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Lisa stands back to look at her dress in the mirror, it did a terrific job on her body. Nuzzled her in all the proper areas. It was a long, back less ivory off shoulder dress. She topped it off with nude pencil heels. Her bob wavey fringe weave complimented her look as well. She smiled content with her look, now she had to welcome the guests.
Snakes: You look stunning.
She whipped her head to the door.

Lisa: Thank you, you don't look bad yourself.
She smiled and walked over to him, her hands reached up to his black tie in a white shirt and black suit. She fixed the tie, feeling his stare on her but paid no attention to it.
Snakes: So beautiful.
Lisa: Think you've said that already.
She smiled up at him, her attempts to move away from him unsuccessful as he grabs her waist pulling her incredibly close to his body.

Snakes: I don't think I'll get tired of saying it.
Her heart beats faster with each second passing by. She keeps his stare not wanting to look anywhere but at his chocolate eyes, that seem to be drawing her in everytime she looks into them. It's overwhelming to see so many emotions in his eyes, knowing him, he hardly shows what he's feeling but now the way he's looking at her, makes her feel confounded, yet special. 

Lisa: We should go welcome the guests.
Snakes nods, his face going back to his stoic one. He puts out his hand for her to take which she gladly takes and they walk out, descending the stairs together.
Siya: Mr and Mrs.
Snakes: Why am I not surprised that you the first to come.
Siya chuckles shaking his head, Lisa hugs her sister who looks amazing in her dress.
Sino: You look great sis.
Lisa: Thank you, you look amazing as well.

They proceed to the porch where their dinner celebration is to be held. Lisa awes in her work when she sees the decorations of the place. An enormous table concealed with white coatings. Each seat with a white cloth cover with gold stripes. Utensils in silver contrasting with the gold strips. Everything looked magnificent and elegant.
Sino: This is great work.
She admires as Siya pulls a chair for her, she kisses his cheek and smiles at him.

Siya: Yeah, you outdid yourself Mrs.
Lisa: Not yet and thank you, you guys don't think it's too much?
Siya: What is too much? This looks great.
Mbali: Hello lovies, wooww-
Sino: Right?
Mbali walks over to Sino with her hand on her bump, kissing her cheek with a small hug. Goes on to greet Lisa as well with the same gesture.
Mbali: This is bomb, wanna be my wedding planner?
Lisa: I'm flattered but this is just a dinner, a whole wedding? Girl.

Snakes bro hugs his brother, Sanele reciprocates it and proceeds to Siya as well.
Siya: Bafo.
Sanele: Bafo.
The three couples start conversing about random things, the dinner starting a bit later, just drinks for now.
Leo: La familia.
The man in a black suit, black shirt and black dress shoes makes his entrance to the porch with his hard face.
Snakes: Welcome Capone.
He nods and shakes his hand, shaking every guy's hand and nodding to their women.

Soon Thando, Betty with her fiancee Brandon arrive. Everyone engages in their different conversations. Lillian makes her appearance as well, leaving everyone stunned. Lisa who's wondering who invited her, her eyes fall on Snakes in question who looks nonchalant about everything.
Lilly: Hello everyone.
Betty chokes on her drink, starts coughing uncontrollably.
Brandon: You alright?
Betty nods blinking to her sister who also has a stunned look on her face.

Betty: Lilly? What- what?
Lilly: Lizzy, how are you sister.
Lisa: Sister what?
Mbali: I think I'm gonna go in labor.
Sanele: You alright?
He asks examining her stomach in concern, Mbali smiles reassuringly that she's fine. Lisa gets up and tugs Snakes with. Not wanting to cause any drama. When inside the house, away from everyone's ears she talks;
Lisa: Why didn't you tell me she was coming?

Snakes: Yeah maybe if I knew she was coming, I wouldn't have missed that little detail.
He says taking a swing of his whiskey with his other hand on his pocket standing straight. Lisa sighs and shakes her head, she's left perplexed as to how would someone invite themselves to their boss's house.
Lisa: Well I can't kick her out now.
Snakes: Fine I'll do it.
Lisa tugged his arm to prevent him from going to do the most outrageous thing.

Lisa: What!? You can't do that, it's rude.
Snakes: So, she wasn't invited, this was supposed to be a good dinner no drama.
Lisa: I know but listen...
She cupped his face in her hands standing closer to him.
Lisa: She's Betty's sister, we can't just kick her out.
Snakes sighed and kissed her nose.
Snakes: Fine, this all for you anyway, if you happy I'm happy. Hell I would kick everyone out if you not happy.

Lisa: I know you would, that's why I love you.
Snakes stilled in his position, she said it, finally she does love him, realizing what she said she backed away and ran to the porch without looking back, she hadn't meant for it to come out like that. She loved him yes but she wasn't sure she needed to disclose that information to him.
Lisa: Where are Betty and Lillian?
Mbali: Went out to sort their sisterly shit,
I'm sure Betty is giving her an earful, who invited her anyways.
Sino: Mbali!
Lisa: No one, can we just get the starters now, I'm sure everyone is hungry.

Meanwhile, the two sisters stood in the hallway, with Lilly glaring at her younger sister.
Lilly: What are you doing here?
Betty: How- when?
Lilly scoffed in annoyance. Betty brought her arms to hug her but Lillian pushed her away with an unpleasant look on her face. Betty cleared her throat and smiled slightly.
Lilly: Stay out of my way, you and that stupid boyfriend of yours, does father even know you here? Jesus.
He tsked her tongue and walked past her, back to the porch, with a smile on her face.

Betty clutched her chest, to soothe the pain, but it wasn't working. She blinked the tears that wanted to fall and breathed out composing herself. Betty knew that her relationship with her older sister has never been good, she was inferior to her, in everything, looks, body and personality. That's why her parents always loved Lilly more than her but still she tried. She had to act like everything was okay, she's been doing it all her life, this dinner was nothing.

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