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Betty's pov

I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye to people I had started to consider my own family. So I left, I left without a word said.
I will wait till after the wedding and maybe Brandon won't be such a cruel husband to prevent me from seeing my friends. My father had locked me in my room the minute I arrived. I don't understand why he doesn't trust me when all I've done is obey every little thing he ever commanded me to do.

I stared at my phone, still no phone call from Lisa except for the ones from the dinner party I bailed out from. Maybe she was busy, she is dealing with a lot after all. The door to my room opened. My mother stood in the doorway looking all kinds of elegant. I knew there was nothing good from this visit, I was her least favorite but I at least expect for her to help me out like any mother would her daughter, her last born.

Me: Mom please talk to father, I don't want to get married to Brandon.
I also got up from my bed, standing in front of my mother who had an annoyed expression on her face.
Mom: Lizzie sweetheart, you know that this is not just about you, don't be selfish. This is going to be good for the family business, don't you want your father to succeed?
Me: But mother-
Mom: Anyways I came here to tell you that your dresses will be here soon, choose the one you like.

She looked me up and down with a disapproving look on her face. I knew what was to come next, a load of judgements.
Mom: You gained quite a lot of calories. Fat brides aren't exactly the ideal ones but I'm sure if we work something out you can look presentable.
She sighed then walked out of my room with no other word said from her nor me.
Me: I like my weight.
I huffed and sat on the bed with a disgruntled soul. I couldn't get her words out of my head.

Was I selfish for not wanting to marry Brandon for the well-being of our family? Was I really? Maybe I was. There was no turning back now, I was going to get married tomorrow, to a man I didn't love. But at least I was doing it for the greater good, or at least that's what I was telling myself to console my broken heart.

A ringtone of my phone brought meback to reality. A number I didn't know appeared on my phone screen.
Me: Hello?
I froze when a voice I knew all too well spoke from the other end of the line;
Leo: You don't sound too happy amore, maybe I can change that yeah?
Me: Leonardo.
I breathed out, getting up from my bed, I rushed to the door to make sure it was locked. I wouldn't want anyone to barge in while I'm talking to this man, not that I was doing anything wrong because I wasn't, right?

Leo: Elizabeth.
There it goes again, the way my name rolls off his tongue so smoothly like it was meant for him only to call out.
Me: How did you find my number? I don't remember giving it to you.
Leo: Now now amore, you can ask me anything you want, just come outside to talk.
Outside- this man wouldn't!
Me: W-what do y-you mean?
I mentally scolded myself for stuttering like a school girl. But I couldn't help it. I was scared that this man really was outside and not playing games with me.

Leo: Three minutes Elizabeth, or I'm coming inside.
Then he hung up. My body jumped up from the bed like it was on fire. If he comes inside my house, a tumult will erupt and the last thing I want right now is my father to get angry and make a hasty decision due to rage. I wore my slippers and cardigan. Opening the door, I peeked through the door to see if there was anyone around. When there wasn't it, I tiptoed to the front door.

Thankful I didn't get caught while leaving the yard, I looked around the suburban street. But there wasn't any car nor something that told me Leo was here. Maybe he lied, that would be a relief. I should just go back before anyone notices I'm gone. But before I could take a step towards the gate a firm hand pulled me to side. Due to the unexpected pull I tumbled over to a hard chest. I gasped at the impact.
Leo: That's four minutes, I was beginning to think you wanted me to go inside amore.

Leo kept both his hands on either side on my waist, holding me tight to his firm chest. I tried to wiggle out of his hold but to no use as he was too strong. I stilled and decided to look anywhere but him. But my heart was hammering inside my ribcage due to the close proximity and his touch on my body, even through the clothes it felt like it was burning my skin.
Leo: Why do you make me do things I don't want Elizabeth.

He put his hand on my face to make me look at him. I did and I saw that he was genuinely confused by his own question and needed answers.
Me: Then don't do them.
I whispered as our faces were to close that our noses were almost touching. I couldn't keep my eyes away from his. It was like he was drawing me in. I couldn't look away from him, even if I wanted to.
Leo: I don't like being told what to do amore, I really don't.

Then he kissed me. He actually captured my lips with his soft yet rough lips. He nipped on my lower lip seeing as I wasn't kissing him back. I was in shock, I gasped due to the shock. He took advantage of it, filling my mouth with his tongue, deepening the kiss. My body felt like it was on fire, as if I was burning. My hand clutched on his shirt in a tight grip as if I didn't want to let go. My other hand went to his silk hair, tugging at it and earning a groan from him. That's when I remembered that I was outside my house, getting married tomorrow and kissing another man.

I pushed him off, gaining my composure and sending daggers at Leo for kissing me like that. Anyone could've seen us. Why the hell did he even kiss me.
Me: Stay away for me Leonardo, I'm getting married.
Leo smirked and straightened his suit jacket.
Leo: I confirmed one thing, and I couldn't be more sure of what I need to do next.
Then he winked and walked away, then I saw a black car pull through taking him along. I was left dumbfounded. What have I done?

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