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The dinner was in full motion, different kinds of conversations flowing. Mbali couldn't miss the looks that Lillian would share with Brandon, it made her suspicious but nonetheless she focused on her plate.
Betty played with her food, what she didn't know, was that ever since she stepped foot to the porch, she has been watched. But she was too occupied to realize that. Lisa was at least grateful for the distance between Lillian and Snakes, it gave her peace to know she wasn't close enough to claw at her man. Snakes' head was on the three words she had said to him.

Words he thought he'd never hear again, he had given up thinking she could still love him. He was determined to make her fall for him all over again, but now that she said it, it gave him consolation. He felt good knowing that she felt the same way for him. Maybe now his doubts about his marriage could wither.

Brandon: meet me inside.
Lillian glanced at her phone, seeing his name appear on the screen she quickly took the phone hiding it under the table.
Lillian: we can't talk right now.
Brandon: now! I'll be in the house, don't attract attention.

Lilly cursed under her breath, taking a glance at him, to see he was already getting up, whispering something to Betty and walking to the house. Mbali watched all of this unfold but kept it subtle. It seemed that Mbali wasn't the only one gawaking at other people's businesses as Leo watched Betty chug at the glass of wine, he has been counting while no-one noticed, that glass was her fifth one. Not that he cared but something about her intrigued him, her eyes were so shattered filled with pain. Somehow that made him curious to find out who hurt her.

Betty caught him staring at her, but his gaze didn't falter at all, instead he kept his face neutral not portraying any emotion. Betty looked down not able to keep the stare anymore. She couldn't decipher the look on his face and quite frankly she wasn't in the mood to play 'who can blink first' with the man. She didn't even care who was who doing what with whom anymore.

Mbali: I'll be back.
Sanele: Are the babies okay?
He asked panicked by her abruptness. Mbali nodded kissing his head, and gave him a sweet smile. Mbali walked around the house, searching for something, or someone but she couldn't find anyone. As she was about to give up,  she suddenly heard voices coming from upstairs. Taking cautious steps not to make a sound, her hand still on her belly she walked up the stairway till she neared the whispers of two people arguing.

She put her ear close to the door, to get a better earshot of what they were saying. She immediately figured out the woman's voice as Lillian.
Lilly: You think this is the time for your stupidity Brandon? Really, here in front of my sister and my boss?
She tried to make out what was she talking about by choosing to listen at what Brandon had to say.
Brandon: It has never bothered you before, why now? Besides your sister has always been naive, come on just suck it then.

Mbali's hand clasped her mouth to suppress the sound of the gasp she was about to let out. She knew what was to be sucked here, and it made her skin crawl.
Lilly: Listen Brandon, we can't do this here of all places. How about we book into a hotel room later on and I'll show you how much I missed you?
Brandon: Sounds like a plan, now come here, I at least have to get a kiss.
Mbali couldn't hear anymore, she sauntered back to the porch with a stern look on her face. She needed to talk to Betty and let her know that her fiancee is sleeping with her sister.

But when she looked around she couldn't find her anywhere. She tapped on Lisa's shoulder.
Mbali: Where is Betty?
Lisa looked to where she was and saw an empty chair, she thought it was odd that she saw her a minute ago and now she was gone. Shaking her head she spoke;
Lisa: I-I don't - she was here a minute ago- where did she go?
Mbali saw that Lisa was no longer responding to her question rather self-conflicted.

Mbali sighed and sat down, it was not good for her to stress especially over matters like this. Did this concern her? Was she able to tell Betty about her life. Betty has been a good friend to them, and to Lisa especially when she and Sino couldn't be there for her, so now it was time Betty had people do something for her not the other way around.


Betty held the bottle of wine in her hands as she sat down leaning against a random car. She looked at the wine in her hands and scoffed with a little bitterly smile, slightly amused yet disappointed. This wasn't her, boozing her troubles away, but the wine had tasted like heaven to her, it was hard to stop after two glasses. She was a light drinker, two mere glasses had her tipsy. Now with less than ten goblets she couldn't even remember why she was mad.

Betty: Ha God, what now huh? It's been years asking for the same thing over and over again, how long are you going to keep me waiting?
She laughed humorlessly and took another swig of her bottle of wine, gulping it down with a tiny bitter taste. She grimaced a little and continued her rant.

Betty: God let my old man find happiness, so he can look less grumpy, he looks rather scary all of the time. Oh and my dearest mother, ah give her some happiness as well, she's too stuck up, 'you must look elegant, look like a lady, a lady does this and that' urgh! I'd rather be a 'wench' as she says than be stuck up like her".

Betty: Then my sister, honestly, she's a sister from hell. She's just like mother always talking about class and status. I wish she could find the happiness she needs, maybe then she would see me as a person.
Leo: What about your happiness?
Betty knew she was drunk but she wasn't crazy, and she definitely wasn't hearing voices. Then she saw him, on the other side of the car she was pressed against, sitting down in the backseat with the door open, his back facing her.

Had she been so loud, did he hear everything she said. For some reason it didn't bother her she ignored him and chugged at her bottle of wine.
Betty: What about my happiness? My happiness?
She scoffed. What happiness? The only happiness she would find would be from her family, but that was far fetched.
Betty: My happiness lies in making my family happy.
Leo still not sparing her a single glance he spoke with the same hard tone and thick accent on his voice.

Leo: Family? Interesting.
Betty sniffled wiping the tears from her face with a back of her hand. The alcohol was definitely taking it's course now, she wasn't one to cry nor open up about her life. She was closed off, but besides the alcohol something about him made her want to spill everything, his tone was demanding and filled with authority.

Leo: If you keep crying, go do it somewhere else, you making me uncomfortable.
He spoke with annoyance, he couldn't stand human emotions in fact any human interactions in general.
Betty: You not even going to console me?
Leo: Why?
Betty: Because- well- forget it.

Betty got up and walked over to his side, standing right in front of him. She looked terribly cute, with a pink nose and red eyes with a her mouth in a scowl. Leo was one to always say what's on his mind.
Leo: You look ugly when you cry, yet cute.
His face contradicting his words, which made Betty's frown to deepen. Her one hand on her hip and the other clutching the bottle.
Betty: What a backhanded compliment.
Leo: It wasn't a compliment.

Betty scoffed and put the bottle down, mimickimg it's position she sat down in front of him with crossed legs and arms.
Betty: My life sucks.
Leo: Big time.
Betty: I mean, my whole family despises me, how's that even possible?
Leo: Ever considered that you might be the problem then? I mean the whole family?
Betty: And what kind of a father marries off her daughter for a business deal. I'm so frustrated!
Leo: I hate that guy.
Betty: Join the club, oi why do you hate him?
Leo: He was all over you, I don't know about your world but in mine that's ass licking.

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