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Betty's pov

Staring at myself in front of the mirror. I looked pretty. The dress looked amazing. I guess mother found a way to make me look presentable after all. Mother saw my dreadlocks unfit and contrasting with the wedding gown. So she took them out and straightened my brunette curls. It's such a pity really because they'll go back to being curly the next morning.

I had to admit that everyone did a good job in making me look stunning. But no one ever inquired of how I was, whether I wanted to get married. But then again, this wasn't about my happiness. It was for my father's business, my family's wellbeing and that only gave me some solace. I don't know what my fate is, but if it's this one, then I accept it.
The door opened, making me turn around to acknowledge who it was.

Mom: Your father needs you in his office. You have a habit of causing unnecessary trouble.
With that only she left. What had she meant by that? What trouble had I caused and why did father want to see me. The wedding wasn't taking place until the next twenty minutes. Sighing I held the tails of my gown careful not to step on it. I walked out from my room, reaching his office I curled my hands into small fist, knocking on the mahogany door.

Father: Come in.
I closed my eyes for a brief moment and took a breath before going in. My father was seated in his usual seat behind the brown table in the middle of the room. But then he wasn't alone, a man whose face I couldn't see sat in front of my father.
Me: You called for me father?
He nodded. His face held no emotions whatsoever. It was rather difficult to understand what he was thinking most of the time when he kept stoic all the time.

Father: Your wedding is cancelled.
My eyes went wide with shock, relief, happiness and confusion. My heart felt lighter, something I didn't even realize till I heard those words escape from my father's mouth. But my happiness was short-lived as my father continued;
Father: I'm sure you will be in better care with Mr Capone.
Me: Mr- what are you talking about fath-
In that moment my words evaporated into nothingness as the man stood up turning around.

I was astounded, I didn't even know how to react. My throat suddenly went dry and I needed water. Leo stood there, buttoning his suit and straightening the imaginary crease from it. I tried to read what was going on, but with these two men with hard faces, it was really hard to decipher what was going on. But I knew one thing, whatever it was, wasn't something I would like.

Leo: Miss Jones, I believe you wouldn't be traveling in that, I have a few minutes to spare, we have a flight to catch.
Ignoring Leo, I turned to my father who sat there staring, doing nothing. His face may have been indistinct but his eyes revealed content.
Me: Father what is going on?
Father: Ask him.
I turned to look at Leo who seemed irritable but I didn't care at this point. I needed answers.

Me: Where am I going? Why am I asking him, I'm asking you father?
My father sighed standing up and sliding a piece of paper across the table. I looked at Leo with a glare, turning a questionable gaze to my father. I walked past Leo, taking the paper. It was a check, a twenty million check.
The dots connected in my head as I stared at the piece of paper in my trembling hands.
I could feel my eyes start to sting from my tears.
Me: You signed it.

It was more of a statement than a question. My father didn't say anything. I didn't have the strength to look at him, the paper just seemed to draw me in. All I saw were words and my father's signature.
Father: You should be happy, you don't have to marry anymore, you free.
Leo: You have thirty minutes, I'll be outside.
Me: How is selling me setting me free father?
I looked up from the paper expecting an answer from him. How could he think he was freeing me, because I felt anything but.

Father: I need the money, there's no difference here, you were going to marry Brandon for money right? This is the same, except it's triple the amount.
I gulped the sobs threatening to come out. I was numb. I put the check on his desk, looking up at him with my face filled with tears.
Me: I never thought this would be our divergence, but nonetheless I'm happy I was able to fulfill my duty as your daughter. You have more money than you could ever ask for, I wish for your happiness father.

I turned around, with my numbness I was able to take robotic strides to the door. I stopped when I reached the doorknob as my father spoke.
Father: I am happy, thank you for fulfilling your duty.
My heart felt like something shot at it. I didn't turn back to look at my father as I closed the door. I didn't even bother to hold up my dress as I walked to my room.
Mom: I packed your bags already, they are waiting for you.

I didn't even look at her. One thing for sure, was that my mother approved of this sick deal. It was pointless to even beg her for anything. What would I even beg for? Please don't sell me? please don't give away your daughter to a man she hardly knows? Take me back? I should beg for my worth from my parents. How pathetic do I even sound.
Mom: Don't make him wait, go!


My tears seemed unstoppable, just a river stream. I wondered whether I could be able to withstand the turbulent of troubles in my life. Could I live with the fact that my parents, the only people who are supposed to love and cherish me, sold me to a man they didn't even know for a couple of millions. Was the money worth losing their child? But then again, I was fulfilling my duty as their daughter so I shouldn't be disappointed nor hurt.

But I couldn't help but wonder why. Why me? Always I have to be the only one in my family to make sacrifices. What about Lillian, she's my older sister isn't she? Isn't her responsibility to take care of me? What went wrong in my life that I had to end up here. God if it's your will, then who am I to oppose. But if it isn't, then by all means guide me through it, show me a way. Because I have never in my life felt this shattered, and confused.

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