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Lisa's pov

I woke up around 6am in the morning, looked around in my surroundings to find a peacefully sleeping Ronnie, her bun had come loose and left a few strands around her face. I tucked them away from her little face, she stirred. I kissed her cheeks as her eyes flattened open. Her hands went to her eyes to rub the sleep from them, I smiled to myself.
Me: Come on baby, let's get you ready for school.

One thing about Ronnie, she hates school, I'm so worried about her going to elementary school, it'll be hard for her to focus and actually get good marks. One thing though, I love my baby girl, whether she does well or not, I'll try to be the best mom she will need.
Ronnie got up, walked to the bathroom groggily. I lifted her up in my arms and walked to the bathroom. I opened the shower first and waited till the appropriate temperature. I took off her clothes as well as mine since I had to go to work as well.

After taking a shower, I wrapped both of us in towels. I put Ronnie on the toilet seat as I dried her hair and wrapped it with a towel. It was our routine to wash her hair maybe three times a weekly.
Me: Let's get your tiny body dressed now.
Ronnie:Mommy I'm not tiny I'm like this now!
She held three fingers up, I laughed at her face as she tried to look angry at me calling her tiny. I held my ears as an apology, another thing we do when we offend each other, we apologize by holding our ears with both hands.
Me: Forgive me?
Ronnie: I lobe you mommy!
She smiled and I kissed her cheek.

After getting ready for school and work, I had Ronnie in a pink tracksuit. Left her curls loose. We walked to the kitchen and I made her breakfast. She loved pancakes with a lot of honey, another thing she shares with her dad, a sweet tooth. I made sure to put lot of it as my phone rang. I answered it without checking the caller ID.
Me: Hello?
Sino: You didn't call yesterday!
I sighed as I figured out that it was her. It was so early for this, and honestly I forgot to call her last night, I was depleted. I put the phone between my shoulder and ear as I prepared my coffee. I don't like the coffee at the cafe, no offense but it's not really nice.

Me: Sorry sis, I forgot came back late from work last night.
I could hear her sigh, then I closed my eyes, there was not running away from this conversation with her.
Me: What was so important anyways?
Sino: Well, we have a wedding to plan!
She squealed loudly on the phone, I cringed oh gosh my poor ear!
Me: Aren't you already Mrs Nkosi?
Sino: Not my wedding you big oaf, Mbali's.
Oh right, but that didn't make sense, Mbali is pregnant, is she getting married with a bump!

Sino got married a few months ago, and yeah I was there and couldn't be more thankful for him not going to the wedding. Sino was now Mrs Siyabonga Nkosi. It was so beautiful and very memorable very very memorable.
Me: But wait, she's pregnant isn't she?
Sino: So? Can't a pregnant woman get married? Don't be ridiculous.
Me: Oh okay, so when is the wedding?
Sino: In two months, and you my dear sister are requested to be here as one of the bridesmaids.
I could do that, I knew I didn't have to be asked, our circle of friends was really small so without doubt I was one of her bridesmaids.
Me: Okay I could come in a month or so-
Sino: No no no, sweetie I want you- no actually Mbali wants you here as in next week!

Me: What!? Why?
Sino: Well, first we are planning the wedding, second there gonna be two weddings here, traditional and white one. And we have to plan things like brunches, a baby shower for the mom to be and bachelorette party and-
Me: Okay got it, fine it's not like I have a choice.
Sino: Good! Love you!
After that she hung up. Great now what? There's no way I'm being far away from Veronica for two whole months! And there's no way she would ever live without me for two months either. Curse Mbali for wanting me to go that early.

I grabbed our things after eating breakfast and just immediately heard a horn outside, must be Ronnie's school bus. I took the keys and locked the house after grabbing her backpack too. Ronnie kissed my cheeks after I locked the door and ran to the bus with a few byes and love yous. I waved as the bus took off. As soon as it disappeared I sighed and groaned, God what do I do now?
Me: Joburg, Ronnie and chaos, that's for sure.
I walked to the cafe, it was not that far probably a twenty minutes walk. It was kinda chilly outside but I had worn a warm sweater with ankle boots today and had my hair in a low back bun.


I was on my last customer for the day, and they had just paid and left the table. I cleaned the table and took the tip, I quickly placed everything at the back, and threw the disposal items. I was about to knock off when the bell chimed, signalling a new customer, well too bad, I'm off. Unfortunately I was met with the world's biggest jerk. I was not in the mood for him today, I grabbed my bag and shouted at sis Zodwa that I was off.

Brandon grabbed my arm as I tried to pass him, I looked at him then his hand on my arm. He followed my movements and let go with a chuckle.
Brandon: Well, if it isn't miss little Monalisa!
Me: Get a dick enhancer Brandon.
I said and walked out of the cafe, without looking behind. I tightened my hands on my bag as I walked faster to my home. Betty had called to tell me that Ronnie had been fetched and safely at her house. I'll pass there first to fetch my baby.

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