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Mbali: Should I go in with you?
Snakes nodded, his head still looking at the hospital door of the room where his father resided.
Snakes: I want to do this with you.
Mbali smiled and nodded as well.
Mbali: Let's go then.
Snakes took a deep breath. After such a long time of holding anger at everyone and everything. He decided to just let it go and go see his father. It wasn't an easy decision to make, especially on his own. But with his little sister and wife by his side and encouraging him to, he was bound to do it.

Most of his decision was also based on making his sister happy. He didn't make it for the old man but for his own sister. Mbali was hurting, last thing he ever wanted was to make her cry when he could do something about it. But even though it seemed as if he decided to build a relationship with a dying man was to make everyone happy, it also for his own sanity. Mbali pushed the door open. His eyes roamed around the spacious room. He shook his head at the dramatic Interior of the room.
Mbali: Don't comment please.
Snakes: It's a hospital room, not a hotel.

David: I thought you wouldn't come.
Snakes: Well, you are dying. What kinda man would I be if I didn't grant an old dying man's wish, hmm?
David chuckled. He sat up on his bed with a help from Mbali. Snakes walked further into the room, standing at the edge of the bed with crossed arms.
Mbali: Baba, the Dr told me you don't eat your food.
David: Oh yeah, I don't like their food.
He shook his head with a disgusted tinge on his face. Snakes' eyebrows shot up with a small chuckle.

David: I told you to buy me proper food. Ngifuna inyama, phela mina ngindoda yomzulu. ( I want meat, I am a Zulu man after all.)
Snakes: This old man...
He muttered under his own breath as he uncrossed his arms, placing his hands in his pants pockets. Disbelief apparent on his face at the old man's nerve.
Snakes: This is not a restaurant.
David: I'm still your father, inhlonipo (respect)
He rolled his eyes. His eyes never meeting David's as he narrowed them at him.

The man was more intimidating now that he was his father. But before he never showed how intimidated he was by him. David sighed and gestured for both of them to sit down. They both sat at either side of the bed.
David: Not until a few months ago, that I found out I had a son. I was happy just like any man would be. But I guess I didn't deserve that happiness because soon after that I found out I was dying.
Snakes' hard deemener wavered as he listened to his father's breaking voice into sadness. There was no controlling his emotions at this moment and he didn't want to.

David: Nyana (son) I don't know what you went through when I wasn't there to help. I cursed my luck every day. Why couldn't I have been the one your mother found that day? Why couldn't I have been the man who raised you to be this man you are today. I couldn't even blame it on God. What use would that have done anyway, hmm?
He smiled, wiping the lone tear that had fallen on his saddened face. Mbali sniffled, wiping away her own tears. David took his son's hand in his. Snakes jaw kept clenching and unclenching. Tears at the brim of his eyes.

David: I am glad for two things that God granted me. That two of my children are with me before I take my last breath. That I got to meet my son.
David tried to prey his hand from Snakes' hard grip. Snakes couldn't let go. David laughed shaking his head. When he agreed to visit his father at the hospital, in his mind he didn't expect to get all emotional and sentimental. And now, here he was, shedding tears for a man he never knew nor got a chance to.
David: Now, promise me to have each other when I'm gone. Take care of one another, don't piss your sister off or I'll haunt you. Don't try me boy.

Snakes: As if.
He childishly wiped his tears with a scowl on his face. When was the last time he cried to a parent? Last time he acted like a child in front of his parent. It felt bittersweet being consoled by a man who was at the bridge of death but at the same time it felt good because he needed it.
Mbali: What now baba?
David hummed, nodding his head.
Snakes: I want to do something.
He knew that it was the right thing to do and it would make the old man happy. He also didn't know when he started wanting to make him happy but this feeling was bugging him.

Snakes: I want to change my last name from Zikalala to Ndlovu.
David laughed, not just any laugh but a joyful laughter boomed inside of him. Although it seemed as if he overdid as he started to cough instead. Mbali patted his back to calm him down. Snakes shook his head in disapproval.
Snakes: Ahh, this old man... Maybe I shouldn't have told him. Uzofa (you'll die) you too excited, look now!
He felt a whack at the back of his head. Mbali giggled. Snakes felt the smack hard, maybe he should keep his mouth closed for now.
Snakes: For an old dying man you are quite strong.

He rubbed his head. Scowling at David with a frown.
David: Do you want me to- nxn
He opted to hit him again but Snakes moved his head back.
Snakes: Hey now, old man.
He cried out. David chuckled. Snakes wasn't about to start showing him that immense respect because he was dying now.
David: I'll inform the elders back at home.
Snakes: You gonna be there right? I mean you going to be at the ceremonies that'll be held for me.
Mbali: Of course baba will be there, right baba?

David sighed inaudibly but not enough to not be heard by Snakes. He didn't have to say anything, the look on his face said a lot. He wasn't going to be there when he's introduced to the Ndlovu clan.
Snakes: That's uhm- that's okay.
Snakes jaws showed a different thing to what he was saying. It was anything but.
David: I don't have much time.
Mbali: What?
Snakes turned his head fast to look at him with expectant eyes.
David: The cancer has spread through my bones, I could die any day now. You idiots! Why do you think I was admitted here in the first place? my time has been reduced.

Mbali: Baba!
Snakes saw that Mbali was heartbroken. The tone in her voice was so broken and pained. If he decided to break down now, who would look after her.
Snakes: That's why you wanted to see me? You sick old man.
He scoffed, his elbows propping on the bed.
David: Yes, here... My promise, remember?
Snakes anger flared up as he pursed his lips into a thin line. Snakes looked at the outstretched hand of his father. Mbali placed hers. Snakes followed Mbali's arm to her eyes. Mbali nodded at him. Then as if it was a reminder that he was doing this for her.

Snakes: I'm not doing this for you old man, I'm making this promise for her. I don't need you telling me, I know how to take care of my sister.
David: Just place your hand you disrespectful child.
Snakes rolled his eyes, plopping his hand on top of Mbali's. David squeezed their intertwined hands together.
David: If either of you break your promise, I'll haunt you.
Mbali: Ihaba( Exaggeration)
David shot Mbali a scolding glare.
Snakes: Now that I look closely, you look so pale man, you look dead already. Shem man.
David smacked Snakes' head again, harder this time.

David: You little-
Snakes: Ya old man, don't take your dying frustrations on your long lost son.
David: Just adjust my pillow, I want to sleep. I'll kill this boy before I leave this place.
He murmured the last few words to himself but they heard.
Snakes: I have a wife and child to get to.
David: Make sure to bring my daughter in law and my granddaughter tomorrow.
Snakes: Don't tell me what to do.
David ignored him as he turned to look at Mbali;
David: You, bring my son in law and my grandson too. Sino is asking for it, I'm not old, I can still whoop your asses.

Mbali: Sino couldn't come today baba, but I'll inform her to come tomorrow.
Snakes: Good thing you have a big room old man. You like things though.
He said as he approached the door with Mbali on his tail.
Mbali: See you tomorrow baba.
David: Bye ngane yam. (my child)
Snakes: See ya around, old man.
David: It's baba to you.
Snakes opened the door, He let Mbali out first and turned to look at David, a smirk on his face.
Snakes: You wish.

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