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Leone's pov

I haven't touched a single woman in days. I don't know what's happening to me. Every time I try to feel interested I just think about Thando and lose all interests. Its frustrating the fuck out of me. I don't know what that girl did to me, but I know one thing for sure, she's not supposed to be on my mind. So today I plan on going to the club, just after I solve some stuff though. I grab my phone and wallet with my car keys.

Just then my phone dings, a text message from Diego. I decide to look at it once I'm in the car. It's not much just details about what I have to deal with right now. I lock it and shove my phone in the console and drive out of the mansion. My destination leads me to some classy hotel in Sandton. I'm meeting up with a potential client, obviously illegal. I'm glad frater trusted me with this.
Well, he didn't have a choice but to trust me.
I make my way to the elevator that takes me to the restaurant floor. I immediately see a man in a gray suit hunched over at some table.

It was a great hotel, nothing new just posh people who are stuck up and think they own the world. And of course some heads turned as soon as I entered the restaurant and made my way to the man . He got up and flashed me a smile. I kept my face neutral and shook his hand. He took his seat after he had gestured with his hand for me to take mine as well. The meeting goes on for a few minutes and I have him where I want him. I pack the deal and ready myself to get up and leave, until my eye catches someone I know all too well.

Me: Nice doing business with you, your product will be delivered on the scheduled date.
I scoop my wallet and I'm about to take some bucks and pay when the old man assures me it's taken care of. Without any more time wasted I hurry and follow her to the elevator just before it closes. She looks surprised to see me but quickly conceals it with a huff.
Me: Don't seem to have missed me love.
I smile and cross my hands before my front.
Thando: That's because I didn't.
I chuckle and decide to let it go for now.

Thando: What are you doing her anyways.
Till she beats me to a question I was about to ask her. So she's interested in what I do now?
Me: Why? Happy to see me sweetheart?
By the looks of it, I'm pissing the hell out of her right now, and I love it. The elevator dings and she walks off, not answering my question. I hurry up to catch her.
Thando: Stop following me Leone.
Me: Answer my question, you can't just ignore me sweetheart.
She turns abruptly and takes a breath.
Thando: Look, right now is not the time for your games Leone. Just leave me alone.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and my insatiable habit kicks in as I bite my tongue that's probably a little clinging out.
Me: Answer me love.
I persist. And this earns me a huff. Before I comprehend what's happening I'm being pulled to a car and she's driving. I raise an eyebrow at her. Out of all things, I didn't expect her to drag me with her wherever she's heading. I smirk and turn to her.
Me: Kidnapping me love, bold move.
She ignores me and I get agitated. I want her attention and she's going to have to give it.

Me: Come on love, at least tell me where you planning to hide me?
She bites her lower lip and just keeps on ignoring me. But well, I don't give up.
Me: You know, if you wanted me you could've just said so back at the hotel and we wouldn't need to drive all the way to do it.
Bingo! She turns and glares at me, making me smirk in satisfactory.
Thando: Let's play a game yeah?
Me: Oh, kinky stuff huh? Shoot love.
Now she has my interest but obviously I wasn't expecting what came next.

Thando: One person goes completely quiet for an hour, you start.
I roll my eyes and look back at the road. And I can't deny that she had me there. Soon we at some dodgy place. It looks like a township with decaying buildings. My interest picks in. Why the hell is she here? Now I'm wondering whether she was going to come here all by herself if I didn't meet her at the hotel. That thought alone repulse me.
Me: You not planning on killing me and dumping my body here are you sweetheart?
Thando: I might, if you disturb me.
Disturb her? What is she up to. I hope she is no gangsta, even though that would be sexy as fuck but she doesn't look like one.


Me: Tell me exactly why are we here?
Thando jumps a small stream of dirty water. The place stinks and I can't for the love of women figure out why we are here and it frustrates me. My feet find themselves jumping the small pit of water as well.
Thando: I am here to investigate and your job is to shut up and follow me, got it?
Choosing to ignore what she just said after, I pond over what she said before. Investigate what? So my assumptions are that she's a detective or something.

Me: Investigate here? For what?
When she doesn't answer me, I assume it's because she wants me to shut up but I can't really do that so I prod more information.
Me: Okay sweetheart, you kidnapped me here. I think I deserve to know why we are here.
I grab her wrist to halt her steps. I try by all means to ignore the burning of her skin under my touch. Instead I retreat my hand.
Thando: Fine. I'm here to get leverage on some people, or at least I'm hoping I get it.

When I don't speak, obviously waiting for her to continue explaining. She rolls her eyes. I noticed that she does that a lot.
Thando: I need the evidence to use in court for a case I'm working on. Happy? Now let's go and for the love of God be quiet.
She clasps her palms together and bows her head with an exasperated look. I would say she's overreacting, I don't speak that much.
Me: So what I just picked up from all of this is that you a lawyer and here to get evidence for a case. Baddass if you ask me.

Detective or lawyer, same thing really so I was pretty close. I decide to just go with it, I guess this could be fun. What could go wrong at place that literally smells like death? I'm now wondering what kind of case she's working on. Must be dangerous and important for her to come all the way to a place like this. Or she could really love her job to risk her life like this. Because this is a suicide attempt. Apparently or fortunately we found our people as we come to a stop.
Me: What now Angelina Jolie?

Thando: What?
She takes out her phone after looking at me like I'm crazy, but I don't miss the hint of a smile on her face. I cracked the cookie.
Me: Do we go all Tom Cruise on them or what?
Thando: God you a headache. And no, now we wait for something to happen.
Wait? Something to happen? Something like what? Has she seen this place and she wants to wait for something to happen.

Me: Okay, something like what exactly?
I ask because I'm honestly curious as what would happen here. Those people sitting around enjoying crate of beer do not look like they will be doing anything suspicious anytime soon. They too relaxed and into the whole chilling thing.
Thando: Something strong enough to put them behind bars for good.
She seeths. The anger in her eyes can't be missed for anything. Which makes me think that this case might be way too personal for her. I look at her side profile as she looks ready to attack with... A phone?

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