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Lisa's pov

I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a chest that my head was propped on. I glanced up to see Snakes already looking me, has he been staring at me while I sleep? Then last night's events played in my head, timid.
Me: Hi.
I shyly hid my face in his chest, I felt his chest vibrating underneath me. Gosh, why was I shy all of a sudden.

Snakes: Morning.
He said kissing the top of my head. Smiling at the motion, I closed my eyes to savor the moment of being in his arms. Suddenly feeling tiny arms crawling up my back and they definitely weren't of Snakes. I waited for the impact as Ronnie lunged herself on top of me which meant more weight on her father's stomach who groaned. The little she devil giggled as if she did the most commendable thing.

He grabbed her and pulled her to his side, I moved a little so she could have more space.
Snakes: Well, you are quite naughty.
He started blowing raspberries in her cheeks, making her giggle more.
Ronnie: Daddy st-op
I smiled propping my head on my hand as I looked at them. They were so similar in more ways than I could be with Ronnie. Everything about her was the replica of her father, making me feel slightly betrayed.

Snakes: Do you know what good girls do?
Ronnie: No, what?
She seemed to be quite curious as she brought her head to his face to hear more.
Snakes: They brush their teeth in the morning, now be a good a girl and go brush your teeth.
She gasped mouth and eyes wide open at her father, like she didn't know that. Snakes' eyes were no exception either as if he told a very discreet information. Ronnie got up and kissed my cheek and his before disappearing into the bathroom.

Snakes: Now that we alone, what say we-
His sneaky actions got disturbed by tiny hands shaking his body. He closed his eyes feigning agony. He turned to look at her with a tight lipped smile. I wanted to burst with laughter.
Ronnie: I don have a tooblush.
She gave him a toothlike smile. He scrunched his face in confusion.
Snakes: What? How don't you have-
Ronnie: It's in mommy's loom.
Snakes: Then princess go wash your teeth in mommy's room, take your time and make sure those teeth are white and peerly.

Ronnie ran out of the room with a goofy smile like she hadn't been just tricked, kids.
Turbo my head, I shook my head at the man next to me.
Snakes: What!?
Me: Unbelievable.
Snakes: Hey, wait what happened now?
He tried to catch with me as I walked to the bathroom. I could have sworn I heard him mutter something along the lines of 'I got free time and now she's mad'

I just wanted to spite him really, feels good to be wanted so badly. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I'll have a shower after breakfast, I'm famished.


Snakes: Going somewhere?
Me: Meeting up with the girls at Sinos.
I walk closer to him and kiss Ronnie's face all over while she clings to her dad's arms. Snakes pouts his lips forward. I stare at him unmoving, when he realises the kiss isn't coming he opens his eyes, I tilt my head in confusion. He looks so adorable when he pretends to not care.
Ronnie: You didn't get a kiss.
She snickers almost snorting which makes me laugh slightly, shaking my head at them.

Snakes: Fun day is cancelled for you.
Ronnie stops laughing and pouts at her dad who keeps a stern look. I give him the 'really' look, he shrugs nonchalantly.
Snakes: Tell you what, if you somehow get mommy to give daddy a kiss we'll have more skittles today.
Ronnie: Mommy just kiss him please.
I stare at her in disbelief, Ronnie makes a puppy face, that little-
Snakes: Mommy, you not gonna refuse a puppy face from a very cute and little baby are you?
Ronnie: A big baby daddy.
Snakes: From a big baby, are you?

I roll my eyes at the duo, when did she dumb me to him? I lean in to kiss his cheek but he tilts his head to the side capturing my lips in his. I'm not even surprised really as I kiss him back, feeling his lips smile against my own. Crook! Ronnie squeals in disgust, still in his hip. I pull back against my dismay, kissing this man always feels like the first day he laid his lips on mine, electrifying.
Snakes: Take my car.
I raise my eyebrows at him, what does he think of me.
Me: I wasn't gonna walk obviously.
I chuckled and walk to the door leaving him with his eyes wide.
Me: Bye baby!
Ronnie: Bye mommy.

I park the black Range Rover in the driveway of my sisters house and make my way to the door. Ringing the doorbell slightly in less than a minute Sino hugs me with a big grin, she's always so active. I greet the ladies and sit down with a glass of wine. Today we discuss the decor and we done with the wedding planning. After discussing and coming to final conclusions we sit back and just catch up about our lives.

Mbali: Did Lillian show up uninvited again?
The way she detests the girl, you'd swear she stole her man. But at the same time I'm content that my friends don't like her, it eases the guilt I'm feeling for not liking her either. She's been so nice but I can't seem to like her, I've been beating myself up for that. Even the fact that she hasn't done anything to make me feel threatened except for showing up at my house and having to work so close with the father of my child, she's no threat, right?

Sino: Seriously, what's her deal anyway?
Mbali: I don't know about that but I know that she's bad news for sure.
Me: How do you know that?
I lift up my eyebrows looking at her as she rubs her small bump.
Mbali: I can smell trash from afar, and she stinks.
Sino: Nice choice of words yeah?
We laugh at her hatred for someone she barely knows.
Me: Betts, sup you okay?
I notice Betty has been awfully quiet this whole time, she seemed to be lost in thoughts.

Mbali: Yeah, what's up with you getting married.
Sino: Honestly, why is everyone getting married?
We turn to look at her, what kind of a question is that.
Sino: I mean, all three of you are getting married in these coming weeks, it's kinda weird how everyone is getting married at the parallel time.
Now that she says it, it clicks how we all just a bunch of nuptial-people to-be. I nod in understanding, turning my head to look at Betty who seemed to be lost in thoughts again.

Me: Betts?
Betty: I have this feeling like I shouldn't get married to him, like I'm not destined to be with him, you know. I don't even love the guy, my father is prick I know that but couldn't he get my older sister to do it, why does it always have to me. Everything that benefits the family has to be done by me, I have always had to compromise or sacrifice to make him happy, and the best part is how they don't appreciate any of the things I do. And no matter what, I still want to make my family happy because I love them, I-I can't-

She full on sobs, I get up and walk over to she side to give her a warm hug. This girl has been through a lot in her life because of her family. And oh her heart is just so pure and big for her to ever say anything against them, hell to even insult anyone as shameless as Brandon. Someone who can break up with someone in a polite manner just so they don't hurt the person's feelings who cheated on them. I shush her, now the room is silent only resonating with Betty's sobs breaking my heart.

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