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Betty's pov

Leo held my hair as I puked all of my guts out in the toilet. That's how my morning has been like today, with me vomiting nonstop and Leo making sure I was okay. He looked so adorable all panicky and unsure of himself. If it wasn't for the fact that I was going to pass out of puking so much I would have cooed over him just to make him feel more uncomfortable right now.
Leo: We going to the hospital.
I didn't have the strength to argue with him so I said nothing and walked over to the sink to wash my mouth with mouthwash.

Leo: We going now so get ready.
He said his piece and left the bathroom. This man has no filter whatsoever. He just blurts whatever finds his mind and leaves it at that. He demands, not request, and that's one of the many things I've learned to know and love about him. Weird, I know but I can't help it, I love all of him, and his awkwardness. He's my robot man. I decided to take a shower fast. Not knowing where Leo went, I wrapped the towel around my body and got out to the bedroom.

We've been sleeping at the hotel, since David's passing, may he rest in peace. We decided to take the hotel because a) David's house wasn't big enough to accommodate his relatives and friends. B) Me and Leo needed our own little privacy. It's like we just can't get enough of each other, and the man has some stamina not to play with. He just can't go long enough without sex, makes me wonder where he gets the energy from.
I rummaged through the suitcase I bought to fit both Leo's and mines clothes.

When Leo came back from Italy or wherever he went he only had a duffel bag and since I also brought a duffel bag to Durban I decided to pack our clothes in one bag. It just felt natural and right to do so. The weather was better than the last few days, it's been sunny but still a little cold. I took out jeans, sneakers and a long-sleeved black t-shirt which wasn't mine but it looked nice and I was wearing it. Just as I finished tying my shoes Leo barged in the room with a tray of food.

Leo: I told the manager to make your food.
I was astounded by his words I found myself choking on air. He what?
Me: Leonardo, you told the manager to make my food? Why I mean you could've just ordered room service that's how hotels work.
Leo looked at me nonchalantly and placed the tray on the bed next to me, I could already smell the aroma of bacon, sausages, and oh my God eggs.
Leo: Woman, I don't trust people like that, and you've been vomiting a lot. What says you weren't poisoned.

Me: Unbelievable.
Leo: Eat Elizabeth.
He took the silver lid off of the platter and the strong smell of eggs hit my nostrils so bad I jolted up and ran to the bathroom. I felt like I was going to die as I hurled out in the toilet. I hate vomiting from now on. My throat feels hot, my head is spinning and my face is surely red and my forehead has veins popping out. Thank God my hair was in a bun and not getting in my face and my vomit.

Leo: What do I do?
Like I would know. How does he expect me to know what he must do, hello Leonardo I'm the one puking my intestines out here. I don't even know why his question ticked me off, but for some reason it did. I decided to not answer him, and just clean my mouth again. I heaved a heavy breath and got out of the bathroom only to smell that disgusting smell of eggs. I'm a lover of eggs, what is happening to me now.
Me: Please get the eggs away from me, I think they are the problem.

Leo looked at the tray on the bed and looked at me with furrowed brows.
Leo: But you love eggs, I made sure that sloppy manager made them how you like them.
Me: I don't know what's happening to me, but they make me feel nauseous.
I explained covering my nostrils with my two fingers. I really didn't want to act like an ungrateful brat but I just couldn't deal with the smell anymore.
Leo: Stupid manager with stupid eggs. He probably put something in the eggs, I'll make him confess.

He mumbled to himself, taking the tray and exiting the room, but I stopped him.
Me: Thank you for the food, it was a nice gesture.
I gave his cheek a peck but he grabbed my chin and kissed me on the lips. I giggled against his lips as he gave me one last peck.
Me: Don't kill the poor manager, it's not even his job to make my food.
I could already imagine the poor guy or oh God woman being bossed by this intimidated man to make some woman food.
Leo: I don't promise anything woman.
He kissed me again before going out.


After an eventful morning, Leo and I found ourselves on the road to the nearest hospital. We were now sitting in the Dr's office after Leonardo Capone had threatened the nurse to find me a doctor immediately or she would find herself admitted to the same hospital with a smashed head. I was beyond shocked, it just made me realize there's little to what I know about this man. Who even threatens someone like that over what? A meeting with a doctor. Somehow, instead of feeling scared and running away from him, I found myself shaking my head in disapproval like I was reprimanding a child.

Me: You can't just go around threatening people like that Leo.
Leo: Don't tell me what to do Amore.
I couldn't help but feel my stomach flutter at the way he called me amore even when he was grunting out his words. I wasn't about to smile and show him the satisfaction of his words on me, I needed him to cut it out.
Me: First the manager and now the nurse, really Leo stop it, you can't have everything done your way.
Leo: Are you lecturing me, woman?

I was about to argue more with him but the doctor cut out bickering short when he spoke. I had forgotten that he was here.
Dr: I got your test results as fast as I could.
The doctor directed the empathize of his word fast to Leo as his eyes stopped to look at him. The poor doctor received a glare in return making him gulp his own saliva. What was he attempting, can't he see this man I'm with is abnormal. He should've picked that up when Leo told him to make it fast with the results in the most not nicest way.

Leo: Is she poisoned?
I rolled my eyes at him but I was still looking at the doctor and waiting for him to say what was wrong with me. Leo doesn't have any chill. The doctor cleared his throat making me nervous all of a sudden.
Dr: No, she isn't poisoned, fortunately. She is pregnant though.
Firstly before I freak out completely, who even drops a bombshell like that "she is pregnant though"? Though? What kinda doctor is this kodwa?

Leo: Correct me if I'm wrong Doc, pregnant as in having a baby?
Dr: Yes, as in a baby is growing inside of her tummy, and she'll be a mother in nine months and well you a father, if you are the father.
Me: What kind of stupid comment is that? Yazi (you know) some doctors.
This doctor was irritating me now. Like what the hell was that. Who even makes such comments to patients.
Me: Thank you doctor we'll be leaving now, let's go.

I practically hauled Leo up that chair and out of that damn office of that damn doctor. I am yet to find out where all of this anger is coming from. I don't normally react to situations like that and I certainly don't get worked up by trivial matters such as that stupid comment. Urgh, that doctor makes me want to throw him off some building.
Leo: You are angry, I've never seen you angry before.
Me: Yeah, me neither.
Leo: You scaring me.

I turned to glare at him, well what the heck.
Me: You've been threatening people left right and center the whole day and my anger scares you?
I chuckled as we got in the car and drove off.
I decided to let it sink in that I was pregnant.
I don't know why I even thought I was going to freak out, because at that moment as Leo was driving and I had my hand on my belly I was smiling. It just happened so naturally that a big grin spread on my face.
Leo took my hand and kissed it. I looked at him as he focused on the road.

I felt my smile widen if that was possible. A little Leo or I was growing inside of me and I couldn't be happier. I didn't know the first thing about being a parent but I knew that I didn't want to be like my parents and with Leo, I knew we were going to be okay.
Leo: I'm happy, I want to be a father.
I was glad to know that he wanted to parent this baby.
Leo: I grew up with one motto and that was not to have any kids but being with you and hearing that I'm going to be a father, changed all that.
Me: I'm glad.

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