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Leo stood in front of his doom, Vladimir' front gate. He had arrived in Russia an hour ago. He saw the gate being opened and the guards walked out aiming their guns at him. He scoffed unamused by their act. He wasn't fazed rather annoyed. They searched him thoroughly, one even going far as to touch his manhood. He raised his eyebrow at him with a smirk. The guard looked uncomfortable after seeing how big he was.
Leo winked as he walked inside of the premises. A car pulled up and he got in as they drove further along to the house.

They arrived in front of his driveway and parked. The soldiers got out first and waited for him to take a step out. All were on edge.
With Vladimir's soldiers on either sides and in front of him with their guns out, Leo felt immense pride within him. It showed just how Vladimir was scared of him, to send so many soldiers to escort him even in his own country, town hell his home. They arrived at the big two mahogany doors. Soon the soldier who was walking before him opened the doors and they stepped in.

The mansion was just as he expected to be inside. Elegant in a very annoying manner. He wondered if Vladimir was a fan of Queen Elizabeth the first. They walked further and found yet another door and walked inside. As soon as they walked inside, Leo was greeted by Vladimir himself sitting on a big couch like he was some king. Vladimir smiled sickily and got up, putting out his ciga.
Vladimir: Ahh, mia fratello, welcome.
He said as he gestured to his home. Leo watched him uninterested with his hands in his pockets.

Leo: Let my brother go Vladimir.
Beating around the bush was never his aptitude. One thing he hated on the contrary.
Vladimir laughed a humorless laughter, and signalled his man with a nod to go get Capone junior.
Vladimir: Straight to business I see.
Leo: I don't see why not, we not friends after all or are we?
Vladimir chuckled, irritating Leonardo even more. Soon Leone emerged behind the doors, dragged by one of Vladimir's man.

Leo clenched his jaw at the sight in front of him. His brother was beaten and buttered, blood dripping all over his whipped body. His left eye was shut close and a purple bruise was already forming around it. Leo grunted in anger, the grunts vibrating within his chest to his throat, he was beyond furious. Leone couldn't even see properly but he could make out his brother and a faint smile etched on his busted lips.
Leo: What have you done to my brother Vladimir!?
He groaned making everything and everyone in the room to tremble.

Vladimir tried to hide the anxiety that bubbled inside of him by a smirk, but Leo saw right through his deceiving eyes.
Vladimir: I roughed him up a little. You didn't think I would just let him live in my condo like a prince did you?
He laughed, throwing his head back. Leo clancehed his jaw, feeling the anger trying to take control of his mind. He wasn't about to act on impulse, he had to wait for the lunatic in front of him to reveal his true plans. Leo knew a man like Vladimir wasn't to be trusted and he just waited for him to strike.

Vladimir: Boys, take him away and make his death slow and painful.
His demeanor changed as fast as lightning. Leo started to panic, glancing from Vladimir to the man that held his brother. Leone couldn't even walk on his own as he was being dragged.
Leo: What is this Vladimir? What happened to you letting my brother go, I'm here aren't I?
He seethed at him, but Vladimir gave him an exasperated look.

Vladimir took a seat in his couch, crossing his legs and taking out another one of his ciga. Leo tried to walk forward to him but got blocked by the soldiers. Vladimir lit his ciga and exhaled the smoke.
Vladimir: You know I thought about it, and it clicked.
He took another long pull from his ciga and tilted his head up to let the smoke out.
Vladimir: Why just kill you, when I can kill your whole bloodline, ending the whole Capone Family Tree.

Leo: I'll kill you Vladimir before you can even think to destroy my family tree!
Vladimir: That's the thing Leonardo Capone, you can't kill me, well not while you in my territory that is. Kill him too!
He barked his final order. Leo glanced around, taking in the exact number of soldiers he would take on. In a swift move, he kicked the nearest guard on his left at the back of his knee, sliding to grab the gun from his hand and shooting the guard on the right in his chest.

Vladimir: KILL HIM NOW!
He barked at his soldiers feeling the fear taking place as he disappeared behind the doors. Leo cursed, ducking a punch that aimed for him as he watched Vladimir escape. He knew he had little time to rescue his brother and himself before Vladimir called all his men to his house. He killed half the soldiers that had surrounded him. He ran out of bullets. He aimed the gun at the guard's head that was close to pulling the trigger. He grabbed his gun and shot another guard that had aimed for him.

Leo saw he was becoming outnumbered, he took hold of another guard in a tight choke slam and used him as a shield as bullets rained on him. The guard died immediately but Leo continued to drag his lifeless jeavy body as a canopy, walking to the doors. As soon as he opened the door, he threw his body forward and closed the door with a lock. He ran through the long hallway, checking each door for his brother or at least Vladimir. A guard appeared in front of him with a gun, but Leo was able to snap his hand, making the gun to fall as he kicked it away. Leo snapped the guard's head and let him fall on the ground.

As he walked faster to the end hall, he picked up the gun and held it up, aiming for anyone that might appear. He found a room, the door was slightly ajar, he slowly used his foot to push it open. He saw two men about to decapitate Leone's head. He shot the one that held the blade in the head. He aimed his gun at the one who was holding Leone's head and shot him on both of his kneecaps. He groaned and fell to the ground. He rushed to him and tried to revive him back to life.
Leo: Leone! Leone look at me.
He head barks outside of the room and acted on instinct.

He hoisted his brother up, safely putting him under the bed and walked to the door. He peeked outside and saw about six soldiers coming his way. He pulled the magazine, checking how many bullets he had left. He had enough to take them all out. He walked out, and started to shoot them one by one till they were all dead. Leo sighed, looking where his brother was and made the most difficult decision as he left him to find a way out.
Leo: I'll come back for you fratellino.(baby brother/ little brother)
He walked with determination, one guard that was still alive, grabbed his leg, without looking at him, Leo shot him between his eyes.

He threw his used gun away and took two more from the floor and holding them on his sides.
He found a room filled with computers, at first glance he knew it was the cctve room. He typed furiously on the computer searching for specific cameras. He found two more exists and found that Vladimir was already existing the premises in his car. He cursed, banging the table with his clenched fists. He calculated the amount of guards that he had to kill to get out. As he was walking out, he found a room filled with guns and grenades. He took a handful of grenades along with an AK-47 and inspected it, feeling like it was going to be a lot of trouble, he settled for the two small Glock 19s instead and walked out.

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