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Leone's pov

Thando: Does it hurt?
I nod my head slowly. She releases a breath before wincing as she daps the cotton damp with some disinfectant. I try to fight the smile but I fail. She's too cute, just her standing in between my legs and tending to my wounds. Her hands are delicate on my skin, soft and her eyes are attentive. Her other hand holds the other side of my head while she finishes dabbing on the wound on my busted lip.

She puts the cotton aside. I can't take my eyes off of her. I swear it seems like she's the one who has the scars the way she's wincing and careful with my face.
Thando: What were you thinking?
She starts to reprimand me now. She's so unpredictable one minute she's soft and the next she's rough as hell. I roll my eyes.
Me: I was thinking he touched you inappropriately so I reacted. He's lucky I didn't break his hand.
Thinking about it makes me angry all over again. How dare they speak like that about her? Like she's some meat.

Thando: Stop clenching your teeth you just hurting yourself.
She grabs my face and makes me look at her. Thando: Don't ever do that again. It's dangerous and you could've gotten killed. I mean did you see how that brick almost crushed your head. And oh and the bat, did you see how that- of my God your back.
In her rambling, my face is still in her hands and staring at me with wide eyes. I grab her hands as she tries to take them away. I look at her, wanting her hands to remain where they are.

Me: It hurts.
She realizes what I said but her face shows me that she thinks she's hurting me and its not even close, if anything she's making it better with her presence. I just want her to keep touching me. She bows her head and starts to blow on my cut up eyebrow then on my cheekbone. Her blows are soft and smooth and I just want her lips to kiss my wounds instead and what the hell am I thinking. She lowers her head to blow at my busted lip, her lips dangerously close to mine. When she realises what she did she freezes and looks up at my eyes. She clears her throat before retreating. Why?

Thando: Come on, let me put the plaster on your wounds.
She starts to fidget with the first aid kit, seemingly looking for plasters. Soon her delicately soft hands cover the bruises on my cheek and eyebrow. Her hands leave all too soon from my face, leaving me craving more.
Thando: Don't talk too much or your lip will hurt more. Well, try not to. I know it's going to be hard for you to talk less.

I don't care that she basically insulted me right now. In fact I just think she's trying to divert all the tension between us. She's pretending that the moment didn't happen.
Thando: Take off your shirt.
I'm taken by surprise by her demand. Does she want to get down and dirty? I smirk, getting up from the toilet seat and start unbuttoning my shirt's buttons.
Me: Knew you always wanted me sweetheart.

She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows, a confused look playing on her face till it clicks in her tiny brain what I said. She huffs with an eyeroll.
Thando: I want to treat your back Leone, don't irritate me.
I chuckle because I knew what she meant. She's so easy to tease. She's so innocent yet acts like this tough person, it's adorable. I shrug my shirt off. Thando's eyes stayed glued to my chest and roam all over my abdomen and arms. She's checking me out.

Me: Done checking me out love?
I smirk, her face looking so flustered as she just got caught. I chuckle at her innocent behavior. She smacks my arm and I wince with a 'oww' because she's so darn strong.
Thando: Just turn around.
I swear I heard her murmur 'manchild' under her breath but I let it pass. Thando gasps audibly as soon as I turn. I'm guessing it's because of my tattoos that are scattered all over my back. I take so much pride in my tats. Especially the wings on my back on either side of my shoulders.

Thando hands make me tense up and clenching my jaw hard, not caring about the pain in my jaw. I feel her fingertips meandering over my tensed muscles on my back. Fuck, she's too close. I can literary feel her hot breath over my bare skin.
Thando: Does it hurt?
Or, she just got disturbed by my bruise and not enticed by my beautiful creations. Not disappointed at all, because this just shows that she cares about me, right?

Me: No, does it look bad?
Suddenly her head leans on my bare skin, making my body hot in a second. My insides twist and curl as I feel hot by the contact.
Thando: I'm sorry, it's my fault you fought those men and now you hurt.
I don't know how bad that wound is, but it has her vulnerable and I don't like that. I turn around and take her face in my hands.
Me: Love, I'm not sorry for what I did, so you shouldn't be either.
I raise a daring brow at her. She chuckles and it's the sweetest sound.

What is she doing to me? What are all these feelings about? I remove my hands from her face and step back from her. She looks around the bathroom and her eyes land on a target to distract herself from the tension in the room. She tugs the kit and start gathering everything and putting it in. I don't know what to do with myself except for just watching her. I look like a creep and I need to get out of her now.
Me: I gotta go.
I start putting on my shirt and doing my buttons fast. Thando looks at me before nodding.

Thando: Uhh, make sure to get that treated.
After that she turns and leaves the bathroom.
I tuck my shirt in my pants and roll up my sleeves to my forearms before tugging my phone and car keys. Shit! My car is not here, I left it at the hotel and now what do I do. I can't be around her right now, but how do I get home. I huff and leave the bathroom and see Thando at the door and waiting. She changed her clothes when we had arrived at her apartment into casual sweatpants and sweatshirt. I raise my brow at her.
Thando: I'll drive you to the hotel.


When we arrive at the hotel I turn to her and see she's looking straight ahead, hands around the wheel and body leaned forward.
How does she manage to look sexy without trying is beyond me and I just can't take it.
Me: I'll contact you when I have that information, yeah?
She turns her head to look at me, lips tucked under her teeth and she nods. I want her to stop doing these little things that make me want to pin her down and take her hard.
Without another word, I exit the car and saunt over to my own.

I don't dare look back at her car till I'm seated in my car and look behind at the car over the rearview mirror. She's still there, but she starts to back out when she sees I'm inside of my car. How adorable. See that's it, I don't even use words like adorable to women but she's made me think so many thinks I don't do in a span of little time. I've decided and my decision is that after I help her out with her mission I'm staying away from that woman. For good.

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