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Leone's pov

I was in the middle of something when I got a call from Thando. Pulling out, I grabbed my phone while discarding the used condom in the toilet and flushed it. I don't trust these girls, might try to pull a fast one on me and the next thing I know I'm a father to a baby I never wanted. Yeah, no I'm not catching a case with these girls. I sauntered back to my bedroom, ignoring the woman naked on my bed as I answered the call.
I honestly didn't want to talk to her at the moment, especially not after I just used a girl to forget about her.

But something about Thando that just made me comply automatically without hesitation. She had thing impact on me and she wasn't even aware of her power and that's what drove me crazy, she drove me crazy. But when I heard a male voice on the line I immediately sobered up from the high I was on. Although I think I had sobered up the moment I saw her name flash on my screen. What is she doing to me?
Me: Who's this and why do you have Thando's phone with you?
I grabbed my briefs and pulled them on before pulling my dark jeans on as well.

Male: It's Lwazi, Thando's brother and Thando have been shot.
I was in the middle of grabbing my leather jacket when my heart stopped beating. I couldn't hear anything else after that. My baby girl was shot. Thando.was hurt, and I was here. The brother was busy trying to talk to me asking me if I was still there.
Me: Where are you?
I knew I didn't sound like before at that moment. I was conflicted within. After the Lwazi guy told me to meet up at the hospital since they were taking her there, I immediately grabbed my wallet and car keys.

Girl: You just gonna leave me here?
Me: Would you like me to cuddle you and kiss your forehead.
She gasped, shocked. Probably by my sudden change of demeanor and voice. I didn't have time for her right now. I needed to be with my woman. I took a few hundred and placed them on the nightstand.
Me: Pay for the room and check out.
I left. I was driving like a maniac on the road. I didn't care that I was driving over the speed limit or that I just drove past a red line. Luckily there were no cars to cause a big accident or we would be singing a different song.

As soon as I arrived at the hospital, my feet carried me to the entrance. My heart was beating abnormally fast against my chest.
Thando. Please be okay, please be okay. That's the only thing I was chanting in my mind as I tried to walk past the reception. The middle-aged lady at the reception called out to me but I wasn't listening.
Lady: Sir- sir wait you can't just walk past- sir!
I knew my behavior was stupid and reckless because the one I was disrupting was the whole floor where people were sick and waiting in line.
Two, I had no idea where Thando was taken.

So I turned and went to the receptionist and gave her the meanest glare there was.
Me: Thando, shot and just came in. Now!
I had no idea how my voice maintained to stay that low but it was dangerously low and deeper than usual, darker than usual.
Lady: Let me check...
The sound of buttons being pressed just irked me more. It was taking forever and I didn't have time to wait.
Me: Talk lady!
Lady: S-she's in the operation room, you can't go in because-
Me: Floor?
More time was being wasted and I wasn't having it.

Lady: Sir you can't go to the operation-
My jaw was ticking with anger and my eyes were narrowing on the woman before me.
Lady: F-floor t-three but-
I was bolting to the elevators before she could finish her sentence and stop shaking in her boots. Her stuttering was not doing me any justice as well. If anything, it was taking my time. I reached the third floor and ran to the hallway glancing around looking for a room that said operation. The floor was quiet and the only person was a guy pacing around In front of a room while looking frantic.

I found the room and I was about to go in too if I wasn't stopped by the guy who was pacing a second ago. I turned around to glare at him and possibly tell him where to fuck off. But he managed to stop me before I could be able to speak;
Male: We are not allowed in there while they are operating. I would've been in there if they did.
I was breathing heavily and I needed to catch a grip before I exploded in the wildest way. I don't think causing a scene in the middle of the operation room would be ideal.

Lwazi: Are you Leone?
I slumped on the bench that was situated against the wall. My head dropped in my hands as my elbows propped on my knees to hold my hands firm. I tried to focus on my breathing for a while before I spoke again;
Me: Yeah, how long has she been in there?
I felt a presence next to me on the bench. I didn't look up even when he spoke.
Lwazi: Not long, a few minutes before you arrived. She's gonna be fine.
Me: What the hell happened, how did she get shot and how do you know that she'll be-

The door burst open and a man in blue scrubs wearing a blue mask and a blue hat or whatever came out. At that moment the man just saved the boy next to me from my rage. I know I was being unfair to take out my anger on the innocent kid but I just couldn't handle the thought of her being hurt. I was up on my feet the second he came towards us while taking his mask off.
Dr: Mashilo family?
The Dr was looking skeptical as he raised his eyebrows at us. It was obvious he was inquiring about me since I didn't look anything like a Mashilo type of person, I wasn't black.

Lwazi: Brother and-
Me: Husband, and husband.
I quickly replied before the boy could finish his sentence. It was either I lie to be allowed in this discussion or I fight my way through and I don't think the doctor would've won that one but I chose the former either way.
Dr: Well, Ms. Mashilo or Mrs.?-
Me: Capone, Mrs. Capone. She's -?
The doctor nodded and muttered a 'right';
Dr: Mrs. Capone is okay and being moved to ward 304 at the moment. The bullet is out and she'll be good to go by tomorrow morning. She's still unconscious due to the pills we gave her for the operation, but she's predicted to wake up in half an hour.

Me: Can we see her now?
The doctor nodded and gestured for us to follow him. I don't know when they moved her or how, but I didn't care. All I cared about was to be with her and see if she's okay. Maybe they had another door in that operation room of theirs or something. The doctor led the kid and me to the ward.
Dr: Don't wake her up just yet. She's still a little affected by the drugs so I'd suggest being gentle with her when talking.
Lwazi: Okay, thank you doc.
The doctor disappeared after that. I pushed the door open with no time wasted.

She looked so fragile but beautiful. So innocent and beautiful. She looked nothing like the raging Thando I deal with every day but she still looked so damn beautiful.
Lwazi: I'll go get some coffee, I need the caffeine after that whole experience and maybe some air as well.
Me: Don't go outside, not even the garden. Stay within the premises.
I couldn't take my eyes off the woman who laid peacefully on that bed. My eyes focused on her as I tried to keep myself from jumping on that bed and waking her up.

Lwazi: Okay, I'll just question that later after I get my caffeine.
The door clicked, indicating that I was alone and the kid had left. I stood by her bed, just next to her as I faced her sleeping form. I saw how her arm was bandaged and a relieved sigh left my lips. God, she didn't get severely hurt. My hand found her cheek, stroking the plastered bruise on the cheek. Her lips were parted as she took calm breaths, she looked so adorable with her big front teeth showing. Those same lips I wanted so bad to kiss.
Me: I'll find whoever did this to you and kill them. I promise.

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