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Slowly, and heavy-hearted, Lisa walked closer to her husband and stood right in front of him with a concerned expression.
She reached to touch his shoulders with her palms, making him look up at her and finally notice her presence. Lisa saw the pain and defeat in his eyes. She didn't need to speak as Snakes wrapped his arms around her waist, placing his head on her stomach, and cried. He let out a wrecking and heartbreaking sob after sob.

Lisa rubbed his head, slowly and soothingly to calm him down. She was confused by his actions, she wanted to know what could've happened that made her husband cry this way, and to the graveyard. But she didn't have to ask either as he started to choke out words that broke her heart.
Snakes: He's gone, Mona. My father is dead and I don't know what to do.
He cried, holding on to Lisa tightly. She could feel his trembling against her body as he cried.

As it comprehended to Lisa's brain what Snakes was saying she felt a wave of pain and anguish. It was a harrowing tragedy that David died and especially since Snakes never knew him or got to spend that much required time with his father, but Lisa knew that it was bound to happen. And she feared every day for it, worrying about her husband's wellbeing. She knew it would wreck him apart, it had happened before when he found out about David being his father and that he was dying.

Snakes had left in a surge and ended up in their old house, drunk and a crying mess. She feared that, and now it was happening again. Her husband was in pain and there was nothing she could do to take it all away. It hurt her to see him like that, so broken and not his usual self. She wasn't blind nor ignorant, she always saw him lost in thoughts or on the verge of crying at times since he found out about his father's agonizing news. But she had to watch him pretend that everything was under control and that he had it.

Because she was waiting for this day where he would let it all out. Because everything wasn't okay, it wasn't okay to act all tough when you knew things were crumbling down.
She wanted to remind him that she was here and he wasn't alone in this. She kept comforting him, tears falling from her own eyes silently. It was hard to hold them back.
Lisa crouched down to look at her husband in the eyes. She held his face in her hands and wiped his tears.
Lisa: It's going to be okay, okay?
She nodded at him as a sign to make him understand that everything eventually becomes okay.

No matter how bad the situation is, everything would be okay. She kissed his tears away, just like he would do to her when she was crying and sad. She kissed the corner of his lips and let her lips linger there for a while before placing her forehead on his.
Snakes: It hurts Mona, it fucken hurts. Why? Please make it stop Mona, please.
He pleaded, his voice hoarse and full of so much pain. Lisa knew that she had to be strong for her husband and remind him that he was the strongest person she knows.

She knew what was next, him doubting himself whether he would be able to look after Mbali or the entire family. And she couldn't have that at all, because this man was the most vital person she knew. It was okay though because she would be there to lift him again.
Lisa: Shh baby, it's okay just cry for now.
She pulled him to lay his head on her lap as she sat down on the grave next to him. Lisa's hands soothingly brushed his hair.

Lisa: I want you to know that you are strong and this will not break you down. You going to be the brother that Mbali needs, and you going to do it gracefully so. You'll not cry nor show any weakness to anyone as you support the family. But I need you to know that when you come home, I'll be waiting for you to come to lay your head on my chest and cry as much as you want. I will be there to make it less painful every time. And Always.
She bent down to kiss the side of his head.
She wiped her own tears with her free hand and continued to comfort her husband.


Lisa: Send someone to come collect the car at the cemetery.
Snakes took the phone from Lisa's ear and put it on his. With a clear face and a voice void of any emotions he spoke;
Snakes: No need, we'll be there soon.
He hung up the phone and took Lisa's hand and gently placed it, his eyes looking at hers.
He knew what she was thinking, and he knew that she was worried about him.
Snakes: I'm right behind you.
Lisa: We can go back later, right now my focus is on you.

He stepped closer to stand in front of her and took her face in his large hands. She was small and short that he had to look down to meet her eyes and he absolutely loved it.
Snakes: I'll come to you and lay my head on your chest to rest I promise. Right behind you.
He watched as she looked at him in hesitation. She didn't want to let go just yet.
Reluctantly, she nodded her head and headed to her car, and got in. He watched as he reversed, how he admired that woman.

He got in his car and drove behind her as promised. His mind had one goal set now. Make sure Mbali and the rest of the family were taken care of. He would worry about himself later, in her presence alone. No one would see him crumble over this, absolutely no one. As they parked their cars, in the resort Lisa waited for Snakes beside her car.
Snakes got out of his car and walked over to her and kissed her forehead.
Snakes: Let's go.
He said with determination and boldness.

Lisa was a little worried about this whole plan she had orchestrated but she had faith in her husband and that was what held her up. They walked into the lounge and saw everyone with their heads hanging low. Snakes spotted everyone except for his sister.
Snakes: Where is she?
Sanele: In David's room.
Snakes nodded and sauntered to the hallway to the room. He stood there watching Mbali as she laid her head on David's chest.

Snakes: Come here little one.
Upon hearing his brother's voice, Mbali raised her head and her eyes that were once filled with emptiness watered and tears stung her eyes before they strolled down her face.
Mbali sobbed as she got up and met Snakes halfway to embrace him in a tight hug. Snakes wrapped his arms around her and comforted her the best way he thought of.
Mbali: Ubaba... Bhuti ubaba...
She trailed off, her words coming out in between sobs. Snakes' felt his heartbreaking all over again seeing his sister like that.

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