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As Leo gazed down at the love of his life, he couldn't help but feel a heavy weight being lifted from his buddened heart. It had been so long, so long without her. A life without her was no life at all. What have you done to me Elizabeth?, he thought deeply to himself.
Leaving her was the worst thing he had ever have to go through. It was like living a nightmare, the worst of them all. He trailed his finger down her soft skin of her face.
Leo: Te amo.
He whispered, leaning his head so he could kiss her nose.

At that moment, she slowly opened her eyes, meeting his. He couldn't stop looking at her, he was enticed with her big brown orbs that seemed to draw him in every time he had to look at her. Her small nose, her pouted pink lips that seemed so inviting for his to devour.
He didn't want to blink, nor look anywhere else. Her lips stretched out in a beautiful smile, the same that drove him over the edge.
Betty: You stayed.
That statement felt like a jab at his heart. He never meant to leave her, he never meant to cause her so much pain.

Her soft and warm hand travelled from his naked foream to his sharp jawline. It was like she was taking every inch of his being in. Molding his existence in her memories. Her eyes held fear, fear that this was all just a dream and someone would wake her up and tell her to move on with her life.
Leo: I heard you cried a lot, locked yourself away from your family. I don't ever wanna see you shed any tears from today on.
She chuckled, letting her thumb graze his eyebrow.

He was confused seeing a tear slide down, disappearing under face and wetting the pillow. Was she not listening to him?
Leo: Why are you crying? I'm here now.
He couldn't have helped the tremble in his voice even if he wanted to. Seeing her cry was just about the most painful thing he had ever had to witness. It pierced his heart to see those salty tears flowing freely on her face.
Betty: I'm crying because you here.
Leo: I don't understand.

The poor fellow really was confused. What was she saying to him? Had she changed her mind about loving him. The thought made his stomach churn.
Betty: I'm crying because I'm happy you here, these are tears of joy. I wasn't dreaming. You here, in the same bed with me. I can't help the tears.
Leo's large palm covered her small hand that was planted on the side of his face.
Leo: You sound like my mother's favorite song, because it always calmed me down.

Leo: It always made me feel safe. I'm a grown man seeking security from you. I could fight the whole world just to have you by my side for the rest of my life. I will fight the whole world.
He wanted to say a lot more to her, but he figured that just bit of his heart everyday was enough. The words seemed useless, because his heart was already gone. She had his heart a long time ago. Nothing made him happier.

Leo: I'll kiss you now.
Betty smiled and nodded her head, approving of his demand. How typical of him to just blurt that he was going to kiss her. Leo's hand lowered under the sheets and pulled Betty by her naked waist to him. Her breath hitched as her body collided with his. When he said he was going to kiss she hadn't expected him to go on full force making her feel every inch of his body. Every. She placed her hand on his shoulder but he flipped them so he was hovering over her.

Leo: Pretty.
His lips found her forehead taking advantage of her shut eyelids, he planted a kiss on them. He kissed her nose, then her cheeks.
Leo: Soft.
He growled under his breath like a caveman. Betty felt like her body was on fire. With each touch and each kiss he placed on her delicate body she was getting drown to him like a moth to a flame. Leo's lips found her earlope, nibbling on it before placing a wet kiss under her ear. She breathed out a soft breath.

Betty: Leo..
Leo found her collarbone, letting his tongue lick the sweet skin of her body. Betty's hands clutched at the sheets, fisted in pleasure.
Leo: Delicate.
His growling was a huge turn-on on her. She couldn't get over how the sound resounded within his throat sending shivers through her whole essence. Leo lowered his head, his lips going past her breasts and finding their refugee at her core. She closed her eyes, letting the feel of his tongue control her emotions.

She released a pained yet pleasurable moan. It was the kind of pain that was yearned for. As she reached her ecstasy, her hands flew to his head and fisted his hair digging into her further. She wanted more and she knew he would give her more than she needed. Leo licked his mouth his eyes locked with hers. She found the action so mesmerizing so she watched as he tasted every bit of her to the last. He lowered his head, inches away from hers. As their eyes met again, he whispered.
Leo: And sweet.

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