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Thando's pov

My eyes catch the first thing when the doors open and that's Leone standing naked in the living room. His whole manhood dangling in front of me. I squeal and try to cover my eyes with my hands. What the hell? I walk out of the elevator backward just in time before it closes. I watch the elevator close and the number go down. I refuse to look at Leone's naked self. Why would anyone walk around naked in their house? It's ridiculous.
Me: Leone are you dressed?
I hear chuckle but I don't hear him telling me what I want to hear.

Leone: It's safe to turn around now, love.
I can certainly hear the smirk in his words.
I put my hands over face before turning around. I move one finger to the side and peek at the man in front of me. Leone has a towel wrapped his waist and I sigh dropping my arms at my sides. I narrow my eyes at him when I see him smirking in amusement.
Me: You think this is funny? Why were you naked in the first place? Could you get any more immature.
I stomp over to the couch and rolling my eyes at him.

Leone: Why didn't you call? I was out of the shower. And what if I had someone over, like fucking a girl on my couch?
My glare deepens when I turn to look at him. Is he seriously asking me that right now.
Me: Are you fucking kidding me? You shouldn't have invited me to your house if you were thinking of shagging other people in my presence Leone. Can you just go put clothes on. Oh my god.
I snap at him, because I'm angry and annoyed. He's so unbelievable. Who says that.

Leone: Relax, I wouldn't invite someone over to my house to fuck while I know you coming. Besides you the first girl that knows where I stay.
He nonchalantly says as he starts to walk away from me. Why would he say something like that so casual like it doesn't mean anything. Leone's back disappears to the corridor leaving me shocked. I'm the first girl he's ever brought here. That stupid feeling in my stomach sets in again and I can't fight my smile. I don't even know why I'm smiling.


Leone: It's a cult of some sort. Those guys work for someone higher than them. I don't think they random thugs.
Panic evolves inside of my chest. My brother was beat up by people who are in a cult. I back away from the screen, but quickly recollect myself. Leone turns to me with a concerned look on his face.
Leone: You alright there, love?
I nod my head and turning back to the screen. I gesture my hand towards the picture on the screen.

Me: What do they do exactly?
Leone: They kill people and not just anyone but-
Me: Homosexuals, they kill homosexuals.
My heart pounds in my chest and pain seeps in. I feel sweaty all of a sudden. My brother could've died too. They could've killed him.
Leone nods and slides to another frame. My insides twist in disgust at the image in front of me. Men, executed with what seems to be a blade. All of them are naked. Slide, and their backs show. Scars all over their backs.

Leone: They torture them first before slashing their throats. See those men are all dead and have been for about a few months now. This is an underground cult but the leader is someone known by everyone.
He crosses his arms over his chest looking at the screen. Those men did nothing wrong and they died such cruel deaths because of being gay. My mind registers what he said.
Me: Someone known? Who could that be?
Leone: Bishop Dlomo. Ben Dlomo.
My head snaps to look at him in shock.

Me: The Catholic Church bishop Dlomo?
Leone nods and turns to me with a serious look. I can't believe, why would he do that.
As if Leone read my mind talks again;
Leone: He's using the church as a front. What he actually deals with is wiping all gays in his cult in the name of God.
He uncrosses one of his arms and points to the screen again. I turn to look at different men who all look old enough to be my father.
Leone: These are all of the people involved in his cult. All these men are being lead by him.

And the screen shows a picture of Bishop Dlomo in his church clothes. This just got interesting. This man is disgusting. He goes all over the world preaching about the word of God and how people should love each other. This is another level of repulsive. What this man does is abominable. Leone and I stand in infront of the big screen showing bishop's picture,  an old man with a scruffy face. He was short too and now that I look at him closely he looks kinda scary.

Me: I need all of them arrested. I'm going to appeal in court with this.
Leone: You can't go against these men Thando, they dangerous. You'll be killed before you make the appeal in court.
Is he serious right now? Does he expect me to let these disgusting men roam the street killing more people because of their sick twisted mind against homosexuals.
Me: You can't expect me to let them be Leone. You can't expect me to sit still with all of this information?

Leone sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. That thing he does with his tongue, he does it again. And I notice he does it when he's thinking or frustrated with something.
Me: Leone, they'll kill more people. They need to be stopped before more men are killed in the hands of these sick men.
I place my hand on his arm to make him look at me. He needs to understand that I need to do this thing for my brother.
Leone: It's too dangerous, love. Give it to the police then but don't get involved.

Me: No! I have to be the one to put them behind bars. South African police are useless. Do you really think they would go against a man like him? He's powerful. Who will fight for those gay men like I would? Huh.
Leone: Why are you fighting for them so much? Why are you risking your life for a man that powerful if you know he's powerful
Me: Because. . .
I sigh and look away from him. But Leone makes me face him with his hand on my face.

Leone: Tell me why this is so important to you and maybe I'll let you do this.
I look at him. And I know if I don't tell him he won't let me have this information so I open my mouth and speak;
Me: My brother was ambushed by bishop's men a while back because he's gay.
I walk to the couch and slump down on it.
Leone sits next to me and we both look forward without saying anything. Now he knows why I need to do this myself.

Leone: That's why I dropped you at the hospital that night. Those men we fought with that day, they did it didn't they?
I turn my face to look at him. I nod my head slowly. Leone leans back in the couch. I do the same then silence fills the room. Shortly, I hear Leone speaking;
Leone: You not gonna do this alone. If you doing this, I'm doing it with you. We bring them down together.
I sit straight and look at him with a small smile on my face. He's letting me have the information and more than that he's gonna help me.

Leone: I keep you safe while you put them behind bars, deal?
Me: Deal.
Leone stares at me for a while and I don't look away either. I don't want to know why he's eager to protect me but I'm glad he is.
Leone: What are you doing to me, love?
This is gonna be a long ride with this man and I'm ready to go through it with him. I'm ready to get justice for those men and more but mostly for my brother. I find myself resting my head on his shoulder as we stay in the couch with no one saying anything.

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