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Snakes parked at one of Leonardo's warehouses. It was huge, and elegant just like the proprietor. He never really loved to be driven around when he was capable of driving himself, way better than any chauffeur could, he thought. To him driving was like a hobby, he loved it, absolutely adored the thrill of speeding in his RR Phantom.

He got out and fixed his Armani black suit, the two Italian men in black who stood firmly straight on the sides of the entrance nodded at him but he didn't return it. He walked inside the big doors, pushing them slightly and being welcomed by the black interior. The whole place had danger written all over it, from the first floor to the last staircase. Two stairways on either side of the warehouse. A wide range of space in between, nothing in particular except for two big other doors leading to another room.

As he walked his patent leather Oxford shoes echoed until he reached yet another set of doors. Pushing it slightly he found himself in the presence of about 30 men in black seated around an enormous black table with black chairs. As soon as his presence was acknowledged silence filled the room. His eyes connected with the man in charge. Leonardo himself. He gave him a disapproving look, knowing he was late he tilted his head and raised his eyebrow to dare him. Probably wasn't the best move for him as it was not his territory but he knew he wouldn't do anything as he was needed for this operation.

Leonardo folded in hands in front of him on the table as he sat on the head of the table. Snakes sat on the other end of the table facing him after buttoning his suit.
Leonardo: signori, come tutti sapete, abbiamo una nuova minaccia sulle nostre teste. ( Gentlemen, as you all know we have a new threat on our heads.)
As soon as he spoke, whispers erupted from the room. Snakes saw as Leonardo clench his jaw, his men were out of line, they had disrespected his authority in front of an important guest. Snakes with amusement as Leonardo closed his eyes for a brief moment and opened them again with more darkness in them than before.

As soon as the men heard a bang on the table they kept quiet. Everything became still, fear clawed at the members of the Mafiaso. Except one, Zikalala.
Leonardo: Sono in una stanza con le iene? (Am I in a room with hyenas?)
He asked as he glanced around, with a daring look for anyone to speak when none said nothing, Snakes smirked slightly amused by the power possessed by the man. Leonardo fixed his cufflinks and sat back continuing.
Leonardo: The Russians have declared war, now we know they have the support of the Korean Mafia if we were to take them on by ourselves we would lose more of our men and I don't like losing famiglia. (family)
His thick Italian accent dripped from his words.

Snakes watched as Leonardo glanced at him, and nodded at him.
Man: perché è qui? questo è tra la nostra Famiglia è un straniero! (Why is he here? This is between our family, he's a foreigner!)
Leonardo: Vincente, mi sento come se stessi sottovalutando la mia autorità, è Questo che sta succedendo? ( Vincente, I feel like you underestimating my authority, is that what's happening?)
Vincente: Nessun capo, penso solo che non abbiamo bisogno del suo aiuto, cosa farà comunque? (No boss, I just think we don't need his help, what's he going to do anyway?)

Snakes sat there, looking at the middle-aged man disrespecting him. He didn't know whether he knew that he knew how to speak Italian, hell he was fluent in it. Perhaps his ego was too big for his balls. Leonardo was about to speak when Snakes beat him to it.
Snakes: L'unico motivo per cui non ho collegato un proiettile al tuo cervello è che in realtà mi piace questo design, sarebbe un peccato avere il tuo cervello dappertutto, non credi? ( The only reason I haven't connected a bullet with your brain is that I really like this design, it would be a pity to have your brains all over the place, don't you think?)

He watched as the man gulped and tried to avoid eye contact with him. He then went back to Leonardo and nodded at him to continue.
Leonardo: Credo che non avremo problemi in futuro? (i believe we wont have any problems in the future?)
Silence. Snakes sat back satisfied with the corporation of the men. Pussies, he thought. If it was back home in his territory, he would've killed him by now.
Leonardo: Good, let's talk business, shall we?

The men continued to come up with ways to prevent the inevitable war on the way. After reaching a rather complex decision, everyone stood up and fixed their suits Leonardo and Snakes remained seated as they finished their glasses of whiskey.
The men dispersed, leaving only the two gentlemen. Once the room was clear, the men commenced in their discussion.
Snakes: We've been at it for a while now, think it's time we head back.
Leonardo: We leave this Friday then, convenient enough?
Snakes took a sip of his drink. And looked ahead at his friend before chuckling.
Snakes: Leonardo, Ogni volta che posso tornare a casa è abbastanza convenience per me. (Whenever I can get home is convenient enough for me.)
With that, he stood up and fixed his suit, and smiled at his friend.

Leonardo: Two years and you want to leave? Did I think we family my friend?
Snakes chuckled and pocketed his hands as he stood straight with a smirk on his face.
Snakes: I have a family back at home too Capone.
Leonardo: Well then...
He also got up and fixed his black suit and walked to be standing next to of Snakes. He patted his shoulder and let his hand linger there as he faced the door.
Leonardo: Can't wait to meet your family.
Snakes side glanced at him.
Snakes: Let's go, Capone.

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