Insert 15

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Ronnie: That's not how it goes Daddy you doing it wong.
Snakes: Hey, I know what I'm the adult here
He muttered the last sentence to himself, more like trying to convince himself that he was the adult here, Ronnie had made him look and act like a child but he couldn't help it.
Ronnie: You going to burn the kitchen.
Snakes: Your talking is distractive.
He flipped the pancake, maybe too high as it got stuck to the ceiling due to the oil.
Snakes: Where did it go?
Ronnie: Oi, up there!
She pointed to the now stuck pancake on the ceiling.

Snakes: How did it get that high.
Ronnie face palmed herself shaking her head, her dad had tried to make her pancakes when he found out they are her favorite but his efforts were tumbling down slowly.
Snakes: How do we get it back down?
Ronnie: You the adult wwight, daddy?
Snakes: You-
Soon a thud was heard and Snakes felt something landing on his head, he closed his eyes and took a sharp breath. Soon giggles erupted in the kitchen. A agitated Snakes opened his eyes and sighed.

Snakes: Well, it's down now right?
Ronnie: Oh daddy, just wake mommy.
Snakes removed the piece of food from his head and turned the stove off. He went to the little girl who's been sitting on the counter watching over his struggles. He put his hands on either sides of her face making her look at him straight in the eye.
Snakes: I am not a weak man child, I don't give up, understand?
He spoke with humor but firmly, the little girl nodded slowly withholding a smile.

Ronnie: Ordewing it is?
Snakes: Of course, but remember we have to get rid of the evidence.
Ronnie: What are you waiting for call them.
Snakes took out his phone, dialed the restaurant he had owned for years. Their relationship didn't take much to take off. It was the two were destined to be, from their first encounter to actually living and breathing together.
Snakes: I want breakfast at my house in the next 15 minutes later than that you're fired!
He barked on the phone like he hadn't been the sweet and childish like father with a little girl. The person on the other side stuttered his yes out.

Ronnie gave her father a high five, she wasn't scared of him the slightest, rather she admired him, or found him cute at times which irritated him as he liked to claim he wasn't cute. Snakes had packed their bags the same day he got his family, not wanting to waste more time, than he had already wasted in the three years. Betty had came along with them, he didn't mind, they were a package as Lisa had put it. Lisa had started planning a morning wedding, a small intimate ceremony since there was already a wedding in the next few weeks.

A doorbell had both of them running to the door, Snakes opened the door and dismissed his guard, no one was allowed to just waltz in his premises, anyone who wasn't family or friend needed thorough inspection before entering but deliveries ended at the big black gate of his house. After setting the table he threw the containers and anything that was regarded as evidence. Soon Lisa descended the stairs in her nightgown. The father and daughter duo stood next to each other, way to close and suspicious to her.

Their smiles were also weird to her, she smiled skeptically. She knew the two probably did something, again. Ever since they got together, things have been going haywire because if them. She thought Mndeni would have a hard time bonding with his daughter but the opposite happened and honestly she was happy. Same went for Ronnie.
Lisa: M-morning.
Ronnie: Good morning mommy.
She went to kiss her mother's cheek before going to plop on her chair, which was difficult as she was short, Snakes sighed smiling and and helped her up she smiled at him.
Snakes: Sit, I made breakfast.
Ronnie: We made it.
Snakes: Yeah, we made breakfast.
Lisa: Oh, what time did you guys get to make all of this?
Snakes and Ronnie looked at each other with panicked eyes.

Since Snakes sat closer to Ronnie he was able to be pulled close by her tiny hands, he furrowed his eyebrows in question.
Ronnie: She's on to us.
Snakes: She just asked about time, how is she on to us?
Ronnie: Look at her...
Snakes did exactly that but almost jumped in his chair with fright. He placed a hand on his chest. Lisa was on their faces trying to listen on to what their were whispering about.
Snakes: Damnit woman!
He whispered to himself, he didn't get why she had to sneak up on him like that.

Lisa: Why are you people whispering, and why were you looking at me like that?
Ronnie: N-nothing mommy.
She smiled sweetly at her, it really was in her nature to just overlook things while her father looked at her like she had grew three heads. He wondered how she could be so subtle all of a sudden when his heart raced. Lisa gave them a look but decided to let their strange behavior go, and eat her food.
She moaned with a mouthful, Snakes mentally groaned, feeling his buddy twitching down there, the things she did to his body, were unexplainable.

Lisa: Wow, you made this? It's so good.
She took another bite of the pancake and moaned again while nodding.
Snakes: What do you mean? Of course we made it, who else would make it.
Ronnie face palmed herself at his rambling, if he didn't shut up he was gonna get them busted. He acted like a big man, bossing people around but the minute he sees Lisa he looks as if he's about to collapse.
Ronnie: 'nyi I don't give up' this man.
She muttered to herself, low enough to not be heard. Her tiny soft voice mocking her father.

Lisa: Well thank you guys for the food, it was great! Ronnie come on it's time to take a bath. Uhh just leave the dishes I'll do them after.
She got up and stretched her hand out for Ronnie to take. They walked up the stairs to their room, Snakes had tried to get her to share a room with him but she declined and told him they were not yet married so she still had her space, plus Ronnie was so used to sleeping with her mother that sleeping in her own room didn't sound so appealing.

While scrubbing the little girl's back in the bathtub as she played with the water ducks, she decided to start a conversation.
Lisa: Baby?
In which she hummed in return still not paying much attention to her mother.
Lisa: Are you happy?
Ronnie nodded vigorously, with a smile on her face, which brought one her mother else.
Lisa: Good, I'm glad.
Ronnie: Daddy is the coolest, he can be scawy to some people but not to me, today he shouted at this guy over the phone while ordewing bweafast-

Ronnie's eyes went wide but she didn't turn to look at her mother. Lisa nodded, already knowing the truth, she wasn't stupid, she once lived with the man. He couldn't cook to save his own life.
Ronnie: Don't tell daddy.
Lisa: Tell him what?
Ronnie smiled already getting her mother's implication, she wasn't going to tell on her.
Lisa giggled and scooped her in a towel, looking like baby she once was he put her on the bed.

She rummaged for the moisturizer, taking her underwear and clothes with. She walked back to the bed to have her dressed in a two piece and had her braids undone. She combed her hair and did two buns with it.

What she didn't know was all along she had been watched by the man himself as he admired everything she did

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What she didn't know was all along she had been watched by the man himself as he admired everything she did. She was a natural, it felt so right and normal to him, as if he didn't miss the three years of their lives. He left before he got caught to his own room.

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