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Leo: The prick has starting to to get on my territory back in Italy.
Snakes: How many people now?
Leo sighed, this was a draining matter to talk about. He knew he needed to fix it before more blood got spilled. He didn't mind killing for his men and that's exactly what he was going to do.
Leo: Seven now, the fucker is going for more. I can't sit by.
Snakes: Going back to Italy will put everything in jeopardy. Listen frater, Dutch has to believe you are in Italy but you can't be there.

Leo: I hear what you saying, I'll have to send my people some reassurance of some sort.
Snakes nodded, getting up and putting his suit blazer on. Leo also got up and buttoned the one blazer button.
Snakes: What's your plan?
Leo: I have men in Russia, if he wants to kill my own, I'll burn his country to the ground.
Cooly so, he shook hands with Snakes. He knew the man would support him. Their bond had developed for the past years to be the strongest.

Snakes: I guess the war has started.
Leo: My men are ready, I'm assuming yours are prepared as well.
Snakes: Yeah, the weapons have been upgraded as well. The last shipment is in a week.
Leo nodded, they exited Snakes' office, both men heading to the elevator. Snakes stopped in front of Lilly's desk. Leo observed, he had every information on the Jones family. He didn't need the introduction.
Snakes: Reschedule my industrial meeting, I'll be back for the conference appointment.
Lilly: Where are you heading?
Snakes: Home, go to lunch. Be here before I come back.

The men in black picked up their feet, sauntering to the private elevator. Leo could've sworn that he saw a flash of anger in the little girl's eyes. His discreet observation capabilities were spot on when he turned before entering the elevator and saw Lilly scowling and rummaging through her bag.
He made note to be very wary of that girl. There was something unsettling about her aura, just as her revolting parents, Lilly gave the same aura. But he wasn't about to start assuming things and be mistaken. He needed facts before he filled his friend in on the woman working closely with him.

Snakes: We'll talk Capone.
Leo was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't pay much attention to what Snakes said. His mind kept going to the woman in his house and how much he couldn't wait to get home. No matter how much she pushed away from him, he couldn't bring himself to stay away from her.
Snakes: Capone man, what's wrong with you these days?
Leo: Elizabeth.
The words flew out of his mouth just like that. When realised what he had said Leo sighed.

Leo: I feel things- odd things when I'm around her, hell when I touch the woman I feel like I'm on fire.
He stood by his drivers seat door. Snakes crossed his arms, leaning against his own car. The parking lot was eerily quiet for the two men to talk. Leo didn't want anyone knowing how he felt like a mad man.
Snakes: I'm no expert, nor any love guru but any normal person would know that you my frater, are falling in love with the woman.
Leo raised his brows, confused with the revelation.

Leo: Love?
Snakes: Love.
Leo stood there in a daze. Then if it was love, then did that mean she didn't reciprocate it.
Leo: Does she feel the same way about me then?
He couldn't understand what was so funny about his question. He was genuinely confused. Snakes shook his head, with a small smile playing on his lips;
Snakes: I don't know, any normal person wouldn't fall in love with the person who bought them from their parents. But again, you can't choose who you love right.

Leo listened attentively as Snakes seemed to be thinking really thoroughly about his answer. He seemed to be a different man when talking about this love.
Leo: You say 'normal' a lot. My intellect tells me that neither me or Elizabeth are normal.
Snakes: No one is, at least not when it comes to love.
He made it seem like love was this possessing creature. He didn't know how to feel about being controlled by emotions when all his life his mind has been the most prominent role in his life decisions.

Snakes: If she feels the same way, she will show.
Leo: How will I know when she's showing.
Snakes smiled, it was as if the topic intrigued him. He seemed to subsist in a trance with words just flowing out of his mouth;
Snakes: She'll be there when you need her, no matter where she is, how long the distance is, she'll find her way to you. Her heart will beat so hard against her chest by just a simple glance at you, that you'll hear it from a distance. Her eyes will shine everytime she sees you. Her hands will get  clummy, and her words will tumble due to nerves.

Snakes' smiled grew into a full blown grin. Leo looked at him, his heart pumping for him to continue. It yearned for Elizabeth to feel the same way about him as he does for her. Snakes went on;
Snakes: When you hurt, she'll be in more excruciating pain. Because seeing the person she loves suffering in anguish is her weakness. She'll stand with you and for you always. Her smile will say 'i'm in love with you' and her eyes will follow every move you make, with admiration.
Leo watched as his friend nodded to himself. His reverie seemed to come to come to an end, but his smile remained in tact.

Snakes: You'll know because you'll do the same thing.
Before Leo could respond, Snakes got in his car and started his car. His tainted window rolled down halfway.
Snakes: Those odd things you feeling, frater you whipped.
He winked and rolled his window up and driving out of the building. Leo tilted his head to the side. Snakes' words replayed in his head.
Leo: Whipped? I'm whipped. What does that mean?
Regretting letting the man drive off without explaining what the word meant. He was left perplexed as to what the man meant by that. And if this whipped word was something to be wary of,  was it deadly. But if that was the case then Snakes wouldn't have been so casual about it.

Leo: Leone should know what whipped means.
He looked around and cleared his throat when a security guard was looking at him weirdly. Which person talks to themselves in the parking lot anyways. He gave the man a cold stare when he regained his composure, which made him look the other way. He got in his car and drove off.

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