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Lisa: Hey, you okay?
Lisa porked her head on the door of Betty's room. As soon as she turned, Lisa saw that she was actually crying. Without wasting a minute she ran up to her side on the bed, hugging her as she sobbed on her chest.
Lisa tried to console her friend as she cried for reasons unknown to her.
Lisa: What's going on?
Betty had quieted down a little. Lisa grabbed her hand in a way to show her she was there for her.

Betty sniffled and wiped the remaining tears off her face. Her face had now been red, with red eyes, nose and ears, her light skin didn't help to coat it.
Betty: I got a call from my father.
Lisa nodded, giving her courage to go on and that she was listening attentively.
Betty: He's marrying me off to Brandon.
Lisa: What?
Lisa immediately got angry, she remembered telling Betty that Brandon was bad news and asked her to break things off with him, she had listened and did exactly that, but now her parents are doing this to her.

Betty: Brandon's dad and mine have merged businesses and the deal was for me and Brandon to marry as soon as possible.
Not being able to keep it in, Betty started to cry again, she didn't want to get married at such a young age and especially not to a man like Brandon.
Lisa: Well, refuse then Elizabeth.
Betty: I can't, they have already confirmed the deal and merged their companies, all that's left is for me to go back home to get married.
Lisa: Elizabeth...
Not knowing what to say to her friend or how to get her out of the mess she was in.

Lisa: How do I help you get out of this? They can't force to do this, no I won't let you destroy your life because of that man Betty.
Betty: You don't understand Lisa, my dad is not a man to be messed with, he's hard headed. If i refuse he'll probably disown me.
Lisa: Why can't your sister marry Brandon then?
Betty: You know she's out of the country, besides father wouldn't make his favorite daughter do something like that. Look Lisa, I'm used to such, it's been my life since I can remember so I'll do this to make him happy once again.
Lisa: Betty please don't do this, fight at least please.
Lisa begged with her own tears falling from her face.

Betty hugged her friend, she had to go back home. Lisa knew that but she wasn't ready to accept it, she needed a plan to get Betty out of this, after everything she's done to help her all these years she's known her, she couldn't just sit by and let her life get destroyed. Lisa pulled away and wiped her tears, feeling sad for her friend.
Lisa: When do you leave?
Betty: Tomorrow.
Lisa: Betty no, you not even going to attend my sham of a wedding?
Betty laughed, the irony of their friendship, they had to marry people they didn't want to for the good of their loved ones.

Betty: I'm sorry, I'll be here in spirit.
Lisa: Uh okay, go take a shower you look like shit and you skipped breakfast, I'll make you something.
Betty smiled sadly and walked off to the bathroom. Lisa checked to see if the water was running before getting up and taking Betty's phone and dialing a number. A man with a deep scary voice answered, she gulped before talking.
Mr. Jones: Lizzy?
Lisa: M-mr Jones?
Mr. Jones: Who's this? Where's Lizzy?
Lisa quickly looked to where Betty disappeared and sighed seeing as she was still taking a shower.

Lisa: This is her friend sir, I was hoping to you'd let Lizzy stay for a week before you get her married, thing is I'm getting m-married and I would like her to attend my wedding.
Mr Jones remained quiet, he was pissed at how Lizzy had her friends disrespect him, couldn't she call him herself instead. Lisa got worried, not having a clue what the man was thinking.
Mr. Jones: Listen girl, I want to talk to Lizzy, maybe I can see what to do.
Betty: Lisa?
Lisa jumped from the sudden voice, she jerked her head to look at Betty holding her towel so it doesn't drop.
Betty: Is that my phone?

Betty walked over to see Lisa holding her phone with her dad's contact on display. Betty's eyes grew wide. Lisa held the phone to her ear again, watching Betty squirm with wide eyes.
Lisa: Mr Jones, I'll give the phone to Betty now.
Lisa shoved the phone to Betty, mouthing to her to play along with pleading eyes. Betty took the phone with trembling hands, she was terrified of her father.
Betty: F-father?
Mr. Jones: Elizabeth, what is this I hear from your friend?
Betty: F-father I don't -
Mr. Jones: If you stay for this wedding, will you come back to marry this boy?
Betty's eyes went wide but not from shock but from happiness that she was not leaving soon.

She nodded but forgot that her father couldn't see her.
Betty: Yes father, I will come home and marry Brandon, thank you father.
Mr. Jones: Don't thank me just yet, Brandon will be coming there to stay with you till the end.
Betty huffed but quickly coughed to cover it up, hoping to that her father hadn't heard.
She didn't want Brandon here, and worse you stay with him.
Betty: But father-
Mr. Jones: My decision is final or you going to take the next bus home today understood?
He barked over the phone, making Betty to pull the phone away from her ear.

Betty: Yes father.
She looked down with a gloomy look, sighing she disconnected the call and threw her phone and herself on the bed. Lisa whirled her hands around in question.
Lisa: And? What did he say?
Betty: I'm staying till your wedding is done.
Lisa squealed at the news, this gave her enough time to plan something and get her out of this mess. When she saw her friend not looking happy at all, she quieted down and sat beside her on the bed.
Lisa: What's wrong, why aren't you happy?
Betty: Father is sending Brandon to joburg and I have to stay with him.

Lisa: What, why?
She groaned and laid on her back next to Betty looking up the ceiling.
Betty: He doesn't trust me I guess.
Lisa: Not to fear my dear, for as I am here.
Betty side glanced her friend, looking at her weirdly.
Lisa: I have a plan, well I think.
Betty: Nope, no more plans from you, I'll have to obey the man or I'm taking the first bus heading to Durban today.
Lisa pouted and sat up giving up on her plans whatsoever.
Lisa: Fine, your dad is a dick.
Without realising what she had said, she clasped a hand over her mouth.

Betty: The smallest dick in the history of dicks.
Lisa looked at her friend for a minute before bursting into fits of laughter. They laughed after a while made their way to the kitchen after Betty to got dressed to. They had to make lunch for everyone.
Betty: Hey, thank you for what you did.
Lisa: Girl, if I had to count the shit you've done for me I would owe you my life so please don't sweat it.
She flipped her off. Betty smiled gratefully at her as they made lunch with a light conversation.

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