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Leo got in his car and drove off. He was driving so fast, that it seemed as if everything was a blur. In the middle of nowhere, he stopped the car on the side of the road and banged on the steering wheel with his fisted hands.
Leo: Ahhhhhh!!
He screamed so loud, rubbing hard on his face with his rough hands. He was angry as well as hurt. His mind went back to how his Elizabeth looked when he said all those mean things to her.

How broken she looked, the hurt in her eyes. She didn't even want him to wipe the tears away. But he knew it was for the best. He couldn't allow himself to put the only woman he's ever loved in danger. He had to protect her first before anything. Yes, he was a selfish man and there wasn't anything he wanted more than to have her all to himself, no matter the cost, but it wasn't worth losing her. Vladimir was unpredictable, if Leo didn't heed his warning the next person on the list was his woman.

He composed himself and checked his wristwatch, reading the time, he had less than 70 hours left. Enough time to execute his plan and get his brother back. The situation was such that it was possible Leo would not come out alive from it. And if ever it came to that point, it was better that Elizabeth resents him. Even if he was to die, he didn't want her to cry for him, it was to be easier for her to curse him instead. If anything, he really hated it when she cried.

He grabbed the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white. He laid his forehead against it. He smiled himself, amused by how his life had done a 180 degree just in a few weeks he had been in a foreign country by just meeting a woman.
Leo: I noticed...
He paused, his head still against the wheel and his hands fisting it hard.
Leo: All those nights that you cried yourself to sleep. I heard your cries. Every time I had to listen to you cry alone, it felt like someone was taking a piece of my heart. Fuck, I noticed and I didn't do anything. I couldn't do anything.

He slowly rose his head and threw it back, resting it against the seat.
Leo: There was nothing I wanted more than to hold you and tell you that I love you. To tell you that you shouldn't have to cry anymore. That I was going to make sure you never have to cry anymore.
His words coming out in whispers. He lowly laughed at his own words.
Leo: I never wanted to see you cry Elizabeth, because it hurt every time, every single time.
He sighed and wiped the lone tear that had rolled down his face. Crying for the first time in years, and for a woman. It felt foreign to him to cry, it was a rare thing.

Leo started the car and drove to Snakes house. He had to make sure his woman was taken care of, and who better than the woman who was like a sister to Elizabeth to take good care of his woman. He parked in the driveway and made his way to the door. He knocked once and soon Lisa opened the door for him. He knew the woman was slightly startled by him, he looked different from the Leo they had met before. This man in front of her was a monster.

Betty's pov

I felt like my heart was ripped out of my body and thrown away and I just couldn't find it anymore. After just staying on the floor and doing nothing but cry silent tears. I got up and slowly made my way to the bedroom that Leo and myself shared. Everything just felt heavy, seeing everything and smelling his fragrance that still lingered around the room. I could still feel him, his aura. I could still feel him breathing hard on top of me as I looked long and hard at the bed in which we made love in.

I was asking myself, was it really just sex to him. He didn't feel anything as we made love to each the whole night. My heart refused to believe that for a second, against it being bruised and battered. But just as I was starting to think that maybe he had a reason for whatever he just did, his words came crashing in my head, making me think just the worst. "Miss Jones, I'm a man with needs. You happened to fulfil those last night and now I want you out of my house."
The words pierced through my already sore heart. I didn't think it was possible for my heart to feel anymore pain anymore.

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