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Betty's pov

Anniversaries. I wouldn't say a two year anniversary is long enough to host a humongous party. But it would be long enough to invite my friends and family for a dinner party right? Right. So that's why I have invited everyone to my house this evening for my two year anniversary married to the love of my life, Leonardo Capone. I would say though, two years has been a long time to tolerate that hard man, I think I deserve to celebrate it a little.

Of course, the kids will also be here, some, actually all of us I think, have children not old enough to start alone or be left with babysitters or nannies. I personally don't approve of hiring nannies when I'm perfectly healthy and able to take care of my child by myself. But I don't disapprove of other people doing it, we don't all have the same mindset. One of the reasons I actually hate leaving children with nannies would be because I was one of them. I grew up with different kinds of nannies.

Some were awful, God they were terrible to me. They would treat me like a foreigner in my own house, home. Some though, were nice and understanding. I wouldn't know why they were though but I believe they cares about me or about the money my father shoved them. Of course it was different for Lilly. She always was away all the time. I never understood why she was never home.
Sometimes she would be gone for a whole year and that's the max. And when she was home she was pampered by our parents.

They never left her anywhere, they went with her anywhere they went. I was so hurt but I paid no mind to it as it got worse. But I think what consoled me was that I knew she would leave again, and I would try to impress my parents and maybe get them to love me and look after me for once. It wasn't until a few years back that I got to know why Lilly would just disappear like that. She was diagnosed with chronical mental disorder. So she was sent to mental health services from country to country.

Apparently my father didn't birth a psychotic child and wanted her fixed. I always envied my sister not knowing she was being treated like a mad woman by her own parents. Worse she never even asked for it. No one ever asks for sicknesses right? I didn't think it was fair for her to be treated like that by them. I guess in a way I knew now why Lilly hated me so much. She thought I had it all, easy and pleasant. She thought I was happy with them while she was sent away to mental institutions. In a way our parents drove us both apart.

So when I was told that she had been admitted after trying to kill a man she was obsessed with in a mental institution, I took it upon myself to mend the relationship that was broke between us. Of course I don't know who the man was, they didn't really give me any details at the institution, just that they found her inside the premises with a missing pinky finger and many bruises. So I guessed whoever she tried to kill got to her for revenge and tossed her at the institution.
At least she wasn't killed.

Now, I have my own family, my husband and child. Well not to forget Leone, the trouble maker. And they are everything I could ever ask for. Seemingly, Leone is good at hosting parties or whatever he said. Although I told him many times that this wasn't like the parties or clubs he has been to, he insisted on helping organizing it and co-hosting. Yeah I don't know how he is the co host when it's an anniversary between two married people and celebrated for those two people who are again married. But I love my brother-in-law.

It was pretty close to 7 p.m. I had to get Alex and his dad ready. Thinking how could a grown up man need help getting ready, well that would be because he's a man child. Leo literally behaves like Alex at times or just pretends to. I mean how has he been able to survive all alone all those years when I wasn't there to baby him. Men.
Leone: Okay champ, now I'm going to teach you how to hit on a girl, easy stuff alright.
Me: Uhh no you not. He's two years old Leone, you can't teach a baby such things.
Leone rolled his eyes at me, but a playful smirk on his face.

Leone: Exactly, old enough to make girls swoon. Besides we having a party tonight so I need to show him how it's done by real Capone men.
This time I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile at him. Leone was such a...unusual person. I mean aren't all Capone men though. I know my husband was anything but usual. The man didn't hold his baby for a week afraid of dropping him to his death.
Me: Please, if that was true, you'd be married by now. Leone you old my guy.
Leone chuckled before placing a hand on his chest and feigning a pained face.

Leone: You wound me Lizzy.
Me: Ewe don't call me that.
He laughed before getting up and walking towards me and Alex. He attempted to fist pump Alex who was now on my hip. Alex just touched his fisted hand and tried to bring it to his mouth, making Leone shake his head, but I didn't miss the amusement in his eyes.
Leone loved his nephew, I knew that.
Leone: I'm not that old sweetheart, I haven't even reached thirty yet.
Me: Almost there if you ask me.

He ruffled my hair before placing a kiss on my temple and waving his hand in the air and disappearing in the huge mansion. I shook my head at him. He obviously was avoiding my lecture about finding the one and settling down. I have been trying to set him up with this girl though, Thando and wow that blew up so bad. They fight like cat and mouse, it's like a madhouse when with them in the same environment.
Me: He can't even get one girl, and wants to teach you how to hit on a girl.
Alex: Gwel!

Me: I know baby, gwel. He needs a gwel.
I continued to converse with my so not very coherent baby as I went upstairs to get him ready for the dinner party. I was expecting Leo to not be in the bedroom so I opted for his office instead. Work had to pause for a while. I knew if I didn't disturb him, he would be late at his own party, trust me he's capable. I knocked once and just opened the door without waiting for him to reply.
Alex: Dada!
Alex wiggled in my arms to try to get to his father. I let him wobble to him after I put him down.

Leo: There's my baby boy, come here.
Alex grinned, falling into his father's outstretched hands. Leo picked him up and put him on his lap as he shut his laptop.
Leo: And my favorite girl in the whole wide world.
He winked at me, I blushed obviously. The man knew how to speak to me.
Me: Come on, it's time to get ready. Stop working love, it's our anniversary Leo.
Leo: And I woke up and did the breakfast in bed thing with flowers and chocolates and on top of that, I got you the most expensive diamond necklace there is.

Me: Which you googled Leo. Babe I love you but you can't google your way through important dates.
He sighed and got up, advancing me he adjusted Alex in his arms as he continued to play with his t-shirt. Leo snaked a hand on my waist and pulled me close to him.
Leo: Amore, relax okay. And who said I google my way through important dates all the time. I didn't google Christmas or new years eve. So I got you okay?
Me: Fine, but you didn't google my birthday so not getting out of that one that easily.

Leo: Really, not even if I do this? Hmm?
He kissed my forehead, erupting a wave of butterflies in my tummy. I rolled my eyes.
Leo:Or this?
He went to kiss my cheek, dangerously close to my lips. He smirked seeing as whatever witchcraft he used on me was working, I was a blushing mess. He kissed my chin and before he could go any further I stopped him.
Me: Alex is literally in your arms.
Leo: And he's learning how to treat a woman.
What was it with these men and trying to educate a toddler about women.
Me: Let's just go get ready.

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