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Lisa sighed, feeling the water run down her drained body. After eating and dancing, people started to disperse. Which she had been thankful for. Even though she had been sitting the whole day, it was still tiring for her. Grabbing a towel, she wrapped it around body. Taking an extra white towel, she dried her hair. Looking at the mirror just above the gigantic sink. As she was drying her hair, the shiny object on her finger caught her eye.

She placed the towel on the sink to hang low. As her eyes admired the diamond ring on her finger. A small smile set on her lips. She hadn't even realised it when someone came in. Snakes put his arms around her body, nuzzling his head on the crook of her neck. He stared at her through the mirror, her skin glistening with water.
Lisa: I can't believe I'm a married woman.
Snakes: Believe it my love, you all mine now.

Lisa flushed him her sweet smile. He turned her around to face him. She had to look up at his tall frame. Her hands went around his torso when his hands went to the sides of her neck.
Snakes: You know, it's our nuptial night.
Lisa hummed, rubbing his bare back unconsciously. To him it wasn't a minor act. She was doing things to him, things he hadn't wanted. Well at least not now.
Snakes: And what are you planning to do about that?

When she had caught on what he was saying, she blinked, then blinked again. She thought 'oh shoot'. Snakes laughed lowly, placing his head on hers.
Snakes: You adorable.
He kissed her. It was like everytime he kissed her, something in him woke up. He didn't know what it was, it was beyond lust and it wasn't love either. It was more than the two.
He couldn't put it in words, just needed to kiss her more.
Lisa: What about Ronnie?

Snakes groaned. He still had to get used to not getting what he wanted whenever he wanted it. Snakes' arms fell on her shoulders, hanging around her as his head remained against hers.
Snakes: We getting her a nanny first thing tomorrow.
Lisa: Alright, but for now, let's head to bed, I'm so tired.
She pouted at her husband. Snakes lifted her up, automatically her legs wrapped themselves around his waist for balance.

Snakes: Let's get you to bed.
Lisa: Clothes.
She mumbled against his neck, making his body to shiver. Snakes took her to the closet. He took out a night dress and some undergarments for her to wear. He dressed her up. When done, he picked her up again walking to the bed with her. All this while he did it delicately so. Lisa immediately fell asleep in his arms as soon as he laid her to bed. She really was fatigued.


1 month and few weeks later.

Snakes had his arms around his wife in a cuddle like manner as they slept together without their child. It was alleviated now, better than the first days of sleeping without her. He, of course was happy that Ronnie finally agreed to have her own room. But much to his wife's dismay. Lisa had been sad for a few nights, not being able to cradle her not so little baby anymore.

Of course, he used his magic to make her feel better about the situation. Ronnie had abruptly asked them for her own room in the middle of a meal. Her words were along on the lines of 'Jade is a big girl, big girls have their own room. Daddy I'm a big girl too'. He had been confused at first until his senses caught on what she was saying. He was delighted to say the least.

Had he known that all it would take for his baby girl to finally be comfortable enough to get her own room was Jade, then he could've had his nuptial night much earlier than he did.

A movement from beside him brought him back from his train of thoughts. He pushed the restless strands of hair that had fallen on her face away. Getting a clear picture of her forever flawless face.
Lisa: Morning.
He smiled at her groggily state. How she always managed to look sexy in any situation mazed him.
Snakes: Good morning.
He then captured her sweet lips in a sweet kiss.

Lisa: Too much excitement so early in the morning.
He smirked. He knew she had felt his hard erection when he pushed himself closer to her. It wasn't his fault that everything she did turned him on.
Snakes: What can I say, I have a very-
His fingers trailed to her practically bare shoulder that was covered only by the thin strap of her nightgown.
Snakes: Very-
He placed a promiscuous kiss on her shoulder, his eyes lingering on her eyes.

Snakes: -Sexy wife. It also doesn't help that I have to wake up next to this every morning.
He hovered over her. She giggled at his mischievous action. Soulful music to his ears.
Lisa: Are you complaining dear husband?
Snakes: On the contrary love. Let me show you my gratitude for such heaven.
Lisa: You might want to hurry there, she usually wakes up this time.
He was about to capture her lips in a sizzling kiss again. When hell opened and the Devil's assistant sputtered in. Her tiny but audible feet, splattered against the wooden floor.

Snakes' lips released a pained groan. All he could think of was why him. His wife was making it worse as she apparently found his suffering quite amusing. Ronnie's sleepy yet very awake body stood on his side of the bed. Her arms flared out for him to lift her up. He had to admit though, she looked quite cute with her hair all over the place, no less from her mother. The way she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, even though she needed more sleep. But if that meant being away from her father, she didn't want to sleep.

Snakes positioned himself properly before lifting his princess up from the floor and placing her on his chest. He kissed her forehead, pushing the hair out of the way.
Snakes: Good morning princess.
Ronnie, rather just collapsed on his chest. He could feel the hotness of her body against his. It wasn't normal for her to burn up like that was it?
Snakes: Baby, look at me.
Ronnie lifted her head so slightly to take a glance at her father but her eyes were too groggy to remain opened for long.

Lisa placed a hand on her forehead to feel her temperature.
Lisa: She's burning up.
Snakes placed his own hand to feel her temp and true to his wife's words, she was burning up. But now the problem was why? He was completely clueless.
Snakes: What does that mean?
Lisa got up from the bed, rushing to the cabinets on the far corner.
Lisa: It means she's caught a cold.
Right, a cold. He thought. No one could blame him really. He knew next to zero about children. Especially things related to such. But his lack of knowledge didn't stop him from worrying about his little princess.

The words that she mumbled afterwards left a stab like wound on his chest.
Ronnie: Daddy.. My body is painful.
He hushed her down, kissing her head numerously. He didn't know what to do in this situation than to call a Dr. He didn't know pain of watching something you love hurt until Ronnie fell sick.

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