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Thando's pov

I can't believe I was shot. I really can't believe someone put a bullet in me. I feel so unnerved. What if they come again and this time they finish their job. I'm no fool, I know for a fact that the bullet wasn't meant for me. It was for my brother and I know exactly where it came from. He's not safe and he was just lucky I intervened in time or else the bullet would've gone through his heart. I feel so tired, my body feels drained. Is this how being shot feels like a million bricks had been dumped over your head.

I was now in Leone's penthouse. This is where I will be living from now on. I hate it because I don't like being a burden to him, or anyone else for that matter. Leone has done so much for me already with the case, I can't expect him to do this as well. But we all know how stubborn he is. When I tried to make him understand that I would be fine and could take care of myself he went crazy.
Leone: If you could, then this wouldn't have happened, you wouldn't have been fucken shot Thando! You staying with me whether you like it or not.

I tried harder to persuade him not to put his life in danger for us, because if we stay with him that would mean endangering him as well and I didn't want that. I may be stubborn as well but that man sure takes the cup for stubbornness. He said after;
Leone: Look, love, when I agreed to this whole thing of helping you I did it only so I could protect you because I knew what kind of danger you were putting yourself in. I failed once and I can't fail again, please.
He had rendered me speechless after that. I didn't want him to think he was a failure.

I didn't want him to blame himself, not after he had helped me so much. To ease his mind, I had agreed to stay with him and my brother as well. I just couldn't say no to those eyes that pleaded with me. Now, here I am in his bedroom, being treated like an incapable baby. Leone and Lwazi have been treating me like an infant since I was discharged. I laid still on my back in his comfortable bed and comfortable pillows. His scent engulfed me whole the second I had stepped into the room.

It was enough to succumb me to sleep. I slept for about an hour or so before waking up to an empty room. I sighed, with a weird feeling in my stomach. I don't know whether it was fear or what but I was feeling very unsettled. The door from the bathroom opened just as I had finished sitting up straight so I could lean against the headboard, which was a struggle with my arm and the sling. Leone came out dripping wet in a black towel around his waist. That just cut the wire to my train of thoughts. My mind went blank.

Abs, shoulders, and biceps. Legs, firm Jesus legs. Tattoos all over his torso, all over his arms. I didn't know how sexy that owl or eagle tattoo on his neck was until now. My eyes traveled up to his face to see him smirking at me. Great, I'm caught. Leone chuckled at my attempt to play it cool. I tried to act nonchalant about it but failed miserably because hello, he's half-naked and dripping wet. What is this man doing to me?
Leone: Are you hungry? I can make something for you, just let me dress up first.

I shook my head at his question, just in time for my stomach to rumble in protest. Okay, so my head my stomach was contradicting with each other, but I was still not eating anything made by Leone.
Me: I just came back from the hospital, why do you want to send me back, am I that bad of company?
Leone scratched the back of his neck in realization. He knows he can't cook for shit.
Leone: Does the kid know how-
Me: Not a single meal, he can't even boil water.

I was in the hands of possible murders. They were going to kill me with food poisoning. I would rather take another bullet than eat either of their food. Lwazi knew nothing about cooking, his forte was much more along the lines of eating and stuffing his face. Then we have Leone the butcher, the only thing he can do is cut a pepper in half and he can't even do that right. So, with my arms hurt and with no access to cook, I was going to starve to death. There was no way Leone would allow me to step into that kitchen.
Leone: Okay, well I guess I'll order in then. What do you want? Mr. D-Food or Chinese?

I want him. God, can't he just put some clothes on at least. My hormones are on overdrive right now. Leone raised his eyebrows as he sensed my silence. Thank God I wasn't staring at his body but his face instead. That would've been embarrassing to be caught staring twice.
Me: Mmmh, either one is alright with me.
I nodded, diverting my eyes anywhere else.
Leone: Alright, Chinese it is then. I'll just get dressed quickly and call them, yeah?

It really was cute and fluttering how he considered my opinion in everything he did. He asked if I was okay with anything he did. I honestly never thought he had that side of him, let alone see it and towards me. I nodded again before he disappeared to the walk-in closet. Nice ass boy. When was the last time I got laid? It must be about five years now. Damn, how did I survive all this time? I mean, it was not ideal the first time I did it. The guy was a jerk, and he never called me after he took my virginity, he just bolted.

I should've expected it though, I mean he was a boy and boys are always going to be boys. But it still hurt, I gave him my virginity for crying out loud. Our relationship wasn't the healthiest of relationships, he was jealous and possessive. He suspected everything I did, to him I was too beautiful to be with one man so it automatically made him think that I gave men attention. All along the bastard was the one cheating on me, what a hypocrite. Leone came out wearing joggers, and a baggy t-shirt, he was barefoot and he had nice toes as well.

His buzz cut was still damp from the shower he had just taken and it showed as it glistened. I had an itch to play with his hair with my fingers. I needed to take a bath as well. But how was I going to do that? I got up from the bed, or at least that's what I was going for before I accidentally put pressure on my arm. It hurt so bad that a loud whimper came out of my mouth startling Leone. He was so quick to run to my side.
Leone: What are you doing? You could have hurt yourself. Why didn't you say you wanted to get up? Does it hurt?

I exhaled slowly, keeping myself from whimpering more. I shook my head at Leone's question, which was a lie because it hurt a little. Leone helped me off the bed so I could stand. He was so huge, unnecessarily tall making me feel so small. He held onto my shoulders but not too hard to put pressure on them. I looked up at him with a small smile to let him know that I was fine.
Leone: What's wrong, why did you get up?
Me: I need to get washed up.
He sighed and ran his hand on my uninjured arm up and down.

Leone: Do you need any help?
I contemplated hard on that. I did need his help to get undressed, but he would have to see me naked. I ended up nodding.
Leone: Come on, let's get you washed up.
He picked me up. Bridal style in his arms as we approached the bathroom.
Me: You don't have to carry me, Leone. I can walk fine on my own.
Leone: Not taking chances, love.
I shook my head but shit deep down I was dancing with joy. He had me in his arms, it felt so good and warm. I just wanted to snuggle closer but that would be weird.

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