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Lisa: You should head to work, I'll stay in with her.
Her hands reaching up to touch his ironed out three piece suit. She took it off the closet railing, walking back into the bedroom.
Snakes: Are you sure, I don't know if I'll be able to concentrate at work, knowing my princess is sick.
Lisa walked over to his side after placing his suit on the bed. She didn't want him missing anymore work when she could take care of Ronnie herself.

She extended her hand for him. Smiling when Snakes took it and rose from his sitting position on the bed. Now his six feet tall frame was towering over her. But it didn't discourage her as she snaked her arms around his neck. He pulled her to him, staring intensely at her eyes.
Lisa: I get what you saying. But you can't ditch work. I promise to call if anything comes up.
She tip toed, kissing the corner of his lips. Her forehead leaned against his shoulder, inhaling his scent. She welcomed his cool lemony scent.

Snakes: Alright. I do have a lot of work. Promise to call?
She hummed in response still snugged up between his neck and  shoulder. She felt him lay his head on her shoulder before plopping a chaste kiss on it. She loved this new habit of him. Letting go, she watched him turn around to tow over a sleeping Ronnie. They had called for a Dr immediately after they saw her high temperature. He had prescribed some medicine for her, some of which Lisa already had. As a mother, she always had to be extra cautious, so she always had medication with her. The Doctor reassured the worried parents that it was just a cold, and their child would be good as new in a few hours. The medicine was due to kick in and help in her healing.

Snakes removed the hairs on Ronnie's forehead before placing a loving kiss on it. She heard him sigh so slightly. She knew no parent wanted to see their child in pain, it hurt them more. Her fragile frame made her father even more skeptical about going to work.
Snakes: Stay strong for daddy princess, I promise to buy you a lot of skittles when you get better.
He whispered kissing her yet again. Lisa felt a warm feeling in her stomach everytime she witnessed him interact with his daughter.

After he had disappeared to the bathroom to get ready. She decided to make him some breakfast in the meanwhile.


Sanele: Have you talked to Snakes?
Upon hearing that question and already knowing where the conversation was leading. Mbali abruptly halted in the middle of tying her bun. Her arms would feel a little crampy whenever she hoisted them up for too long. Dropping her hands on her sides, she sighed.
Mbali: No.
She took off the hair tier around her wrist and placed it around her fingers before grabbing her hair in attempt to tie it again.
Sanele: Let me.
She turned to look at him, advancing towards her.

Sanele took a hold of her sleek hair, holding it in a bun. She smiled, taking the hair tier and handing it over to him.
Mbali: What do I say to him? It's been a month since he spoke to ubaba. I can't force him to share a relationship with someone he doesn't want to and I don't blame him either. But he's dying sthandwa sam, won't he at least grant him his last wish of staying with him by his side?
Sanele placed his hands over her shoulders standing behind her, when he was done with her hair.

Sanele: I was asking about you, your guys relationship.
She sighed. Getting up from the seat, Mbali walked over to the bed and sat down. She watched as Sanele sat next to her. She knew that this was a discussion she couldn't avoid. As much as she tried to divert it, she was hurting to know that her older brother wasn't giving her the time of the day. Snakes hadn't said anything to her regarding their new found relationship since the day they found out. She wanted to have a relationship with him, and she was willing to make it work, only if he was as well.

Mbali: Do you think I should go to his house?
She felt her hands being engulfed in warmer, bigger and harder ones.
Sanele: Do what you think is right. It doesn't matter who initiates this relationship. What matters is the effort being put in it. I'm certain bafo will appreciate your efforts.
She sough out loud, propping her head on his shoulder. Sanele was right, she knew he was.

Sanele: I just don't want you to stress. I don't want these little ones giving you a tough time than they already are.
Mbali turned and kissed his shoulder in appreciation. Sanele always knew how to make her feel better in any situation and without having to try. His maturity and mellowness is what she truly adored about him. She couldn't wait to be married to the man in a few weeks. Thinking about her wedding she felt all kinds of squishy inside.

Sanele: I know you thinking about me, I told obsessed with me.
Mbali playfully hit his chest with the back of her hand. A huge grin crept on her face.
Mbali: Haibo! (Ha!)


Closing off the laptop in front of him, Snakes rubbed his face. He was tired and extremely worried. Lisa hadn't called regarding Ronnie's health. Even though he knew it meant she was still fine, he was uncomfortable with being away from his family. He leaned back in his chair, glancing at his wrist, the Rolex displayed 16:46. It was almost time to knock off. As he sat there in his big office, and big leather chair, his mind traveled to his father who was submitted to at the hospital a week ago.

Snakes: Why that little- argh
He mattered under his breath. A humorless chuckle followed after. His mind was debating whether or not to visit him. He knew deep down he wanted to have a relationship with the man. But again what was the use of building a relationship with a dying man. Who would get hurt, again? And as if it wasn't enough, the old man as he liked to address him was asking for last wishes. He always hated that kind of situation.

To why people asked for last wishes before dying urked him. Not only were they dying but they were burdening the same people who were grieving for them. As if them being in pain of loss wasn't enough.
Snakes: I don't want him to haunt me when he's dead. Now I don't have a choice than to grant him his stupid wish.
He got up from his chair, grabbing the blazer around it. He glanced at his watch again and smiled a little. Time to go home.

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