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Snakes: Mommy is picking you up later okay?
Snakes crouched in front of his daughter, it seemed to be typical of him to just drop his baby girl at school and just pep talk her before she ran along inside the premises.
Ronnie: Why are you not picking me up?
Snakes: Daddy has an important meeting okay, but I'll see you at home.
Ronnie pouted at her father who in return perked her cutely pouted lips.
Snakes: Be a good-
He wasn't able to finish his sentence as Ronnie smiled widely.

Snakes looked taken back by her sudden change of heart. He felt proud of himself for whatever he thought he did. But that pride went down the drain when he saw where Ronnie was looking, which was behind him, at a boy. The boy was with his mother, holding hands smiling back at his daughter.
He felt anger bubbling within him as he looked between them in confusion. What the hell? He thought. It irked him that the boy was able to cheer up his daughter just by looking at him.
Ronnie: Lukhooo!
She squealed and jumped up and down waiting for the boy who also skipped his way to Ronnie, letting go of his mother's hand.

There was no way he was going to allow that boy get any nearer to his princess. Before they could share what he assumed would be a hug, Snakes got ahold of the boy's hood with his hand, pulling him back.
Snakes: And then?
He raised an eyebrow at the two kids. He didn't care that the boy's mother was gaping like a fish at his tactics. Ronnie huffed and turned to her father with a scowl.
Ronnie: Daddy, what are you doing?
Snakes ignored her and turned to look at Lukho.

Snakes glared at the little boy who cowardly slipped behind his mother. The woman who's name was Sbongile, spoke up to the man glaring dagger at her son.
Sbo: Excuse me sir but you are scaring my son.
Snakes ignored yet another person and turned his attention to his daughter. Before he could speak, Ronnie spoke up beating him to it;
Ronnie: Bye Daddy, I'll see you at home.
Snakes: W-what? Home?
He cleared his throat and straightened his tie.

Ronnie hugged his leg and beamed at him before she took Lukho's hand and ran away with him to the premises of school.
Snakes: You better stay away from that boy!
He yelled to no one in particular. It was really admirable how kids changed a person. In any normal day, he wouldn't act so barbarian in front of people. But this concerned his baby girl and quite frankly he didn't care. He didn't give two cents that parents were looking at him like he was crazy. He just needed that boy away from his daughter or there would be trouble.

Snakes took out his phone and called his stand in assistant, Dylan. Dylan was a worker in his company in the administration department and since he was so good with his work and knew pretty much a lot about the company, he had decided to hire him to fill in for his vacant post of personal assistant. He answered immediately;
Snakes: Reschedule my meeting at 2 p.m.
He ordered as he took out his Maserati car keys and pressed the unlock button.

Dylan: B-but sir, that meeting has been rescheduled too many times and the clients won't be happy about-
Snakes: Well, did I say cancel it? Just schedule it for lunch or something just make sure I don't have any meetings around 2pm.
He almost yelled in annoyance. He really wasn't annoyed at Dylan and hadn't meant to take his anger out on him, he was just so pissed about that little boy.
Dylan: Yes sir.
Snakes hung up and pressed the start button of his car and reversed out of the parking lot.


Mbali parked at the hospital parking lot and got out of her car, taking her bag and phone with. She wore her black sunglasses on and walked to the entrance of the private hospital. She found the reception and greeted the receptionist with a warm smile.
Rec: How may I help you mam?
She gave Mbali a sweet smile.
Mbali: Mr Ndlovu please.
Rec: Has he been admitted here or did he just got admitted recently?
Mbali: He has been admitted here, I'm a visitor.
The receptionist took out a sheet of paper with visiting list.

Mbali signed under the previous signatures of hers and her brother. She smiled as she gave the lady back the board of paper.
Rec: Have a good day mam.
Mbali: Please call me Mbali, Mam makes me feel old. And I'm anything but love.
The lady smiled and nodded. Just as she was about to leave, Sino and Lisa walked in as well. Mbali smiled at them and waited for them to also sign their names in.
Mbali: Where's Betty?
She asked as they strolled to the elevator and pressed the 4th floor.

Lisa: She wanted to stay home. She's still trying to heal you know. It'll take a while for her to finally go out again.
Sino: Man that girl's been through a lot.
Mbali: I know right.
The elevator dinged and the ladies walked to Davids room. As soon as the door swinged open and upon seeing his girls David beamed and put the fruit salad he was eating on the table.
David: My babies.
Mbali: Baba seriously, we too old to be called that.
Lisa: Mina I'm not complaining baba.

David chuckled and hugged each one of his daughters with a warm smile. He was genuinely happy that he got to see them now and then before his last days. The cancer was really taking a toll on him, it was only a matter of time before he passed. The nurse who was arranging David's pillow smiled at the girls and walked out, but not before David winked at her. She blushed and walked out.
Sino: Manje baba? (And now dad?)
Sino and the two girls eyed their father with raised eyebrows.

Mbali: Baba uyajola manje? (Are you dating dad?)
David shrugged and took his fruit salad, continuing to stuff himself up and avoiding answering their questions. They decided to fill him up on what was going on in their lives and joking around.
David: The elders are ready for Mndeni back at home. He just has to fly back there for the ceremony and the rest he can take care of himself back here.
Sino: Like changing his ID, and marriage certificate and stuff like that?
David nodded.

The girls had came with pizza and just sat comfortably surrounding their father and eating.
Mbali: This is gonna be a long process mos. I mean Lisa also has to change her everything and also little Ronnie.
David: He'll make it happen, he's not stupid.
Lisa snorted at how David had said those words. If Snakes heard him talk about him like that. She wasn't worried about the process because the man could make anything happen per his wish and so fast.

David: Why didn't you bring me my grandchildren?
Lisa: They are at school.
She said as she took a slice of pizza of the box and passed one to Sino who couldn't reach the box
Sino: Ngiyabonga (thanks)
She said as she took a bit as well.
David: All four of them?
He eyed Sino who shoved her pizza all the way, preventing her from speaking.
David: Ukuphi uKhalu Sinoxolo? (Where's Khalu?)
Sino: I'll bring him next time baba.

She smiled sheepishly at him, with her mouth full of the greasy pizza. The little boy was at home with his Daddy.

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