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Snakes sits around the table with his mind all over Lisa, not even paying attention to what is being said around the table.
Mbali: Betty would you like to be one of my bridesmaids?
Mbali smiles in anticipation at the shocked girl whose mouth is agape.
Mbali: I mean I know it's been a few weeks we've known each other but you Lisa's friend, Lisa is family so that makes you family too, If you want but if you -
Betty: I'd love to.
She beams at her. She had never had friends before until she met Monalisa who showed her nothing but kindness. Mbali squealed clapping her hands.

Snakes' ears perked at the information, Betty? Where has he had that name? Like his mind was spiralling it clicked that Ronnie had mentioned something about Aunty Betty. He cocked an eyebrow at his thoughts. I mean it could be that she was talking about another Betty right? But how coincidentally enough would that be that two Bettys attendee the same party. Or that two Betty's were in his circle of friends. Not wanting to take that risk he asked instead.
Snakes: Betty?
Everyone kept quiet as he said it out loud, Betty looked at the man who was looking at her with a confused look. He kept repeating what Mbali said about Betty and Lisa, then Ronnie calling her aunty.

Just in that moment, Lisa walked in, immediately his eyes went to her, with a glare that was so scary it could make someone want to get swallowed in by the ground. Lisa halted in her steps not knowing what his problem was.
Snakes: Aunty Betty?
His eyes not leaving hers, he saw her gulp and her eyes go wide, his suspicion got confirmed by her expression. Everyone had watched with wide eyes, those who knew were now waiting for his next move.

He got up, ever so slightly and stood in front of Lisa.
Snakes: Who's Ronnie?
He saw her blink with fear in her eyes. He clenched his jaw, the anger boiling in him.
Snakes: Who the fuck is Ronnie!?
He shouted, punching his fist on the glass door, breaking it in the process, he saw how she flinched but he didn't care right now, he needed answers.
Snakes: Don't you dare cry, answer me!
He grabbed her chin in a tight hold when she looked away from him and he looked in her glossy eyes with a fiercing glare.

Lisa: She's my child.
Snakes' chest was now heaving up and down in anger. He heard a ringing in his ears due to the anger bubbling inside of him.
Snakes: Is she mine?
Lisa kept quiet, he held on tighter and she whimpered in pain. He knew what he was doing but he was too angry to care right now.
Siya: You hurting her man, let her explain.
Snakes: Answer me Monalisa.
Choosing to ignore his friend he asked again. His voice just a whisper but venom dripping from it.
Lisa: Yes.
His hand loosened from her chin, he backed away. Disbelief all over his face.

His heart dropped, his eyes welling up with tears, blinding his vision, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe she would stoop that low, fine she may hate him but to deny him his rights.
I'm thwee! His mind registered the little girl's words earlier. He stumbled over to the door, Lisa grabbed his arm, he yanked it back from her with a glare, pleading with her eyes for him to understand but he didn't care at that time.
Snakes: Fuck you!
He walked away with his head down, red eyes and bloody hand from breaking the glass door.

Then he saw her, she laughed running around the small coffee table with Lungi and Jade. Her eyes found his, her smile stretched she waved at him. He found himself smiling with teary eyes, he waved back at her. No matter what she did, he still loved her and respected her so he wouldn't do anything to confuse the little girl, he wouldn't destroy a bond between  a mother and a child. Fuck, his child. He walked the other direction when Ronnie walked towards him.
Cursing himself on the way, he rushed to his car, but before he could open the door, Lisa held his hand.

He didn't move only his jaw kept on clenching. He touched his face, turning him around. She was a crying mess, as much as he hated seeing her like this, he was hurt and angry too.
Lisa: Listen to me. . .
Snakes: Three years old, she's three years old Monalisa.
Lisa: I-i I'm sorry.
Snakes: Were you ever going to tell me?
Lisa let go of his wrist, he chuckled at her silence, and nodded.

Snakes: Okay, so how long did you think you were to keep her a secret for?
Lisa: Mndeni, I was scared-
His anger blinded his comprehension, the fact that she actually called him by his name not Snakes, didn't register to him.
Lisa: Don't shout at me okay, I was scared you'd take her away from me.

Snakes: How low do you think of me huh, is this what I've become to you?Lisa: You can't blame me for what I think of you

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Snakes: How low do you think of me huh, is this what I've become to you?
Lisa: You can't blame me for what I think of you.
Snakes: Oh yeah, you kept my daughter from me woman!!
Lisa: And you killed my father!

He kept quiet, defeated by the person in front of him, he couldn't see the love of his life anymore, this woman was cold, was this her revenge for what he did, did she do this because of that. He looked at her regretful face as she opened her mouth and closed it again with no words. He shook his head for her to not even try.
Snakes: This is the man you want me to be, fine then. I'm taking custody of my child and I swear You. Will. Never. See. Her. Again!
He watched as she shook her head with sobs coming from her mouth, he opened the door and got in, he drove out of there in a speed no one has seen.

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