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It was a beautiful day with the newlyweds all over each other with kisses and hugs since they couldn't go on their honeymoon as yet. The main reason why they couldn't go on their honeymoon was that Mbali was pregnant and it was a little too risky for her to travel in her condition. Nonetheless, the mood was jolly and beautiful. The couple was staying in their room, enjoying their suite at the resort. It was spacious and comfortable for Mbali, something her husband made sure of.

It was midday, the rain was down to some drizzles instead. But it was still chilly and gloomy weathered. The rest of the family members were now sitting in the lounge, it was only them occupying the whole place now. They were chatting and laughing like the big family they were. Lisa knew that Betty was with Leo as she had looked for her and found her in one of the rooms copped up with him. She was truly happy and surprised to see him because it meant that Betty would finally be happy.

Lisa glanced at the soundly sleeping Ronnie against her father's chest as he sat on one of the comfortable couches in the lounge. She saw how comfortable her daughter was, but she had to go sleep in the room with the rest of the kids and she saw how uncomfortable her husband was. Lisa walked over to them and outstretched her arms in an attempt to take Ronnie from Snakes.
Lisa: Lemme take her to the room.
Snakes nodded and tried to get Ronnie to let go of his shirt. He chuckled as Ronnie snuggled closer and clutched his shirt in her tiny hands harder.

Snakes: It's okay my love, I'll take her.
Lisa smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead before going back to her seat. Snakes looked over at his baby girl and smiled as she sucked on her two middle fingers with closed eyes. It was something she had gotten accustomed to lately. He had to admire her cuteness though. There was absolutely nothing he wouldn't do for that girl, it was as if his fatherly instincts just nucleared. He needed just a few more minutes to hold her in his arms. Just a few more minutes in daddy's arms.

Meanwhile, in the other room where David was situated, a nurse that was placed for him was called over by David by the bed with a flicker of his hand. The lady walked over to the bed and held her head closer to hear what he was trying to make out.
David: Get my s-son now. Pl-please.
The nurse nodded and hurriedly walked out of the room. David released the cough that had been bothering him, he felt his chest getting tight and suffocated by the second.
His coughing released some blood, dripping down his mouth.

He knew that now was the time yet he was delighted. Because one, he was home, whether he wasn't in his house exactly but he was in his land. Two he walked his baby girl down that aisle and gave her off to a good man. Any father would be pleased to see their child get married into a good family and to a good man. He didn't want to die alone, but he didn't want to worry Mbali in her state and especially after her wedding.
He knew that the sight of him right now would scare her but he knew of someone strong enough.

Just then, his son hastily walked inside of his room. He smiled weakly when he saw his concern-streaked face. How he wished he had more time with him, but knowing him was enough for now. Snakes took slow steps towards his father. He looked so pale, blood flowing down the side of his face from his mouth. He knew then that this was it and there was no saving him.
David: I wish I knew you sooner maybe we could've had a greater relationship.

He whispered, his voice so hoarse and strained. Snakes felt a twitch at his heart upon hearing his father. His face was so hard, hurt and concern in his eyes. He quickly grabbed his father's hand and squeezed it in his hard one.
David: Thank you, but we both know it was kinda your duty to get me here for your sister's wedding.
Snakes dismissed how he tried to joke at a time like this. David chuckled, then ended up coughing badly, more blood coming out of his mouth. Snakes' eyes widened with worry.

Snakes: Baba.
He tried to swallow the sobs that clogged his throat as he whispered the word that made David's heart more content. Snakes let the tears that brimmed his red eyes fall. He lowered his head and placed it on his father's chest and he cried. It was just them now, father and son in a grievous moment. Snakes cried and released his sobs on his father's chest. David stroked his head slowly with a smile. His breath was slowly evaporating as each minute passed.

Snakes: Baba ungahambi ngiyacela (Don't go father, please)
David: Ngiyanithanda zingane zam. (I love you, my children.)
Snakes cried harder clutching at him as he took his last breath. When he couldn't feel his father's shallow heartbeat anymore. He raised his head to look at him and clenched his jaw as he saw David with his eyes shut.
Snakes: Vuka! (wake up!) hey old man, come on wake up I promise I'll call you Baba from now on, that's what you want right?
He started to pat his cheeks lightly, trying to make him wake up.

Snakes growled when he wasn't getting what he wanted. The pain he was feeling was too much for him to handle and he needed to get out of there before he did something wrong in the situation. Snakes lowered his head and placed a chaste kiss on David's forehead.
Snakes: I'll take care of her.
He promised and walked out of the room, found the nurse by the door waiting.
Snakes: Clean him up before anyone sees him and tell them the news.
He didn't bat an eye at the lady standing next to him as he commanded her

He walked down the hallway and found the exist, he bumped into someone but his mind was registering his surroundings right now. It was only a matter of time before he lost it.
Lisa: Mndeni...
She tried to reach for him, but he paid no mind to her. She had seen him walking down the hallway towards her and she saw his tear-stained face with his bloodshot red eyes.
She wondered what was going and she was going to find out as she hurriedly followed him. She saw him driving out of the parking lot, she found her car and started the engine.

Lisa: Uyaphi? (where are you going )
She whispered to herself in concern for her husband. Her mind couldn't get his pained look out of it. She drove faster as he also stepped on his car, speeding over the speed limit. She was worried he would cause an accident and she didn't want to relive the past. She followed him into what seemed to be a cemetery. She parked her car behind his vehicle and followed him to the gloaming grounds. She found him sitting on a grave.
She gasped as she saw the man she loved.

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