrest and this both hands was hugging my upper body. if you imagine how we looked like right now, oo tama ka. ganon nga. our eyes locked at each other but he was the one who looked away as he held his head low.

i smiled. "come on attorney, i know you know what to do. you are not capable to be called that one for nothing, hyung."

"but the attorney you're looking up. . failed the sem." i could feel the pain encrypted on that words. oh well, who wouldn't after knowing you failed that hellish term, right? "i fall from the top to the ground."

"its okay. . even the best fall down sometimes and its okay to fall, fail or whatsoever but i know you know how to get up and move forward." i cupped his both cheeks once again making him looked at me in the eyes. right now, i dont really know who're the dominant one among us because he looked like a baby right now. "remember the northern path you taught me? we'll doing it again and we'll hold each other while walking upright."

"and it means one thing, you need to enroll another sem and get those units back. you can do it, ill be with you."

he shook his head. "ill be an irregular student. ill be graduating late."

"but at least you'll be an attorney you always wanted to become. alam mo ba? sabi sakin ni seungkwan, achieving our dreams arent a race or a marathon. siguro kaya ka na-fail because it wasnt the right time for you. . and so you need to try it again until everything fall on their right places." i smiled him to wide enough. "its better late than never."

Stairs in the North :: seoksooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora