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Lisa's pov

I couldn't fine Betty anywhere, Lilly was clinging on my man as if I wasn't even there. Then Mbali on the other hand being her old self, busy making sneaky comments about Lilly, if there's anyone who hates Lillian more than I do it's her. Sino was in a love bubble. And I couldn't find Brandon nor Leo. It is safe to say that this dinner isn't going as planned.
Mbali: I have something to tell you.
I turn my eyes from the glass of wine in my hands, giving her my attention. She's been blabaring for the past few minutes and I wasn't paying attention as I was lost in my own thoughts.

Mbali: Get Sino first and we'll talk in the kitchen.
Before I can ask what's this about that we can't talk about here, she was already gone with 'call Sino and meet me in the kitchen' whisper. Sino catches my gaze and I signal with my head to follow Mbali. She whispers something to her husband and gives him a sloppy kiss on the lips. My sight turns to him, he's still talking to Lilly. What happened to kicking her out, okay I know I said she must stay but now that idea wouldn't be so bad after all. I roll my eyes at her pitchy giggles, is he a comedian now?

I gulp my wine and walk past them, but a firm hand grasps my wrists and I turn around to see Snakes looking at me with a smirk, what's his problem. I don't get to ask him that as he pulls me to his lap giving me a sweet kiss, which I reciprocate immediately. I don't know what's with this kiss but it makes my insides turn in a good way. I pull away leaning my head on his breathing heavily. He smirks and I get up sprinting to the kitchen but I couldn't miss Lillian's grimace, was she trying to smile?


Me: What!
Sino: This is good news!
Me and Mbali turn to her with scrunched up faces, confusion evident on our features at her big smile. She blinks so many times before Mbali speaks again;
Mbali: Huh, how many glasses of wine did you have?
Sino: I mean it's not good that Brandon is fucking Betty's sister obviously. But listen Betty could now get out of this shunned marriage.

Me: Ha! Sino you genius.
Sino smiles arrogantly brushing imaginary dust from her shoulder.
Mbali: I say we lock that chopstick in a disposal truck after.
Me: Honestly that isn't a bad idea but how did you come up with that idea? Mama gangsta wena. (you a gangsta mom)
Sino: How imaginative of you, you such an adult, real mature!
Sino sarcastically smiles and rolls her eyes. Mbali sticks her tongue out at her, really not helping prove her otherwise right now.

Mbali: Your sarcasm is choking my unborn babies.
Me: Let's go back, we'll tell Betty tomorrow.
Mbali: Where is she anyways?
We start to walk out of the kitchen with Mbali's question lingering.
Sino: I think I saw her go outside a while ago, she didn't look uhm not drunk.
Mbali: Nice choice of words.
I honestly thought she meant it sarcastically but I couldn't detect any sarcasm from her words instead she gave Sino a genuine smile and a nod.

Me: Sometimes I wonder if you ate something growing up, like any shit that makes people go crazy, just by any mistake.
Mbali: Insult me directly woman.
Me: Yes sir.
We finally reach the table laughing at our silly banter. I see Betty hasn't come back yet and I want to check on her now.


Betty still wasn't found yet, I called the whole night but she wasn't anywhere to be found, which got me worried a lot. But then this morning I got a call from Leo telling me that Betty was at his house. I did however want to know how she ended up there or how they ended together.
Ronnie: Daddy passwee  please.
Veronica held his phone out to her father as she straddled his stomach as he laid on his back on the bed.

Snakes took the phone and punched the password handing it back to Ronnie with a cheek kiss. Ronnie began playing with his phone unmoving while he played with her hair. They always acted so natural together, it always warmed my heart how they interacted with each other.
Snakes: Mbali called and said David wants to meet up with each one of us today.
Me: David is around?
He nodded still paying his attention on Ronnie's hair.

I put the folded shirt on his pile of folded clothes as I took another piece of clothing from the washed laundry folding it.
Me: Oh, what's this about?
Snakes: I don't know, said it was important we all be there.
He shrugged it off. I nodded and took his clothes to the walk in closet. Going back to the room I started folding Ronnie's clothes.
Me: What do you guys want for breakfast?
Ronnie: Pancakes!
Snakes: You always want pancakes, but fun fact is that you won't get pancakes if you don't brush your teeth.

Ronnie: But daddy I blushed my teeh las nwigh.
Snakes: Yeah, but this is a new day and that means your breath stinks-
Me: What your dad means is that you need to brush your teeth again today sweety, so they don't smell okay.
I sent a glare to Snakes, the things he says sometimes.
Ronnie: Okay.
Me: Good girl, go on now.
Ronnie got up from his stomach chirped up, ran to the bathroom.

I had taken her things to our room now, Ronnie still didn't want her own room yet but Snakes had been done with it already, all that was left was for Ronnie to be comfortable enough to sleep without any of us. I put the bucket down. Arms wrapped around my waist from behind, a weight on my shoulder.
Snakes: I don't want what Ronnie wants for breakfast.
He planted a few kisses on my neck and between my shoulder. I turned around to face him, my arms on his chest.
Me: What?

Snakes bend down to kiss my nose, I looked up at him in question.
Snakes: I want you for breakfast.
If I was light skinned I would be red right now. I was so flushed I hid my face in his chest. I felt him chuckle.
Snakes: Come on cutie, get ready I'm taking you guys out today.
I looked up at him with a huge smile on my face. His lips turned upwards, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. He was taken by surprise but he kissed me back.
Me: Thank you.

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