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Lisa's pov

The twins are seated on the floor, playing with their toys. I'm sitting on the couch drinking my coffee with my laptop on my lap. Ronnie is at school. Ever since she started going to primary school she claims to be a grown-up now. I try to keep that in mind when I address her. Oh, also it doesn't help that she's a big sister so she has responsibilities. The boys adore her too, a little way too much. My husband is at work and would be coming home around the same time as Ronnie.

One would think I get bored being all alone in the house with them doing their out there. But not with my little joys over there and certainly not when I have to work from home. Being a psychologist isn't actually about going to the office all the time and since I am one of the stakeholders of the company I get to stay home whenever I want. But that's not the case now, I'm actually a stay-at-home mom well until the two boys can attend creche. For now, all my clients either come to my house if they badly need my help and some have been scheduled for another psychologist at work. He's actually great at his work.

Talking about him, I can't get to figure out why he won't get the memo about me being unavailable. Somethings happen in marriages and couples end up separated. I know I should've probably seen that as a red flag and trust me I did. But I got so over it that I hardly pay any attention to him. He's so hung up on trying to snatch me away from my husband. Apparently, to him, he doesn't treat me the way a queen is supposed to be treated. I really didn't want to lash at him so I just ignored him and moved on with my life

A loud cry interrupts my thoughts and I look over to see Zano crying his eyeballs out. Immediately I place my laptop on the coffee table and crouch down to pick him up.
Me: What's wrong baby, hhm why are you crying?
Zano just keeps on crying and I see his face turning red. Curse them for taking their father's complexion. I immediately feel panic seeping into my borns. I know something happened with him and Ntando and now he's at the receiving end of it. I sit down on the couch and try to examine his body for any injuries but I see none.

Me: What's wrong big guy huh?
I try to hush him before his brother starts to cry for no reason. A thing they tend to do ever since they were born. It drove their father nuts every time. Complaining about why the other one was crying. After I cradle him on my lap and rock him back and forth, Zano finally settles down. I sigh of relief and continue to rock him till he is asleep. There was no way he was hungry not after I had fed him a few minutes ago. So him falling asleep didn't surprise me. They always doze off a few minutes after they've eaten.

Soon after I had put him in his cot in the nursery, Ntando also starts yawning. He is less of a quiet guy, never cries for no reason, unless of course, his brother doesn't stop crying. You would say he's the less troublesome brother. I pick him up and kiss his face before walking with him to the nursery and lay him next to his brother. Ntando dozes off to sleep with a few little shakes. I kiss his little temple and leave their room with the monitor. What I hate most about their crying situation is that when Zano wakes up first, he starts crying until he's in someone's arms and if you're not fast enough, Ntando wakes up too.

It didn't take long for Ronnie to shoot through the door with his father falling closely behind her. She runs up and throws herself at me on the couch. I groan at the impact but I hug her back.
Ronnie: Mommy, I hate school!
I cast a wary eye at Snakes as he makes his way into the living room. I raise an eyebrow.
Snakes shake his head, which makes me wonder what happened to her at school.
I don't see her face because she has it hidden on my chest as she hugs me tight.
Me: Tell mommy what happened baby.

Ronnie sits straight and pouts her lips to me. My baby looks like she is about to cry.
At the corner of my eye, I see Snakes sitting on the coffee table. I take my little girl's hands in my large ones and encourage her to talk to us. She sniffles and starts to talk;
Ronnie: There are mean kids at school.
I look at Snakes and look back at Ronnie.
Me: Mean kids? Why do you say that honey?
Ronnie: They say that I'm a brat and my cousins are all brats too. The only one who sits with us at school is Lukho.
Snakes: Sits with who princess?
Ronnie: Lungi, Jadene, and Me.

My heart aches at the revelation of my baby being bullied at school. I knew Ronnie struggled to make friends back in Durban too but I didn't it would follow her to Joburg. My mother instincts kick in and I want to kick some kids. But I know if I get angry and do that, my child will think violence is the answer to problems. Instead of corrupting my child, I take her face in my hands and make her look at me.
Me: Do you know the best way to live a peaceful life?

Ronnie says nothing, seemingly waiting for me to continue so I do;
Me: Is to ignore people who try to get to you. Avoid any negativity from such people. You have your cousins don't you, and Lukho too. What I'm saying is family can also be your friends at times. Leave them be my baby okay. And next time someone calls you a brat make sure to report it to a teacher you trust mostly okay?
She nods and hugs me for dear life. I give her dad a look and he looks pissed. Now I have to convince another baby to let it go.

Ronnie: I love you, mommy.
Her words are muffled on my chest and I smile in content. I kiss Ronnie's head and let her kiss her dad on the cheek before running to her room to change. Snakes take the space she was sitting on and I find myself resting my head on his shoulder.
Me: Let it go.
I say softly to him, and even though it seems as if he won't answer me I know he heard me. I know when he's angry he tends to keep quiet a lot, usually not a good sign.

Snakes scoops me up and settles me on his lap so that I'm straddling him. I smile at him before connecting my lips with his. He groans on my lips, making me smile with joy. I break apart from him. Only then do I see that my husband is tired.
Me: You look exhausted, wanna take a long bath?
My hands go to his tie and I loosen it undoing the first buttons.
Snakes: Are you joining me?
His hands-on my waist pull me closer and I laugh at his antics.

Me: I have to start preparing dinner.
He starts to kiss my jaw, and making me feel things. I know it is his way of trying to persuade me into doing what he wants.
Snakes: Come on, it won't be the same without you.
I place my hands on his chest and fist on his shirt. Feeling some type of way as he continues to place kisses all over my neck.
Me: But, but I promise to make it up to you tonight after the kids have gone to sleep.
I hold his face in my hands and give him a seductive smile.

Snakes: You do anything I want tonight right?
I see the mischievous glint in his eyes. I grin and bring his face closer to mine so I can kiss him. The moment his lips touch mine, I melt. His kisses do something to me that no man could never be able to. I smile against the kiss. I feel him groan when I pull away.
Me: Anything you want daddy.
I purr, and right there I see the hunger in his eyes. He gets up so fast that I don't register what's happening. I squeal and pat his shoulders but he doesn't let go.
Snakes: You gonna regret saying that baby.
Me: Put me down!

I giggle and try to wiggle out of his hold. What have I gotten myself too?

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