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Thando just wanted to cry like a pathetic girl who was left by their bf, and that's what she did. Crying, all night. Ever since she came back from her Leone hunt, she has been laying on the couch, weeping her eyes out. Worse, she was watching some romantic movie where a guy was left by his gf because he lied about his identity and she found out that he was actually from a well-known family and was wealthy. She had left because he lied to her, but in the end she released that money didn't matter, and she loved the man he was. They obviously had a happy ending, while Thando was feeling sorry for herself. Nothing was worse than watching a movie with a happy ending and that stupid love song that plays when they kiss. She didn't know why she was torturing herself, hence she grabbed the remote and aggressively turned off the TV.

Wiping her eyes, she probably looked like a stuffed donut with her cheeks all red, her eyes blood shot red and swollen from all the crying she had been doing. In the dim lit living room she sat alone curled up in her blankets sniffling. Her heart kept breaking and breaking, the more she thought about the love of her life that had left her alone. Even the country she had been raised in, loved and used to felt all so foreign to her without Leone. She felt empty, and just wanted to lock herself in that apartment til she didn't feel like shit. The clock on the couch stand, read 00:24. She had been awake for all these hours but she felt like it had been minutes. Reluctantly, she got up from the couch, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Her sniffles filling the room.

A knock came through the door, begrudgingly Thando dragged her feet to the door. She wasn't in the mood to see Lwazi right now. She just wanted to be alone, drowning herself in her sorrows. With the intend of telling her little brother to go away she yanked the door open and was met with the familiar cologne that always drowned her to oblivion. Looking up, red eyes met brown ones staring down at her. Her eyes started to get moist all over again, nose reddening as her lip quivered.
Leone: Heard you were looking for me.
The voice she had missed so bad, that she didnt even know she did. Leone opened his arms to his woman as she looked at him in disbelief.

Leone: Come here, love.
That's all it took for Thando to throw herself i his arms, tumbling back a little. A little laugh slipped past Leone's mouth. He held her tight against his firm chest. All Thando could do was cry like a baby in his shirt and he didn't mind at all, because he wasn't any different from her as his eyes filled up with tears. Leone kept kissing the top of her head, muttering sweet things in her hair. Thando tightened her arms around Leone's torso, never wanting to let go ever again. Neither wanted to let go.
Thando pulled back a little, arms still around his torso, and looked up at Leone. Leone looked at her face, seeing the tears streaming down that beautiful face of hers. His hands found her face, thumps wiping the stray tears on her cheek.

Leone: You look so beautiful, love. Don't cry.
Thando: I thought you left, Leone. I thought I lost you for good. Please don't ever leave me again, I'm sorry please don't go. I don't want to leave without you, the last few hours scared me to death, the thought of you ever leaving me scared me. You'll stay right? Right Leone?
Leone smiled down at her cute and short self.
Leone: I promise I'll never leave you. But, what do you mean I left you. Love, I could never leave you, I wasn't going to just give up on you like that. Is that why you came to look for me? You thought I had left?
He asked so softly, eyes searching hers. She looked so damn beautiful at that moment. Puffy eyes and rosey cheeks all together.
Thando: Your brother came to see me and told me you were leaving for Italy. I came to look for you and I was told you left already.

Leone scrunched his face. Why would his brother lie about him leaving. He was at the warehouse, with the Nkosis and Ndlovus.
Leone: I'd never do that to you, come here.
He hugged her closer. In his mind he was confused yet so happy and thankful to his frater. A chuckle rumbled in his chest, with a shake of his head. He couldn't believe Leo did that, for him. He was sure that the woman in his arms had left him and he couldn't even think of a way to win her back. That moment, that time she was in his arms, hugging him like her life depended on it, Leone felt content.
Thando: I love you Leone.
She mumbled in his chest, but he heard it. Every word was heard. She could hear the increase in his heartbeat. She looked up at him eyes filled with so much love. She said it again.
Thando: I love you, and I want to have kids with you and grow old with you.

Leone brought her face closer as he attached their foreheads together, a big grin on his face.
Leone: I love you, I wanna hear you again.
Thando: I love you so much.
She smiled back at him, tiny hands clutching his shirt tightly, as his warm hands engulfed her face and smashing his lips on hers. Heaven, that's what she felt in that moment, purely heaven. The way his lips felt so smooth and hard at the same time. The way his tongue warmed up her mouth as it explored her mouth. Leone pulled back a little, panting as he gazed at the sweet and plump lips of the woman he was crazy about. Without wasting a second more, he claimed her lips again. She tasted like nothing he has ever had before. All he wanted to do was kiss her again and again.
Leone's hands went lower grabbing her ass, making Thando squeal in surprise against his mouth. His hands went below her ass cheeks and picked her up, legs wrapping around his waist.

They tumbled to the apartment, closing the door just as Thando was pinned to the door. Her hands fiddling with the lock trying to lock it. Leone was already ripping her clothes off as he carried her to the bedroom. By the time they had arrived in the bedroom, both were already naked. Thando was panting under Leone, completely naked and wet for him. Leone gazed down at the beauty under him.
Leone: Fuck, I missed you so bad.
Then he claimed her mouth again, fingers everywhere, her breasts, her stomach. It didn't take long for him to fill her up, a gasp left Thando's lips. Leone's lips found her neck, sucking, biting, licking and kissing. Her moans filled the room as he moved in and out of her. Legs wrapped around his waist as she pulled him closer to her, Leone burying his head at the crook of her neck at the pleasure.

Leone: Fuck, bambino più forte. (Moan louder baby) you so tight.
He remmed into her harder and faster. Thando's leg flew up and landed on his shoulder as Leone went inside again. He moved faster into her til she came. His moves increased as he came inside of her.
Leone: Cazzo. (Fuck)


Thando: So, you were never leaving. Your brother lied to me? I'm gonna kill him. Probably I swallow myself for being so dumb.
Wait, so was Betty into this too? She told me you left. They power coupling with my feelings. I'm so mad right now.
Leone soothed her bare back as she rambled on, on his chest. He personally didn't mind what his brother did, because he wouldn't be here now, holding the love of his life in his arms. He couldn't stop smiling either. Thando pulled herself up a little, looking up Leone only to find him grinning down at her, amused. Thando raised her eyebrows at him.
Thando: Are you, are you smiling right now?
Leone: I don't see why I shouldn't be. I have you, and I don't have any reason to not smile.

Thando: Why you gotta be so damn handsome saying that. You captivate me, wow.
She looked really amazed at that moment. Lips parted, eyes blinking nonstop in disbelief. How could one person look so good, so damn good that it was impossible to look away.
Thando: Yeah, I'm glad you didn't leave. And as much as I hate what your brother did, I don't hate it at all.
Leone leaned down to kiss her nose. She blushed, and buried her face in his hard yet warm and soft chest. Why was she so cute.
Leone: Cute.

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