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Snakes found himself hanging from a rooftop, held by the rope that tied his hands together. He shook his head to get rid of the effects of the drug. His eyes roamed around his surroundings. His hands ached as the rope cut through his skin. His legs hung loosely, dangling underneath him. His breathing picked up, his chest heaving up and down as he realized the situation he was caught in. Then Lilly peeked over at the top, staring down at him.

Lilly: Thought you'd never wake up. That drug must have done a number on you huh?
She chuckled. Snakes' anger shot up the roof. One could've sworn that steam was coming out of his ears.
Snakes: What the fuck woman!!
He bellowed as his eyes found themselves searching for an escape. But unfortunately for him, there was none.
Lilly: Don't make me angry now, the repercussions of that are very dire.
She giggled and stroked the rope that was keeping him alive.

Snakes: Lillian, listen to me, you don't wanna do this okay. Just pull me back up.
At this point, he didn't have much time nor choice. He had to beg for his life. He wasn't begging for himself but for the two souls who were waiting impatiently for him to come home.
Lilly: No, I don't wanna do this. But you leave me no choice.
She leaned down, supporting herself with her arms on the edges of the brick wall.
Lilly: Why couldn't you see me? Why her? I was here for you for three years when she wasn't, but now I have to act like I'm okay with you getting married to that bitch!

She yelled, veins popping over her forehead. Snakes glanced down at the ground. There was no way he could survive that fall, no one could. Only then it clicked to him that he was about to die. He couldn't die, not when he found his love after so many years, not when he found his sweet little daughter. Looking back at Lilly, he gulped. She looked mentally ill. He had to find a way to pursue her otherwise.
Snakes: Look at me Lillian, this isn't worth it. I'm not the man for you, I never was, to begin with.

Lilly: No no no, you were mine before she came with that bastard of a child and ruined MY LIFE!
He breathed out heavily, his chest heaving up and down. He felt the rope slipping and his body dropping slightly.
Snakes: Shit.
He muttered under his breath. He wondered whether the watch worked. Because right now, his only hope was for his brothers to come to save him. Lilly kept shaking and scratching her head.

She looked to be in pain, conflicted. He had me find a way and it seemed like he has to ass lick her.
Snakes: Lilly, listen to me, you a beautiful girl, any guy would love to be with you, but I'm not that guy for you okay?
He tried to make his words as soothing as they can be.
Lilly: No, we are meant to be.
She chuckled and looked back down at him.
It was like her whole face had changed into this crazy persona.

How did he miss that about her? He had researched her, but nothing of being mentally sick was found in her history. Lillian was always the good girl, she never gave off vibes of being a psychopath.
Lilly: You think I'm crazy huh?
She laughed humorlessly. Snakes felt the rope dip again. He knew it was only a matter of time before whatever that was holding it loosened completely and sending him flying down and breaking his every bone.

Snakes: Lilly I don't think you crazy. You the smartest girl I have ever seen. You helped me keep my company in-
Lilly: NO! I don't wanna hear about your stupid company and how I was the stupid assistant.
She grasped her hair, eyes wide as saucers. Snakes gulped down his saliva. This woman needed to be locked up, as he thought.
Lilly: I never wanted to be your dumb PA, don't you get it.

She laughed. It was perplexing how her emotions switched in a matter of seconds. Snakes couldn't grasp the fact that she was overly obsessed with him when he has never given her any reason that he wanted her in that way. Hell, he didn't even want her at all.
Lilly: I saw you in that bar, looking so broken yet so handsome that one night three years ago. You didn't even bat an eye at me, you just sat there and drank while I tried to get your attention.

Snakes noticed that she was now crying. How confusing was she? One moment she was laughing and the next she was yelling and angry and now she was sad and crying. How was he supposed to remember something that happened three years ago? At that time, he wasn't himself. The man was drowning in depression after he had survived an accident.
He had lost his lover, the only woman he had ever loved. Lillian surely didn't expect him to remember all this. He was clueless about what she was talking about.

Lilly: Then the next time I come to your office, looking for a job because I wanted to be close to you, you didn't know me. You know I had to get rid of your former PA so I can get that job.
She wiped her tears, going back to laughing.
The rope dipped and Snakes' heart quickened. Lilly was so focused on telling the story that she hadn't noticed the two men creeping behind her.
Lilly: And you didn't even remember my face, after everything I did to get that job and be with you. You didn't even know who I was.

Snakes hadn't noticed the men as well, not that he could since he was hanging on a building by a rope.
Lilly: I forgave you though. Everything was fine between us. Lilly and Snaky, until that ugly bitch showed up out of nowhere taking you away from me. She took you away from me and married you. You have to die. Goodbye Snakes.
Snakes: Lilly! Lillian!
He shouted as Lilly turned around but was met with a gun pointing over her head.

Sanele: Boo!
He said calmly with a smirk as he held the gun at her forehead. Lilly backed away, trembling with fear. Snakes waited for the fall, but it never came. Instead, he was met with his brother's smiley face as he peeked over the building.
Siya: Oof, that's not a nice view.
Snakes couldn't be more relieved to see his annoying face. He brushed the comment and lowered his head with a heavy sigh.
Siya: Let's get you down? Up? Yeah, let's just- whatever.
Snakes: Fuck, am I glad to see you, man.

Sanele: You alright there bafo!?
He yelled out for him, his hand still pointing the gun at Lillian. Snakes smirked as he heard his brother's voice.
Snakes: Yeah sure, just get me up.
Sanele chuckled, shaking his head. In a swift move, he had grabbed Lillian's arm and turned her around then knocked her out with the back of the gun.
Sanele: That's gonna leave a bruise, nothing makeup can't fix, right?

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