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The both of them laid down in bed, unclothed and entangled in each other. Leo stayed awake, watching the woman who made his heartbeat beat out of its ribcage. The man wasn't so fond of smiling, it was a rare thing to see him crack up, but just by staring at her, how could he had stopped the smile that crept upon his lips. He propped his head on his elbow. Captivated by each feature on her face, he reached his hand, his fingers grazing her soft cheek.

Her pouted and slightly parted lips were inviting to him. His thumb brushed her lower lip. Leo chuckled, disbelief evident on his face. How was someone so capable of taming a guy like him, he was perplexed yet amused. Just then his phone rang, his hand reaching for the device on the nightstand.
Leo: Speak.
Diego: Capo, Vladimir has Leone.
Leo: che cosa? (what )
Upon hearing those words, Leo shot up, sitting at the edge of the bed.

Diego: Gli uomini di Vladimir lo hanno portato all'aeroporto prima che potesse partire. (Vladimir men took him at the airport before he could depart)
Leo felt his head spin, his body on fire with rage. He started to breathe heavily. Not wanting to wake Elizabeth, he got up and left the room to his office.
Leo: Mi stai dicendo che gli uomini di Vladimir sono qui e non me l'hanno detto. Non solo, ma hanno preso mio fratello (You telling me that Vladimir's men are here and I wasn't told, not only that but they took my brother?)

He felt like delivering a punch at someone, more specifically Vladimir. Leone had taken the next flight available to Italy, or at least that's what Leo thought. It was frustrating how he wasn't told that the Russians were in South Africa, he had to find out when they had taken his brother.
Leo: Ascoltami Diego (listen to me) FIND.MY.BROTHER.
o avrò la tua testa come mia statua (or I'll have your head as an artifact)
With that, he hung up and tossed his phone, landing on the couch.

He tugged at his hair in frustration, adding to the mess that it was already. He was fuming. Vladimir was an unpredictable man, no telling that Leone was still alive or not. He needed to get him back at any costs. He wouldn't live with himself if anything happened to Leone. What kind of brother would he be if he failed in protecting his little brother. It was about time he ended this war that never started with Vladimir. He didn't know what kind of game the man was playing at but he was gonna end it.

He took his phone, just as he was about to contact Snakes, an unknown private number flashed on his phone as incoming. He snarled at the possibilities of who it might be. He pressed the answer button and waited for the person to speak. Vladimir's voice echoed in Leo's ears.
Vladimir: YA dumayu, ty znayesh', chego ya khochu, Capone (I think you know what I want, Capone)
His thick Russian accent resounded through the phone.

Leo remained silent, letting the man continue with his speech. He wasn't interested in his needs, the only thing he wanted was his brother.
Vladimir: I don't think the little Capone is thick enough to endure my animosity, and quite frankly, I don't have any with him, it's you I want.
Leo was breathing heavily, fury all over his eyes. He couldn't utter any words, in fear of saying anything that might put his brother in more danger than he is.

Leo shut his eyes, he had to calm himself down, but it seemed impossible as his demons had already sufficed. When he opened his eyes, they had changed to a darker shade, no longer the brown color. They were dangerous, filled with the same turmoil fifteen years ago. The man was evil when provoked, he was unrecognizable.
Vladimir: I'm giving you 72 hours to change your brother's fate, and if I don't have you in those hours, I'll be sure to deliver you his body parts.
The call got cut, Vladimir had hung up the phone.

Leo clenched and unclenched his jaw. Vladimir was a dead man, he was going to make sure of it. There was no taming the devil once he was out. Leo chuckled, nodding his head, he wasn't crazy rather, if anything he was now cold. He left his office and found himself in one of the guest rooms. He took a shower and wore his all-black suit. He opened his safe, where his stuff was packed neatly. XD Gun, passport, and his burner phone. He loaded his gun and tucked it at the back of his pants.


Elizabeth woke up feeling happy. As yesterday replayed in her mind, she couldn't contain the smile that spread across her face. She felt like a high school girl when a giggle escaped her lips. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand. She shook her head, reprimanding her childish behavior. As she glanced next to her, a space that was occupated by Leo, was now vacant and cold. She tugged at the boxers that were on the floor. As she covered her breasts with her hand, she looked around for something to wear and found her thin tank top.

She walked down the stairs barefoot, while she tried to tie the strands of her hair in a messy bun. She looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of Leo but he wasn't anywhere near her vision. She wondered where he had disappeared to all of a sudden. As she landed in the kitchen, her stomach rumbled. It was a little too late for her to make breakfast, so she opted for lunch. She only hoped that Leo made his presence soon so they could share a meal.

Betty: What are you doing Elizabeth? You look like a schoolgirl, have manners.
She giggled at herself as she opened the fridge and searched for ingredients to make a sandwich. After she had done her food and are alone, with no knowledge of Leo's whereabouts, Betty took a shower and found herself sitting comfortably on the couch and watching some of her favorite soapies. An hour later, she was startled when she felt someone shake her up.

When she had realized it was just Leo, she relaxed and smiled at him.
Betty: Hey.
She looked up at him, her voice so soft and smooth. She waited for him to say something but he just stared at her with a foreign look. He looked troubled but the look disappeared as soon as it came, replaced by cold eyes. She sat upright and looked at the man in front of her.
Betty: Leo? You okay?
Leo pocketed his hands and looked at her with a cold look.

Betty felt slightly uncomfortable at the moment. The man I'm front of her was not the man that made love to her all night. This guy was cold and it sent shivers down Betty's spine. Not the good and tingly ones.
Betty: Leo what's going on... You scaring me.
Leo: Good, get your stuff and leave my house.
He said, no emotions displayed on his face just a hard exterior. Betty looked taken back and confused by his sudden mood. She wondered if something happened to him to act this way.
Betty: What?
Leo: I believe you not deaf.

Betty stood up and still looked short compared to the man in front of her. She felt her heart start to pick up its pace. She feared the look on his face. His words were not making the situation any better.
Leo: I want you out of here before tonight.
Betty: Why?
She found herself asking the question that lingered on the tip of her tongue. Why was he doing this? It didn't make sense and it was sudden. Leo looked at her and sighed.
Leo: Miss Jones, I'm a man with needs. You happened to fulfill those needs last night and now I want you out of my house.

He didn't even bat an eye. He didn't even waver in his words. Betty felt like someone stabbed her heart. She felt the tears brim her eyes. Still, he looked at her nonchalant.
Betty: Leo-
Leo: Don't take this personal, I bought you and I had my share of you and now I don't want you simple. You didn't think that I actually fell for you did you? Miss Jones, a man like me is incapable of loving anyone, so please don't cry for me.
With that said, he reached to wipe the tear that had fallen on her face.

Betty stood there frozen but as soon as his hand made contact with her face, she jerked her head back. Leo sighed and retrieved his hand, pocketing it.
Leo: Leave the key to the guard on your way out.
He looked at her one more time and she swore she saw a flicker of hurt in his eyes but she knew he was hallucinating, especially after it had disappeared as soon as it came and after everything, he had said.

She watched as he walked away from her, stalking to the door without a glance back. She felt her knees buckle in weakness as she fell to the floor. Tears streamed freely down her face, but no sound came out. Her eyes were still looking at where he had disappeared to, widened out in disbelief and hurt. He actually didn't look back nor see the effect of his words.

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